Page 51 - Phoenix2003
P. 51
COMMENTARY Wednesday, Novemeber 12 ,2003 ~Page 7 Pulling Out Early Never Works ... s there a Bias in the Campus improvements and a lawyer gets shot The cnteria schools were judged on edia? In the first, we had a medu by Brian Patterson included the lowestacceptance rate frenzy. The public could', ge and the highest proportion of enough of seeing "Slick Willie' Our firsl question this week classes with fewer than 20 students. t doesn't matter squirm and lie about where, welt comes from a concerned American The school is letting more people his willie had been.The medir citizen who asks. why are our in, but not improving the physical y Brad Groover rushed to satiate the public's base armed forces still occupying Iraq? quality of the campus. There's a To reduce the argument to ab- needs for sexual scandal, going as plan, hut there's no sign of it being urdity, because Ithink it warrants far to describe cigar insertions an President Bush declared major implemented. the stains on a dress. Despite tha oing so. [compare combat over in Iraq several months wo friends quarrelling the dispute to fact, the Country was doing great over a par- ago, yet last Sunday 16 U.S. sol- born economically and diplomati OurfinaJ question comes from icular brand of pizza. diers were killed after their helicop- cally. readers who asks, how many limes "I don't like it; the sauce is en- ter was attacked and shot down. In the latter instance, we have could you get shot at point blank irely too sweet," says the ftrst. This was the highest number of more somber and even depressin range and survive? the second. casualties sustained in anyone day 'the "Wrong."replies is entirely too instance off'residential abuse ( sauce since the official fighting ceased. Lawyer Jerry Curry was gunned would go as far to say misanthropy Bush declared that the U.S. "will down outside of a Southern Cali- itter."Both positions maybe valid. but that's just my opinion.). By at never run," and White House removing our forces now would be fornia on Friday October 31 by a But, imagine if these two evidence, Bush lied in his State-of spokesmen Trent Duffy vowed to a huge mistake. Civil warwill most client who was upset with a settle- ienda argued the point continu- the-Union Addressconceming hi take the fight to the enemy. certainly break OUl, and Hussein ment he recieved as a result of usly. Each night. they ordered motives for. in the words of Noa This war was never justified to could even regain power. After all, Curry's work .. rom the same pizza pJace.~ Then. Chomsky. employing "the most begin with. Our soldiers are still oc- pulling out early never works. hey presented examples of awesome military force in hum Curry ducked behind a tree to cupying a country that was invaded protect himself, but was still shot acb other's positions. history ...against II. defenseless en without a substantial reason. After On a differenl note, a McDaniel twice, in the arm and neck. at point Of course, this would never emy .. .'· Where are those "weapon all, we still haven't found any College graduate student wants to blank range. appen. Any two reasonable people of mass destruction." "chemic weapons of mass destruction. know, what happened to the new The gunman, 60-year-old Will- ould slmplyagree that the pizza and biological weapons," and Prior to the invasion Saddam academic building? iam Strier, then pocketed his re- sted bad and then buy from an- "nuclear weapons?" Hussein ran his regime relatively volver and calmly walked away. ther pizza place. See Suddenly, we have a Presiden smoothly. He had been in power In the Winter/Spring issue of iyccmpariscn? making harsh mistake" that impac Curry then stumbled out from be- since 1979 and in the last election "The Hill" magazine, an article by Rather then argue over moot the grearergood. Even so, the me hind the tree, threw his hands in the he received 100 percent of the Kim Asch outlined the plans for ints, Iurge people from both con- dia scrutiny all but disappears. TIt air and fell to the ground. Curry popular VOle. growth on this campus. The plan was injured, but survived the shoot- rervattve andhberal camps to seek economy sucks. The stock marke Heck, Bush didn't even come called for new entrances to the dditional mediasources.Don't be- Is a joke. And, millions of A.:meri close to that, and all he has man- school, renovations to Gill Center, ing and is in stable condition. 