Page 42 - Phoenix2003
P. 42
-"F~E~A:...:T:.U=R~E~S~.-=-=-r:;-::-~-=~'-:::-'IrT-=--:::-::::L:=-=I- Wednesday, October 22, 2003 _ page~6~ Staff Spring Grove's Haunted Editors-In-Chief ERIN ROMANSKI Erin Romanski '04 Co-Editor-in-Chief Mill Thrills? LeRoy McDuffie '05 FRUZSINA NAGY Combo package and hit all five rides in one Senior Writer night, or $20 for four rides with the Large disclaimers posted on the walls before en- the rides, specifically those warning tering News Editor REBECCA SELLE1TI Combo Package or just $15 for two rides pregnant women and people with heart prob- Senior Writer with a $5 off coupon. Katie Martin '06 lems, should have included To purchase individual tickets a warning about the many Features Editor Looking for a scary time? Want to oc- for each ride, particularly the three cans of air that would be cupy an otherwise blase Thursday night? newest features (the hay ride, com sprayed at you throughout Laura Petersen '06 walk and terror trail) are each only Have $20 burning a hole in your pocket? the course of the night. $7 a pop. Well, you're in luck! The Haunted Mill Call us crazy, but Commentary Co-Editors is your best bet (that is if you're looking for While you may wish to make a loud bursts of smoky air Jamie Fallows '06 "commercialized terror") and waiting for night out of it and get the "Com- isn't frightening, just head- you might want to Brian Patterson '05 mommy and daddy topick you up at the end plete Package," the park opens at 6 ache-inducing and obnox- arrive when of the night. for the 20-30 In other words, not to knock Spring p.m. to compensate Overall, the Ter- Sports Editor Grove, PA's #J in the state fright fest, but minutes spent waiting in line at the ror Trail was enjoyable Ryan Brod '06 unless you're a minor, you might not be able entrance gate before each indi- enough. to fully appreciate the at- vidual attraction. Although it Have no fear (no Assistant Sports Editor tractions on Colonial Valley pun intended) the hoards of seemed that the workers Pat O'Toole '07 Road:"The Haunted Mill." preteens surrounding you will got just as tired of seeing us as we were of Let's back up for a bit. seeing them, as they were nearly nonexist- be sure to provide entertain- Variety is. one of The ent toward the end of our journey through Advertising Manager Haunted Mill's appeals. ment for hours. Take a the dirt trail in the woods. Dirk Sampselle '06 . You have five opportunities younger sibling to pass {he If the Haunted Mill is a must for you scare to be scared upon entry into time and fit in with the crowd. freaks, then the mill itself is a worthwhile the park. Upon our arrival at the investment, provided you enjoy claustropho- Subscriptions Manager Among them are The mill (after 45 minutes of driv- bic winding mazes through pitch black, car- Katie Martin '06 Haunted Mill (one of the ing through East Bumble peted walls (yes, I said carpeted walls). down dark, narrow roads-the oldest, but probably the Overall, the night was enjoyable. scariest part of the whole Photographers best attraction to be had at Bring a large group and you'll have some Stefanie Lilly '06 the park) the Terror Trail, night's adventure by the way), good laughs if nothing else, and may even Dark Zone(also an older we came to the realization that get an employee or two to take a break from Fruzsina Nagy '04 two hours was barely enough ride), Creepy Corn Walk growling to pose for a picture. Jenn Parry '05 and Haunted Hay Ride. time to cover the Small Combo Package. (See picture at left) For $25, you can get the Complete We also came to the conclusion that the Copy Editor CD Review: Outkast Deshawn McNeil '04 Graphic Designers Beth McLane '06 Jessica Watson '05 ROB GOEKE Yes. Unique? Absolutely. Outkast's fans Staff Writer have learned to expect nothing less. awhile, it may be scratched up from over- use. Senior Writers Sure, they are still Outkast, but now, instead For the eclectic soul, there is nothing bet- You got used to the consistency. Nothing Christi anna