Page 37 - Phoenix2003
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Volume XXVIII Number 4 Wednesday, October 22, 2003 McDaniel Excluded From List of Top Colleges Baltimore "US News and World Report" article includes every other Centennial Sun article Conference school issue is "US News & World years, the college focused on nur- to give money." Report's" best seller each year. turing other aspects of the college However, Coley believes that ROBBIE SAVILLE Robert J. Morse and Samuel community. "In the past 20, 30, Mcpamet's modest budget does ~ Senior Writer Flanigan report that "combined and even 40 years, the college fo- not prevent students from receiv- McDaniel College was the only with college vis- cused on other ing access 10more advanced learn- Alcohol school in the Centennial Confer- its, interviews, things, includ- ing tools and equipment. "We have ence to be excluded from "US and your ownin- ing diversity fantastic equipment," says Coley. News & World Report's" annual tuition, the and improving "Sure. everyone wishes we had Problem list of top liberal arts colleges in the rankings can be academics," more bells and whistles, but what nation, published this September. a powerful tool says Kief. makes education good is the inter- AMALIE SHAFFER Swarthmore, Haverford, Bryn in thecolJege ad- "Now we ob- action between professors and stu- Mawr, Franklin and Marshall, missions pro- viously realize dents." A news Staff Writer printed in the article Dickinson, and Gettysburg all cess." that we need to Kief suggests that the college is Baltimore Sun Carroll County edi- placed in the top 50. The rest of Therefore, be very, very not concerned with making the "US tion on September 10,2003 insinu- the Centennial Conference col- some college of- serious about News & World Report" ranking. ated that there was a notable prob- leges, with the exception of ficials are some- raising endow- "The reason we need to build our lem with alcohol and drug use on McDaniel, ranked between the 50th what agitated by ment," endowment is not so we can be campus, due to the number of ar- and loom spots. Once the percent- Me Dan i e I' s A lack ranked, but to provide an even bet- rests of McDaniel students in the ages were tallied and the smoke had omission from Why is McDalliel MISSING from of alumni giv- ter education for our students," he first two weeks of school. cleared, McDaniel was the sole the "US News & this nationally published annual ing may have says. "As we increase our endow- "It is unusual and a lot of ar- absentee from the Centennial Con- World Report" report? been another ment, we will provide a betteredu- terence. article. "We're factor in cation [for the students] and have rests," Westminster Police Captain Criteria for judging the schools better than a lot Me Dan i e I' s better chances of rank." Randy F. Barnes was quoted as included highest graduation rate, of those schools. Anything in print absence from "US News & World O'Connell shares Kief's senti- saying in the Baltimore Sun's ar- lowest acceptance rate, faculty re- that doesn't accurately reflect the Report's" list. Asked if she be- ments, stating that the college ticle. "I have been here a long time sources, and highest proportion of education and atmosphere we pro- lieved that alumni are more reluc- should focus on providing the best and never experienced anything classes under 20 students. Peer as- vide [at McDaniel College) is a tant to give financial gifts to the education possible for McDaniel's like this. It is a real shame because sessment from institutions across concern," says President Joan college due to the name change, students, rather than being recog- McDaniel is an excellent school." the nation held the greatest weight Develin Coley. President Coley replied, "alumni nized in the polL "It should never This negative portrayal caught the with 25 percent of the total rank- In order for McDaniel College giving 'never was that good." be stated as a single goal to be in attention of students and others on ing. "The biggest flaw [in the to be included on the list, the O'Connell also admitted that it was 'US News & World Report'," says campus, including Campus Safety, rankings] is having 25 percent school's endowment must increase a possibility that alumni have "used O'Connell. "We need to be the best who when interviewed, claimed based on other people's opinion of substantially in the coming years. the name change as an excuse not •••see TOP 100 article, the article was sensationalized. says Coley. r---------------_.,;;_;:.....-, us," says Marty O'Connell, Dean "We need to triple our endowment continued on page 2 "That report was misleading," of Admissions. "It's all a big popu- in the next decade," In said Mike Webster, the director of larity contest," fact, the President says that reach- Campus Safety. of $100 Videogame Tournament Financial resources and alumni ing an endowment goal For example, one incident cited giving are also key factors in the million is "a huge priority." in the article occurred on Saturday, yearly ranking. ''There is a direct McDaniel finished last year Unconventionally September 6, where five arrests correlation with an en- were supposedly made at an off campus house for underage drink- bet ween dowment ing. But, according to Corporal how of $56 mil- howcases Student Talen s c h 00 I s lion-the Benfer of the Westminster Police Department, there was only one ar- rank in this highest it's Nick Schneider rest and five citations thai night. comparison ever been. STAFF WRITER and their In fact, ...see ALCOHOL endow- from 1993 On October PI, Allies, the gay. on the classic Tekken Tag Tourna- PROBLEM ARTICLE, ment," says to 2002, the straight, bisexual, transgender, and ment, commonly known as TIT, continued on page 2 Rich Kief, endowment transsexual alliance, held a video for the PS2 system .. Out of the 14 - - - Vice Presi- ass e t game tournament in hopes of rais- people who participated, Tony Inside dent for In- growth rate ing money for other activities. Alascola was the winner. stitutional has in- Originally the cost to play was Following Tl'T, Allies brought Advance- c re a sed $3, but that idea was dropped as out the real star of the show. the re- ment. Ac- 183.32%- everyone who was there (20 stu- cently released Soul Calibur II. cording to m a kin g dents in all) opted to play for free. While audience attendance re- Brian Patterson poses questions the most re- McDaniel's The prize, which was to be 10% of mained the same, only 8 players about California's new governor cent issue growth in the total admission, had to be for- participated in the tournament. and Arnold's new role. o endowment feited. The night saw a bit of a This tournament was less involved, McDaniel the largest rough start, as one of the room's but the challenge level for the par- College's in the Cen- projectors was not working. The ticipants had increased. Brian "The Hill" ten n i a I proposed two-game tournament Lutrey was declared the victor af- Rob Goeke reviews Outkast's new magazine, Con fe r- was cut to just one game at a time, ter winning two of three matches. CD: is it worth the investment? "McDaniel's endowment is smaller ence. Despite this improvement, but this did not stop Allies from Following the tournament a free than that of every other school in McDaniel remains at the bottom of coming through with the two play was held for all in attendance the Centennial Conference, and, at the endowment pile. "Our endow- games as promised. to try their hand at Soul Calibur II. $54.8 million in 2002, is substan- ment has grown very well. The The first game tournament be- Overall the night went without tially lower than next-to-last-place ..,problem is ":,e,,start~d fro~ s~ch a gan at 10:15 p.m. and continued for many problems and it was appar- Walter Zalis and Ryan Brod go Muhlenberg's,' rl r . small ap10unt, reports lGef. 45 minutes before the winner was ent from the cheers that everyone head-to-head in Part II of "The >. .d~11he "America's Best,~,o;~Jf;ls:~;;'J :J!&~;~}iI'~J~~'/i~~I~~i~~re.~ious declared. It was an all out battle in attendance enjoyed the expen- Better Fan" . I~)/Ir;l:Jnlli!".1 vru-s-vtq m
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