Page 40 - Phoenix2003
P. 40
Wednesday, October 22,2003 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Jet-Setting: City of Prague The Czech Republic is adjoined by Aus- avant-garde theatre; excellent museums; and tria, Germany, Poland and the Slovak Repub- dozens of art galleries. Prague's greatest lic, and this puts it between Western and East- distraction, however, is that it is now one of ern Europe. . Europe's most popular tourist destina- According to Lonely Planet, Prague is a tions and is choked with summer crowds. capital city packed with things to do for tour- You will find the most affordable accom- ists. The city's prime attraction is its physi- modations in Nove Mesto and Smichov. The cal face. The city center is a haphazard mu- central district is full of places to eat, but seum of 900 years worth of architecture - you'll get much more for your crown in Nove Romanesque, Gothic. Renaissance, Baroque, Mesto than Stare Mesto. If it's postcard-pic- 19th-century revivals of all of them, and Art ture views you're after, the Moravian Karst Nouveau - amazingly undisturbed by the is a beautiful, heavily-wooded hilly area 20th century. north of Brno, carved with canyons and hon- This historical core of the city - Hradcany eycombed with some 400 caves, created by (the Castle District) and Mala Strana (the the underground Punkva River. The Karlstejn Castle in Prague (PhotoCourtesy Small Quarter) west of the river, Stare Mesto At Punkevni, groups of 75 people are ad- (the Old Town) and Vaclavske Namesti mitted to the caves every 20 minutes. You (Wenceslas Square) to the east, and Charles walk I km through the deepest caves, ad- By staying at cheap hostels and campsites, Elsewhere, from October or November until Bridge in between - covers about 3 sq km miring the stalactites and stalagmites, end- sticking to self-catering, pub grub, and stand- March or April, most castles, museums and and is pedestrian-friendly, so you needn't go ing up at the foot of the Macocha Abyss. up cafeterias, you might get away with US other tourist attractions, and some associated at break-neck speed to discover its most fa- There you board a small boat for a 400-metre $ 15 per person per day in the summer. accommodations and transports, close down. mous attractions. ride down the Punkva River out of the cave. In a private home or better hostel, with However, for Easter and Christmas/New You'll have to travel further a little far- Other caves to be visited in this area in- meals at cheap restaurants and using public Year, many bottom and mid-range hotels ther to visit Nove Mesto (New Town), with clude Katerinska, Balcarka, and Sioupsko- transport, you can get by on $20 to $25. To drop their prices by a third or more outside its shops, museums, and theatres, Vysehrad, Sosuvske. Traces of prehistoric human civi- share a clean double room with bath in a mid- the summer season. where mythical Prague was born, and the lization have been found in the caves. range hotel or pension, and enjoy good local So what are you doing this New Year's towns of Holesovice, Smichov, Troja and Costs in Prague especially, but also in the or Western meals, plan on at least $30 to $40. Eve? How about going to Prague? vinohrady. At least a dozen medieval cha- Bohemian spas, are higher than elsewhere, May, June and September are the prime vis- teaux and castles are only a day trip away. though things are still fairly cheap for West- iting months, with April and October as -Fruszina Nagy is a senior with a Also high on Prague's attraction list is ern visitors. The big exception is accom- chillier and sometimes cheaper alternatives. its entertainment: rnusic from classical to modation in Prague, for which tourist prices Centers like Prague, Brno, and the moun- Journalism minor. modern jazz and rock; opera and ballet; are in line with those across Western Europe. tain resorts cater to visitors all year round !Let'sretrieve our Poli-Scimajors can't Predict overnmentl of a state he can't even pronounce. the future President , Ok, so Arnold Schwarzenegger is the Apparently, ~ • governor it's been his lifelong dream, J read the news, if nothing more, to check since he was a young lad in, urn, Austria. Come to think of it neither can Doctor- you should vote for him or her. The purpose iy sanity, If J come away feeling sick or a What about that feigned energy crisis? Who ates, Shock Jocks, Talking Heads, or most of elections is not to win. It is a chance for ittle depressed, then I know I'm still sane. cares? Arnold will save the day, right? Hey, Fortunetellers for that matter. people to choose their lawmakers for the next ometimes it's tough though. The Republi- he always does in the movies. He killed that The PRIMARY elections are still months term office, simply because Arnold ans constantly have me questioning reality. alien predator and that liquid metal robot. away, it's a little early to be throwing in the Schwarzenegger was chosen to be Governor Bush has cost the lives of hundreds of Who could possibly doubt that he'll rermi- towel, or announcing victory, for an entire doesn't mean that the citizens of California merican soldiers and countless Iraqis to nate California's deficit? They're all old political party. I have to wonder if everyone