Page 50 - Phoenix2003
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Wednesday, Novemeber 12,2003 - pa,.:g:_e_6 C_O...:.__M-eM_cE"'N_c_cT.:.::A-=.R"'Y=- _ Staff With the Democratic Party Still Lacking a Editors-In-Chief Erin Romanski '04 Popular Candidate, Bush Could Win 2005 LeRoy McDuffie.'05 by Rob Goeke News Editor Katie Martin '06 Never static, ever fluid, the race to win industries, grew by 7.2% in the third quarter These figures would be problematic even for the 2004 presidential election is ever more of the fiscal year. This was the highest growth a president with Clinton-like popularity. With since 1984. Features Editor difficult to predict due to recent events. However, these figures can be read in two Bush, who never won the popular vote in the are even more fore- first place, these numbers Laura Petersen '06 Immediately following 9/11, it appeared ways. Since companies had been laying off boding. certain that George Bush would reside at workers for the previous two years, firms 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue until early Janu- Also, the Iraq occupation has fallen into Commentary Co-Editors ary, 2009. However, in the period following have had less variable costs, and were able a malaise. More soldiers have died in the to gamer a profit more easily. Also, the low Jamie Fallows '06 the attacks, the economy regressed, 2.7 mil- interest rate gave consumers incentive to occupation of Iraq than during the actual war Brian Patterson '05 lion Americans lost their steady employment, borrow money. This, combined with the to depose Saddam Hussein. As many as and BushOs approval rating steadily de- Bush-sponsored tax cut, gave Americans thirty-five small scale attacks are carried out clined. against the international collation each day. Sports Editor These factors would normally spell in- more disposable income to spend. They put With bombing of the UN's headquarters and as a this income back into the economy, Ryan Brod '06 evitable doom for a President, but White result, the economy now has at least experi- in Baghdad recently and the attack on an House speech writers are not quite ready to enced growth for the short term. American Chinhook helicopter on Novem- Assistant Sports Editor begin drafting a concession speech. The third reason that Bush still has a ber 2nd which left 15 dead and 27 wounded (taken from, it is clear that po- Pat O'Toole '07 There are three factors behind why Bush fighting chance is that he has more monetary litical unrest is still present in Iraq. seems like he could survive the problems that have arisen during his presidency. resources available than candidates oppos- If more attacks like these are carried out Advertising Manager First, the Democratic Party does not have ing him. Perhaps he has made mistakes, but and more Americans are killed, Bush could has Bush the ability in untold to pour Dirk Sampselle '06 a clear opponent to the incumbent. At last amounts of capital to overcome these errors. feel the detrimental political effects. Tal~- count, nine politicians were vying for the ing about the presidential election at this As the saying goes, money talks. point is like a season preview for a sports partyOs lone nomination. And, if recent polls Subscriptions Manager So after reading this, you must be con- team. It is not clear who will contribute, who Katie Martin '06 are accurate, no favorite exists. No candi- vinced. Bush will overcome his difficulties will be a key player or a non-factor. And like date has been able to gain 20% of the sup- port. Wesley Clark and Howard Dean have and win the election handily, right? most previews, there is a high probability Well, not quite. Senior Writers somewhat separated themselves from the Unless the economy maintains this high that these predictions will tum out to be false. But in order to predict, one must have an idea Chrisnanna Bagby '04 competition. Clark has used his former mili- rate of growth, which is unlikely, there will of what is going to happen. Fruzsina Nagy '04 tary involvement to garner support while still be a significant number of voters that Bush does not have a single opponent yet roots on a grass Robbie Saville '04 Dean has relied to gain momentum. internet were gainfully employed in 2000 and will and the situations with the economy and Iraq How- based campaign Whether Rebecca Sellerti '04 ever, even their lead over the other candi- be out of work next November. is directly re- or are in constant change. With so many possi- not BushOs policy economic dates is paper thin. sponsible for this is up for debate, but usu- bilities and (at the time this article is pub- Photographers The second factor helping Bush is the ally the man in charge becomes the scape- lished) roughly 355 days until the election, Bailey Fannin '05 recent resurgence in the economy. Accord- goat, and Bush would suffer. predictions are out of the question at this point. Fruzsina Nagy '04 ing to the latest issue of The Economist, If half of these newly unemployed vot- Product (GOP), Gross Domestic AmericaOs Jenn Parry '05 which indicates the market value of ers vote in 2004 and hold a grudge against -Rob Goeke is a freshmen at AmericaOs domestic Dubya, there is potential for a million votes McDaniel College to be lost by the incumbent to his opponent. Staff Writers Joe Adelizzi '07 .N.S.W.E.R. Bashes Bush, Jet-Setting: Krysti Durcholz '04 Bayley Fannin '05 ut with Little Substance Rob Goeke '07 Thnisia Lindsay Graham '07 that the world could live in harmonv one Brad Groover '05 and for all. • by Fruzsina Nagy Last Ki m Lowry '07 .N.S.W.E.R Saturday a group known as The members of AN.S.W.E.R decline (Act Now Stop War Beth McClane '06 nd Racism) gathered within to mention that the Unite Tunisia is an African country by the and it is not a budget Bryan Renbaum '06 hadows or tne Lmcotn wremona has actually liberated Iraqi Mediterranean Sea for Western visitors. It's and that most buster, especially Nick Schneider '05 o protest the ongoing Americans to stay for a usually possible to get a clean room for about tion of Iraq. Nearly a Kelly Shaw '07 f a million people another year. But the US$5 per person, and main dishes in local Nate "Dawg'' Starun '07 . no need to menno restaurants are often in the US$4 range. If Walter Zatis '05 you're fighting to keep costs down, you can get by on around US$15 a day, but you'll have more fun with a budget of about US$25 and can live like royalty for upwards of US$40. The budget meals are between US$3-5, the mid-range US$5-30 and the top-end is from US$30 and upwards Tunisia has a lot of activities to offer for tourists. Tunisia is just waking up to the pos- sibility of trekking. The forest of the Kroumlrte Mountains around 'Ain Draham have enormous potential, but decent maps have yet to be drawn. More popular righl now, camel trekking is best arranged out of Zaafrane, 12krn (8mi) south-west of Douz, where you can arrange anything from ~ hour's ride to an eight-day oasis hop. [fth~s hooks you on the desert's charms, dune S~l- iug and land yachting can be arranged III Mail to: certain areas. ThePJroenix For those who just want to get a darker McDaniel College, 2 College Hill skin tone, Tunisia's best beaches are in the WesuninslCr,MD21157 north around Ghar et-Melh, Tabarka and (410)751-8600 Bizerte, much better than the crowded ones FAX: (410) 857-2729 E-Mail: at ~:e:;~:~ city is Tunis, which compared with most mega-cities elsewhere in the
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