'orne stagnant withinany one infer- cans have lost their jobs (2.6mB A film crew that was waiting aged to do it screw up the economy and a new academic building that nation cutlet.lf all you watch is lion the la~1 time I checked). We'!" and give everybody a tax cut. "could break ground as early as this outside the courthouse to photo- 0:( News. you're probably not spending billions for this unpro We'd all be better off if Hussein summer." Well the summer has graph actor Robert Blake as he left Citing the full story. voked war in lraq. More Amertcai had been left in charge. There was come and gone. and there's no con- a hearing in his murder trial caught If all you read is The have lost their Jives after the wa this whole episode on tape. thai whole genocide of Iraqi Kurds struction. After being released from the ndypendent. the same holds was declared "over" than before. in northern Iraq, and the Arabs in When Iread the article I got ex- hospital Curry was "grateful to be rue. And if all you read is The Bush still managed, again, t southern Iraq, but the last time J cited. I even thought thut some of boenix, bless your heart. but my push his tax cut for the richthroug alive." checked no American soldiers were the improvements would be com- od, pleasediverslfy yourself. and he continues to push for legi .. needlessly killed in those episodes. pleted before I graduated. How- My high <;ChOill Latin wacher. lation thaI would ultimately depriv Sure he used poison gas and ex- ever. with the North Village still not r, Peters. always insist~d that 'lhe millions of laborer .. timc-and-a eOlted Iranian prisoners back in the finished, it doesn't appear that any lasses are.asses.'· half ov~n.imc pay. 1980s, but [still don't see any jus- other improvements to the campus Isuppose he's probably not the Yet. somehow, the ,".ISS medi· tification for this war. will be happening soon. The state ost convincing source. Nevenhe- shows lillie concern about the bil Bush categorized this conflict is going to cut higher education ess. his point is much in rune wiUl lions of American ilollan iopen under the large umbrella of the war funding, and with the smallest en~ he PIlltonic view of civilization fighting those illusive "weapon'> 0 on terrorism, but was Hussein re- dowmenl of any school in the Cen- see Plato's Allegory of the Cave ma<;s destruction." ally running a terrorist regime? tennial Conference, the master plan n the Republic). And yet. people <;till insist 0 Bush has yet to outline a plan for campus growth may have to be Taking this for granted, the debating whether the bias is con for peace, but it should start with abandoned. 55 media is aimed at the mass servativeorlibera1. Who cares? Ge the withdrawal of our forces. The The other aspect to the expan- blic (hence the label, funny how your infonnation as an intelligen U.S. should then apologize 10 the sion is increasing the student popu- hings like that workout, huh?). person would. from a number 0 Now, can anyone deny that tbe rest of their world for interfering lation, which is well underway. Jerry Cuny was jusl gralejitllo public is more concerned with perspectives. with their affairs, both in the past This year's freshmen class is one be alive after geninl shot Mice DoD't let some nebulcus writ and in the present. (Aside from of the largest in the school's his- Hey, what do you call 1,0 0 ntertainment than "fajr and bal~ or new&~ancbor formulate you Hussein, this would include fonner tory, but it doesn't look like the lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? news" (of course, 1add Ihe oplaion.Oatbet all the facts an world leaders such as Hitler, physical expansion will be able 10 A good start. (Or just insert your uotes tos,afeguard myself from prepare your own decision. Mussolini, Noriega. and keep up. favorite lawyer joke here.) y looming lawsuit from Fox)? For anyone who denies this fact. Milosovich.) It really is a simple McDaniel received a black eye when it was the only Centennial would ask helshe to look at two ~Bradley Groover Is a Conference school left off "US JumorPhU~phy~r News and World Report's" annual list of top 100 liberal arts colleges. counny town. The city center is museums to teem with foreign visi- compact and easy to navigate, with tors. Tunis' high temperatures top almost everything important to out around 3C (9F) and drop no travelers within the medina and the lower than C (4F) and after all it compact ville nouvelle. are lined with old French buildings makes it a great place to visit any The medina is the historical and replete with wroughl~iron railings lime of the year. Just be aware on and louvred windows, lending il a the market! If you dot bargain, sell~ cultural heart of modern Tunis und a great place to get a feel for life in very European feel {hat's height- ers might get really upset. So loose the city. Built during the 7th ce~- ened by a number of sidewalk cas any snobby attitude in shopping, tury AD. it lost its statuS as TUOlS and patisseries. and just enjoy the cultural experi- Central when Ihe French took over Low season in Tunisia is from ence of bargaining with someone and raised their ville nouvelle January to February, when hotel who can only count till ten in En- around the rurn of the 20th cen~u~. rates are down and the weather's glish! One of the oldest of the medma s cool and rainy. During the sweaty - Fruzsina Nagy is a sights, the Zitouna Mosque w.ns high season. rrom June to August. Senior with a Journalism rebuilt in the 9th century 011 the ~Ite expect hotel rates to be up, car rent- Minor
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