Page 38 - Phoenix2003
P. 38
Wednesday. October 22, 2003 - Page 2 NEWS 1012103, 8A7 pm: While checking a student's elfare in Elderdice HaJI, CDS parapherna- Campus Safety Blotter violation of College alcohol policy. drink ia was located in a dorm room. WPD is- ing games. underage possession of alcohol October 2 - 19,2003 dorm and quiet hours). Campus write up. ued a student a criminal citation. and rules governing residence halls (d 10/3/03,3:00 pm: Victim reported his rear by ~~m. icense plate stolen from his parked vehicle compiled LOll 5/03, 7:22 pm: Hard alcohol foun.dl~ II the Whiteford lot. No suspect info. NEWSEDnOR Whiteford dorm room. On-campus Via 10/5/03,2:16 am: False fire;::'=~~~~:;;;;;~10/1O/03, 12:4& am: Student tion only. 0/3/03.4:06 pm: Two non-students solicit- alarm pulled in Garden Apart- cited by DoCS at the gazebo for ng in Blanche Ward Hall. Trespassing no- ments. nderagepossession of alcohol 10/15/03, 8:00pm: Victim stated that his ve ices issued: subjects escorted off campus. d documented for failure to hide was damaged by an unknown sus 10/5103,2:30 am: Student as- comply. while parked in the PELC lot. 10/4103, .1:00 am: Derogatory statement writ- saulted by another student. non a dry erase board on a residential door. Parents transported victim to IOtlO/03, 2:20 am: Two stu- 10/17/03, 12:26am: Students ill violation 0 College alcohol policy, documented for un 10/4103, I :05 am: Unknown suspect dis- ~::~~~~~I:~:;~~~~~~~~:~:~!'a"=v'''''or,;ati,",o:;;;n'''' ~;;c-_...Idents documentedfor dlsbon- derage alcohol possession ill a dry donn. an harged fire extinguisher in Rouzer Hall. of municipal. state or federal laws. Crimi- quiet hours violation. nal charges are pending, filed by victim. 10110/03.11:21 pm: Student observed in 0/4/03,10:12 pm: Student found intcxi- 10/17/03,4:26 am: Subject backed his ~e previously ad- Ward Hall though ated and vornitting in stairwell of building. 10/6/03, 9:30 pm: Responded to report of a Blanche by Residence Life not to enter any hide into a fence on the golf course parkin vised harged with underage possession and con- possible CDS violation in Whiteford. Two lot. Information gathered on subject. unuprion of alcohol. Campus write-up only. students and two non-students located in a buildings. Student escorted off campus. tudent was very compliant and cooperative. room. One student arrested for CDS and 10/18/03, I :35 am: Student that is not al J 0112103, 12:42 pm: Student documented for cited for alcohol violation. Others charged underage alcohol possession in a dry dorm. lowed on campus during certain hours wa 10/4/03,10:30 pm: Student found in posses- with alcohol citations and will be charged seen during those hours in ANW. Same stu 'ion of hard alcohol on campus. with CDS violation. dent also documented for possession ofhar 10/12103, I:23 am: Student documented for violation of College alcohol policy, unautho- alcohol on campus. 0/4/03, J 1:00 pm: Fire extinguisher dis- 10/6/03, I 1 :00 pm: Victims stated that they rized use of keys, and for violation of rules harged in Rouzer Hall. received annoying and harassing phone calls governing residence halls. 10/18/03,9:29 pm: Student docutne~ted ~ from another student. underage alcohol possession near Whltefo 10/5/03, I:03 am: Alumni charged by DoCS 10/12103,2:28 am: Suspicious person (a non- or violation of prescription on conduct in 10/8/03,7:03 pm: Unknown person(s) pulled student) reported in Garden Apanments. 10/18/03, 10:32 pru: Student documented fo egard to possession of hard alcohol at BSU tire alarm in the back hallway on the first Search was conducted and a knife was con- underage alcohol possession in a dry donn lubroom event. floor of Whiteford Hall. No signs of smoke. fiscated. Criminal charges to be filed by DoCS for carrying a concealed deadly 10/19/03,2:59 am: Non-student seen 015/03, I:03 am: Student found in posses- 10/10/03, 12:31 am: Student observed by weapon, trespassing, and obstructing/hinder_ ing outside a residence h~l. He ran .in~~ ion of alcohol at a non-alcoholic party. Campus Safety throwing rocks at a building ing. . where he was found and ISSUed a crum of a residence .po~r window. Student documented for defacing alcohol citation by DoCS. age alcohol ~s 015103.1:14 am: Several students docu- college property and failure to comply with 10112103,3:59 am: Fire alarm sounded in session, violation h~l ted for failure to comply. quiet hours. direction of Campus Safety including Lewis Recitation Hall and Eaton Hall. Three non-students were issued cnmma1 ovcrc:apacity. abusing, disrespecting, or harassing col- cobol citations by DoCS for underage ale lege officials in proper performance of 10/13/03, 3:28 am: Student documented for hoi possession. "The Real World" ALCOHOL PROBLEM ARTICLE, from page 1. International NewsCorner tide There were also discrepancies in the ar, WJZ's story began with a similar charge that, 13. 