Page 49 - Phoenix2003
P. 49
COMMENTARY Wednesday, Novemebr J 2,2003 - Page 5 I Saved a Life: I Gave Housing Policy Bias McDaniel' housing policy is draw 10 get into the sume suite 0 Blood ~:~~;I~IJY biased against beccro- By Krys{i Durcholz ~~:~hh~;:~r~~:~~I~:I:~I:~~O~~~~~ It is simple to see, and some- housing to all single rooms. prohib- Even so, either the guy or th by Jamie Fallows hing I think of every time 1 sec two tung all couples from rooming to- girl, or both, has ro lind a room trlsin Allies t-shirts walking down gether, or mate of the same sex, and fe There's a small whole in my y hall together. Ok, this is a "lib- 2) The college must allow co- people are willing to live in a arm. I'm tired and dizzy. Generally. rat" arts school. We have an ac- ed double rooms apartment with a couple for th I feel like crap. But it's all worth on campus. If Since the college would have to ive gay community same reason students would b it: I gave blood. cut total enrollment in half in or- ou dot like it. you just have to suck lined up in from or Student Affair On Thursday, October 23, The 1 up and deal with it. der to place all students in single if a co-ed double room policy wa American Red Cross held a blood rOOJl1s, number two is really the But. it is the very Iacr that we instituted. drive in the Forum. After eating a only feasible possibility. lave all active gay community on Plus, even if heterosexuu nice lunch as I was instructed, I Granted, parents would be out- his campus that makes the hous- couples do make it through all th showed up to begin the very long. raged at their sons and daughters ng policy here so culturally biased: obstacles, officially, they are sul but worthwhile, process of blood openly living with their hetero- omosexuul couples are free to live not permitted to live in the sam donation. ogether in double rooms, while sexual partners. bur. looking at this room. First on my list of things to do: from an equal rights perspective. eterosexuals couples are not. This read. I had to read loads of mate- s .1 bias an obvious paniality that can the college really require pa- On the other! hand, all homo rial on the blood donation process, lust not be allowed to continue. rental consent? sexual couples have to de is pic between the tw the best number how to prepare for it, what to ex- I admit that I haven't conducted Do the gay couples on campus of them, choose a double room pect during and after donating, and y research on the school's policy need to have their parents sign a which is the most abundant type 0 any risks involved. I sighed in re- came, I turned into Super Wimp, egarding this matter, if there even notice say is ok for them to live housing on campus. and then viol lief when Iread that the mostlikely whining, "Get it out of me s one. but it is obvious to me that with their partner? Idon't think so. they move in together in August. risk involved is a bruise at the PLEASE." But I returned to my here is no way of preventing ho- Granted, co-ed double rooms Look at the poor freshmen gauge site and maybe passing out. normal self when they told me to osexual couples from living to- would be a nightmare for Resi- While freshman beterosexua Then I waited ... and waited. go have cookies and juice. I even dence Life sluff. Bickering couples Some people sitting near me had got two bags of Famous Amos be- ether in double rooms on campus. would be lined lip outside the Stu- couples cal even live in the sam for their entire first ye Life can- First of all, Residence building already been there for an hour, so L cause I was "such a trooper." Out- or require students to divulge their dent Affairs Office every day. and of school. freshman homosexu knew I had some time to kill. If standing. RAs would become less like jun- only I had something to do during I sat with Kim Curry, who was exual preferences. even if there W(lS ior Campus Safety Officers and couples can live IN THE SAM ROOM! Secondly. that time ... in charge of the blood drive, while ome effort to prohibit homosexual more like marriage counselors. Ienjoyed my snack. This registered ouples from living together in on- BUT ... this is an obvious issue You know, if we're going 10 tak "The media is not hyping nurse has donated up to three gal- ampus housing, there is no way of equal rights. as clear as can be. the cross off our church and relin quish all ties to Christianity, wh things up, there really IS ~~:~So:h~ltO~ei~~:eb:~~h:nO:o~~:~ or college staff to verify whether If guy students are given the choice be sentimental and hold on to th tudems have been honest in claim- to live in double rooms with their Christian morals that prevent bet a bad blood shortage... with the American Red Cross. She partners, the same choice rnust be It's like milk. Blood says that they were expecting more ng not to be involved in relation- allowed to heterosexual students. erosexual cohabitation? room- hips with their prospective and a It is a matter of principle needs to be thrown away ~:;e ~:i~;~~~el~~r:hOW up and marter of erhics that T dot think has -Krysti Durcholz is a after 45 days /" Blood "The media is not hyping things ights This is not all article about gay really occurred to the heterosexual Senior Literature and or dis- or whether I agree Creative Writing Dual Drive director Kim Curry ~~~~::~~,~~~~~~P~i~:~"~tl~~~ gree with homosexual behavior. couples on (·ampus. I