won or lost. They simply chose their Gov- ~arch for weapons of mass destruction, So jokes, 1 know. But I think his governorship was asleep four years ago. George W. Bush ernor for the duration of this term. The same 81', be's spent $300 million trying to find is the greatest joke of all. didn't win by a landslide .... come to think of thing will happen at the national level. Vot- hose weapons, He wants to spend $600 Ok, so the above is all real... unbeliev- it there's still a debate as to whether or not ing doesn't put you on a "winning team" it puUionmore, And he's found none. Yet. he able, but real. As once so aplly articulated he won. I'm not mentioning this to argue decides who is going to be signing laws and Iaims that NOT fmding tbe weapons justl- by Bob Dylan. "You who philosophize dis- his legitimacy-or illegitimacy- as president, affecting foreign policy for the next four res the war. So would the war have been grace and criticize all fears, take the rag away but to point out that a year before an elec- years. njustified if we'd found weapons? Damn. from your face. now ain't the time for your tion is a little early to be predicting its re- While it seems that politics has evolved 'm still confused. rears," The fact is Bush is a serious con- suits. ANYTHING can happen. Remem- into a spectator sport, complete with It seems to be undisputed now that tender for the next election. $200 million ber, there was a time when, now President, analyst's commentary and predictions. There ~addam has never had any ties with AI says so. From his pulpit, what is he running Bush was not considered a viable candidate. is far more at slake in an election than win- ~aeda. Finally, I think I got it. But it was a on? Let us take a look: A really odd double standard keeps re- ning or loosing. ong, strange trip. Bush, in the same week. ~The economy sucks. More than 2.5 mil- surfacing in our elections. The California ~~~~e;~::~e;l ~:~~e~~~,~ :::t ..:d::: !:~~~'!~have IOSf their jobs since Bush ~~C~l~~~~~~::~e~~ns~~~~e!~~~k;:r~ ~a:~ -Ted Rossini is a student at o evidence that Saddam Hussein was in- -He continues to launch an assault on Ralph Nader have been accused of "steal- McDaniel olved with September II," Back in Sep- overtime wages for the working class. ing" votes from Bush and Gore. ~mber 2002, Bush said. "You can't distin- -Twice he's given tax-cuts to the rich, It seems the USA is all about freedom of ~sh between Al Qaeda and Saddam," Vice Meanwhile, we're spending millions on an choice until that choice is a political one. Is rresident Cheney has been equally unclear. unprovoked war with Iraq. Where do you having more than two choices such a bad s Molly Ivins of The Sacramento Bee think that money is coming from? Do you thing? Everyone talks of the corruption of Interested in Writing pointed out, "Cheney bad said it was 'pretty think the wealthy are risking their lives in politicians, but the moment one not from the ~eIl confirmed' that Iraq and the September Iraq? Our senators' sons? Our representa- mainstream (This includes anyone from Commentery? 1 hijackers had coordinated. But most re- lives' daughters? HA! Don't bet on it, Jack! Mosely-Braun to Pat Buchanan) enters an ently he said 'I don't know' ifSaddam was So we have a decision coming up with election they're immediately dismissed as onnected to September I L" No wonder this next Presidential election. The radicals or long shots. Does this mean I'm The Phoenix is currently looking 0% of Americans believe Saddam was in- Republicans have made the division between going to suppo~ the Buchanan campaign? for any interested in writing ro lved with September 11. us and them, Let's show our voice and re- ~o! I don't believe in the same politics as columns or drawing cartoons for American soldiers are losing their lives trteve our government. It's ours, not theirs. him so I'm not going to support or vote for the commentery section, veryday, but the war is supposed to be over. They can't steal another election; we can't him .. But it.doesn't make him an illegitimate n fact, more soldiers have lost their lives let them. Too many people have died, and candidate either, If we're going 10 claim that ince Bush declared the war's end then be- too many people have lost their jobs. If Bush we have the right to choose who we want to If you have any opinions, views, ore. How can this be? Either the war isn't remains in office, "you who philosophize represent us in government {After all we are or reactions that you would like ver or this is the peace from helt.. you de- disgrace and critic! ze all fears, bury the rag :t~~Ucb;~~ld~t:~?why not have a wide vari- to see published, please contact ide. It doesn't matter what you NAME it, deep in your face, now's the time for your Brian Patterson at x8270 or copies' lives are disappearing. tears." . ~no.{her thing.1 do not understand. Why Moving on, Rush Limbaugh is a racist IS wmmng potential more important than a Jamie Fallows at x8313 lid a drug addict? One is indisputable. You -Bradley Groover is a junior candidate's platform? Just because some- Philosophy major. was easy. uess which. Shit,lhat ~--~----~~--~~~~~----~ one has a good chance to win doesn't mean
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