11 and WJZ Channel ing WBAL Channel between city police s~ying there were 24 arrests and college officials saying there "As the fall semester begins, a Carroll cou~ty Information compiled from Irelanders previously tried to form a com- were only 18 student arrests. Also, accord- college is having an unusual problem With pany to find the gold, but were withoutsuc- ing to the article there had been 18 underage drinking and drug use." . Fruzsina Nagy cess. McDaniel students arrested, but as men- Even though the numbers of students. 10 STAFF WRITER To some, it seems the locals, as well as tioned by campus officials, there were only trouble for alcohol or drug use are not slg- Gold fever has reached Papua New the governement, is interested in the gold. five. niflcantly different, measures are being taken Guinea. According to BBC, the government In Kalili, a village where one of the mili- The article emphasizes that the citations to make sure individuals are obeying the law; of Papua New Guinea is searching New Ire- tary-police camps is based, villagers say the and arrests that have happened so far have as emphasized by Webster. land province for up to 10 tons of gold. military has digging tools and refuses to talk occurred at unusually high numbers. How- Some efforts have been directed at first- The gold had been mined and processed to people interested in the gold. ever, according to Campus Safety, the sta- year students, such as a mandatory meeting by the Japanese But locals are also being defen- tistics are not any higher or lower than in held with the Residence Life director during their oc- sive, according to Ling-Stuckey. Lo- previous years. "Fifteen alcohol citations Stephanie Cook and two Westminster City cupation of the cal people have threatened to kick out are no better or worse than the past," said Police officers to ensure that everyone un- island in World the army and outsiders. They are re- Webster. "To have four drug arrests in the derstands and complies with Maryland State War II. Accord- ported to be angry at non-New Ire- first week is unusual, but to still only have laws, as well as McDaniel College rules. ing to rumors, the land residents for trying to "grab the four is not unusual." Measures are being aimed at all stu.den;~ plane carrying mountain-top riches" away. One 10- Webster admits he would like to think through the collaboration of westmmst the gold crashed cal building contractor has informed that the article in the Baltimore Sun was a City Police and Campus Safety. into a mountain BBC that villagers applied fora court simple mistake. But. mistake or not, the "We are doing joint patrols with a in New Ireland order to keep all outsiders from en- story shed negative attention on McDaniel, Westminster Police officer and a Campus and the inhabitants piled it up in a mountain tering the land. partly because the story, originally covered Safety officer during weekends on the west cave. Ling-Stuckey has asked the government by veteran Sun staff writer Mary Gail Hare, end of the campus, and areas around the cam- In the beginning of October, a man re- to make an official statement on the issue, was subsequently picked up and broadcast pus, and also drinking establishments down- ported that he had found rotting crates of saying he is worried that people will in- by local news stations the same day. includ- town," said Corporal Benfer. bullion in the mo~ntains. The ~ol.d is said vade his office. expecting the bullion to " ner y," to be worth ane~t1mated$375 million. The be distributed among the province. TOP 100, from page 1. M,cDameIJ-there s a real sense ofe g government deCided to send defense forces, It is not the first time that a rumor about '. 0 Connell states. . I are police, and helicopters to c.onfirm and se- a gold stash has circulated around the coun- we can by our own standards. In striving ~inancial improve~ents at Mc~al~:ding cure the area after the s.tory broke. . try. for excellence, we may move up." cruCial ,~o the college s cha~:s ~ .. annual The government said the story IS only There have been claims before that gold Unfortunately,~cDaniel's lack of rec- ~n the US News. & World po the strate- "sp~~ulatj?n". Chief Secretary Joshua can be f~und in the bottom of a bay fr?m ognition by "US ~ews'& World Report".has h~t. ~l~e;; :!~:!~~~~::a~a~ will boost Kalmoe s~d the troops have been se~t to an A~en~M1 plane.that sank a submanne left ~a~y st!ldents .and college offiCials ~c ~s ts and re ut .on of~hegschool. Ne~ Irel~d to keep the area calm ,and to cnqymg '!- huge stac.k of gOld: Whether the questlOnlOg the qualIty of the school. . e '~~iS SChoof w~ alwa s bel true to ~~s tram soldiers for a tour of duty .~,o t~~ tr;asur~ actually e~lsts re.mruns t~ be seen, Thec?lIege wasexcl~rn:d f(Om a na~on- 'ssion and that is to ma~ta'n -3.. sense pf S?lomon Islands: New ~landGove~or~~ ·1 ~!l~Pa~ua New heavily on for- ~Ily published poJI, ~n~ It)S e~barrasslllg. mlmmu~it. SomelschoPls,.e~d:JuP(IOSiog LlOg-Stuckey sUld that If the gold d~~I~f.~f"1I eign,} sq,,$375 mIlhon could be very However,McDan~j:lIltlieffi1ddleofdras. co . r;· "sa s.o.'CQnnelkMay,be ' ist, a greedy past leader would have ~f~ IiI;':.Ju~~1 toJthe §' • b d th . te fth :(jJ.; .00"". &'J.. Y.l§ .1)'(9 iJ
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