mean. {hink Major exclaims. take up to 80 units to keep some- his is an article about equal rights. about it. Fora heterosexual coupk to live together at all, both have to see only two solutions: Alter that, 1 underwent a short one alive during a liver transplant, I) The college must dWJl e its pick good enough numbers at room physical examination, which con- which is about everything that sisted mainly of questions. They we've collected here today!" To Cheat or Not to Cheat? also checked my temperature and The blood will go to some of pricked my finger to check my the 88 area hospitals and possibly blood's iron content. Ouch. the military, should they need it. Is Sharing Truly Caring? I waited a little more before they' There is one olher problem with . put me in the dentist's chair, as I so blood donation. Aside from the Joe Adelizzi lovingly called it, gave me a Sprite, national shortage, blood expires. Staff Writer and stuck me. Big ouch! ''It's like milk. Blood needs to be Some students for example Keep in mind that I have never thrown away after 45 days!" Curry We have all been there; silting would even go as far as text mes- come so prevalent in the American done lhis before. It's a little disturb- exclaims. in a classroom the day ora test with saging answers to each other on cell society? ing watching your blood fill a little Curry also informs that the not a clue of what any of the an- phones while taking the test. Olh- But when we look at what our plastic bag. I was a little uneasy al American Red Cross will return to swersare. ers, would write formulas on their society has turned into it is no won- first. but the phlebotomists (the McDaniel College on April 14. Maybe you were Ollt the night wrist and put a bandage over it 10 der the youth of America have before, or just tmaliy forgot you turned to the easy way out. We live folks that took my blood) were very ~:r'el~:e~~ ;~: t;r~~~~:~l~~~ had a test the next day. But, what keep it hidden. in an age of high speed internet, sweet and understanding to me. Also. all 84% of students who The technician that took my blood nation centers in lhe area that are are you supposed to do? The hon- had cheated in high school said Ihut instant, and cell phones. even held my hand because she open year-round. est and trustworthy thing to do they would look over at a nearby Where patience is not rewarded but would be to take the F that you looked down upon. And immedi- could tell just how much I HATE In the "Chesapeake Area," as test to either get or COmpare an- probably rightfully deserve and ate results are necessary for one to needles. Some of the other dona- ~:~7:rsC~~I~~~~~~:e~~~t~0~:~oh~ pick yourself up on the next test. swers. be successful. ~~:n~:.r~:~~o very sweet to me. Glen Burnie, Bel Air, and some in However, there is another pos- The most staggering of all the Of course if one was caught sibly. another road that could be statistics is that 98% said that they cheating or plagiarizing at the col- So J looked around a bit, and I ~~~:,~!c ?hOeur~tY'alr~th;e'~;~~~mt~ would usuallycopy someone else's lege level he or she would be taken. You could cheat. was impressed with what I saw. Rockville. Gaithersburg, Washing- Disturbingly enough cheating homework word for word. Mean- thrown out of school immediately. There was a great turnout, with all ton D.C., and Fairfax, VA. recently at the high school level has ing that students very rarely would That is why 100% of the students kinds of people there. The staff was So I still feel like crap, but after do their own work, and rarely surveyed said that they no longer become the road most often cho- very safe, using personal prolective giving it some thought, it was defi- sen. would they take pride in showing. cheat or plagiarize. But the dam- equipment such as medical gloves, nitely worth it. Curry told me that Of the 50 McDaniel College the teacher that they knew what age has already been done. When glasses. and masks. The area was one unit of blood could save 2 or 4 students that were surveyed 42 ad- they were supposed to of learned we look back on aUf high school kept clean and orderly, and every lives. Imagine thaI. mitted to cheating on a test while the night before. years later on in life. and pull an in high school. That's an amazing However, only 44% said that old test, what will we tell our kids? piece of medical equipment used For more information, go to the 84%; Lets be clear on what the defi- they had ever plagiarized while After all how often have we ac- was sterile and disposed of prop- American Red Cross website: nilion of cheating is. Websites de- writing a paper. This number is sure tually gotten the grade that we de- erly ~:: :s:hile my arm started fines cheating as the act of dec~iv- to be increased in the near future served. ing or swindling; deception; fraud with new websites containing al- hurting. I looked down, and behold! -Jamie Fallows is a ready written papers popping up all A lovely rainboW bruise was ~o.m- There are many different ways over the internet. ing lhrough. Lovely. The technl~lan sophomore stUdio art that students go about cheating: The immediate question to ask took a look at the bag an~ reah~d major 76% said [hey had taken tests while yourself is. why has cheating be- lhat my blood just wasn t flowmg using a cheat sheet of some sort.
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