Bagby '04 wrong with admitting it. of being inseparable, they are now only at- ter out now. Fruzsina Nagy '04 a ne:~~~~~i~~ --,....,=. tached at the pinky toe. While Andre took an expansionary vrew Robbie Saville '04 The main ques- of his music on this record, Big Boi chose to Rebecca Sel1etti '04 1994, another tion lingered: can go the opposite way: going through hip-hop out ev- in .1996, a third the two individu- with a fine tooth comb and pulling Walter Zalis '04 als match what erything good he could find. in 1998 and a the duo has al- Perhaps his greatest achievement is that Staff Writers ready achieved? he does not fall into the repetitive malaise Rob Goeke '07 Overall, yes. that most hip-hop artists have fallen into Bradley Groover '05 Together or presently, apart,itisstillthe It can be argued that Big Boi Ted Rossini '05 same wonderful experiements as much as Andre does, except Nicholas Schneider '05 chronicle. ambiance. he does so within the hip-hop style. Amalie Shaffer '07 But when To tell the sty lis- "Ghetto Musick" has rapping to a techno Nate "Dawg" Staron '07 you hugged tic differences beat, creating a rapid fire, pulse pounding someone as the from each part of song similar to "B.O.B." from chapter four ball dropped on the release, one of the story, Stankonia. "Bowtie" is consid- Times Square only needs to erably more chilled and laid back than the o.:.z Adviser to begin 2003, it look at who is previous song, but still high quality. !---""';Il>I:Q<..IJa.LtIm __-:--:-i hit you. Act featured on the 'The Way You Move," the present single, _?!::.~~~~-=~~":reor!!,,·ons_ e.>o, four of the saga albums. is a cross between the two previous songs: it I"....,.,...UU' ...... '~llJ ...... _ •• u"""" J'",'.':-::~ was still on re- On Big Boi'sSpeakerboxxx, Jay-Z is funkified and laid back at the same time. staff, the fawlty, or the administrators of McDanielCol peat. appears. On The Love Below, Andre collabo- Later in the album, "Flip Flop Rock" and lege'The paper welcomes nee-ieee submissions o. Act five was nowhere to be found. rates with Norah Jones. "Reset" close the album out strongly. Macintoshdisksin most word proa!S.o;orf(llT113lS. Theedi Why the wait? There had to be a reason.1?e Their solo albums are an extension So trying to choose which half of the tor.;reo;ervetherighttoedilfocclarity,~~,andlibel~ hip-hop innovators that threw southern fned of their musical selves, with Andre using double disc is superior is like trying to de- :l=:t:~:::;ni~~~::-=;:;:/~I~~funk into the rap cauldron had to have some- funk and rhythm while Big Boi is a rapper finitivelyanswer if Bird is better than Magic thing even more creative up their sleeves, in the more traditional sense. This contrast or Mantle is better than Mays. -~ nir=:I~=andphonenum~foc.~ right? creates two distinct experiences with each It is all a matter of perspective. tiorI. Nameswitl be withheldonly by the discrelKlnofth So you kept vigil. CD. 1 That being said, though most fans had Edi~_~~ notdiscriminate hased 00age,~, Then, September 23 came. You ran to the Andre dabbles in everything from some-separationanxiety when they saw both religion,gender,sexualorientotiUl,nationaloogin,condi record store and bought SpeakerboxxxIThe spoken word ("Happx,Yaly,n!ine'spay") to members ofOutkast were putting out a solo tionofhandicap,ocmaritalstalUS Love Below. Your eyes beamed and yqur gnn crooning .("Prototype") to rapping, ("Hey album, this' nervousnessuwasswholly. uno Mail 10' " , t gleamed'lt ~astwo CDs DoubJe the mus~c Ya!") to even a' spe~up I1!Plix o!-,,'~y, Ea'-~Ifollnded. ThePhoeni:c I Hope fulfilletl, nght') l!!voriteiThi~s:," "i:>/I;;lon !J:J/ I~J.":. 'I' JII'.:IJIt)JS a megniflcenncreattowenotatmosr McDanielCo11ege,2Co1IcgeHill W~,MD211S1 Both 'Ore and Boi had ~. . :-th 'Ii) -JrlU ·~J.g~;_as the prelo(iO"UslfourJi1Ub 10WJ:,::.q; 1f.>!J (410)751-8600 yet they released each IT :mlts.JJniQUelless IOOyt£Il:J,I.sSryanti;.get :albi¢lr . number six going,
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