Page 79 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 79
COMMENTARY Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - Page 7 Reflections of four years well spent as an editor of The Phoenix When I sat down to write this, leRoy McDuffie was a fresh- great Job as the new Editors of the me right now. I'm sorry if 1 burs my final commentary as an Editor- man when he started working on the paper, a~d h~pe. that the college the bubbles of a "reasonable" po in-Chief, I thought it would be easy com~uDlty WIll aid them whenever settings, tential answer, but the "no-greet ing problem" definitely does no thinking about what I was going to pOS:I!li~i state again, like so many Hi! It's Dan the Mall bitching occur, because I am an alien on . say" thought that I would announce times .b~fore" to get, involved, b:- gain! And this time I came up legal F-I visa in the States. Matt Hurff and my replacements cause It IS norjust Enn and ~Roy s ith something which might make To suppose that these peopl and tell you who would be taking newspaper, but the McD~meJ Col- ne sound like a whiny-butt, but might be afraid of the bumillario over for them, and that would be lege new~paper - so get Involved. ey - it's a free country! of an unreturned greeting, perform make a difference on campus. Let me bitch away about my ing negligence as a defensive tac it. Lastly, I need to thank Profes- tuff, and keep your opinions for ric, would be a very dangerou However, as I thought and wrote, it came to me-my time has sor Terry Dalton, who has always ourself (nobody cares anyway. stretch. as that would imply tha been a beacon of inspiration, sup- uck it lip and dealt). Today. it's a they have been facing similar prob come to an end. When I first started, I was a port, and encouragement during the ultural issue, or rather a social lems in their lives. which in tu ne. In my mind, Iwould describe wide-eyed freshman, just looking years - especially during my ten- t as a social attitude problem re- would point towards what Iam ar ureas guing for: the social problem. Editor. to get involved with the paper. Icame [Q the first meeting, not No matter what. he has backed ated to basic courtesy. To the solution: "Hey buddy knowing what to expect, but know- Edward K.Schultheis the decisions we have made, and And this problem goes a little They hate your guts. Of course the are a ing what Iwanted to do - Iwanted without his support, there is no tell- omething like this: there won't say 'Hi..ยท.l really can't sa to be the Editor-in-Chief by my ing where we would be. ouple of people on this campus anything. The word I'd be lookin senior year. He became News Editor along A champion of student press, ho I happen (0 know one way or for 10 this theory would be "pre I talked with the Commentary with Jessica Watson when Claire and a trusted advisor to The Phoe- he other. I usually know them surnptive" or "prejudicial" wblc editor at the time. Kristen Frazer, moved up and Staci George com- nix and countless students, you rom class, so let that be our home- is again: a social behavior problem pleted her tenure as News Editor. rarely receive enough credit as ase. So we go to the same class And here Irun out of theories. (jus and found out that she was looking When Jessica moved to Features, well. or months, and time goes by, and can't think of any other reason for an assistant editor. Well, Ijumped at the task, and LeRoy took over full time in News. So thank you, Professor Dalton, e don't even really interact on a why people would behave in a wa by the end of my first year, I was and just recently moved to Sports. for just being the person that you ersonat basis, but since we sit in that is best described as "rude" an the Commentary Editor and had His experience of dabbling in are - because I know that we do he same damned space and see "impolite". convinced Matt to be my assistant, many sections also made him a not say it enough. ach other two or three times a But Iwon't lise those words fo since he was a good friend of mine. solid choice for the position of Co- While my time has indeed come eek, I would think they can rec- my part, because some people, wh After the first half of my sopho- I hope that we to an end, I look at the future with gnize my ugly face. boast of knowing me "tee well' more year, Matt moved to take over hope that The Phoenix will con- And here comes the trick. 00- (but let's face it: you guys reall in Sports and 1 then convinced an- have prepared both tinue to gain strength and I know uuse whenever I meet them in a don't. He-hat), might accuse Oleo other friend, BJ Shorb, to be my that with the current staff, the out- ifferent environment (may it be hypocrisy (whereas 1 believe i assistant. Erin and LeRoy to look looks good. LAR, the library, or just any ran- having class and values: principl After that semester, 1 moved up Finally, I leave you with some- om part of the campus), they of honesty hi something I try I to take over Laura Kelley and Jen keep the Phoenix thing my girlfriend at the time said on't seem to recognize me. I try cultivate; principle of ass-kissin Sirkis' place as Co-Editor-in-Chief moving forward and during my sophomore year: She a smile at them. but as soon as I and being superficiaJ, I try I along with Claire Adams: BJ was upward -for Matt stated that in ten years, no one ould engage in the greeting ritual. avoid). I'd ruther use the expres then Commentary Editor for a se- would remember that I was the edi- hey turn their heads and don't sec slcu: "it\ extremely bothering." mester, at which time Matt tra- and I have the tor ora small newspaper at a small e tiny more. Because that's what it is versed back to Commentary from college. Now. as this occurs with the To be looked through. treated as air Sports. utmost confidence in I initially kind of agreed with arne people on a regular basis, I bandied as dirt is really humiliat mg. lind it leaves a scar on one' Perhaps this is why Professor our selection and her sentiment, but it was not until rust assume that it's not just acct- Dalton referred to him as a "jack- now that I truly gave it some ent or them "having a bad day." own dignity. I mean, all it takes i of-all-trades." their abilities. thought. urtherrnore. I must also assume a "Hello" or a "Hi" to make some ----- So, while I walked into The hilt it's not my "bad day" scaring one feel like he was human tOO Phoenix wanting to become the top Editor-in-Chief. A champion of hem away. become I honestly try Like he wasn't some outcast. Es editor during my senior year, here Both Man and I feel that the student press, and a o look encouraging and enthusi- pecially lfhe hasn't given us a rea I was the co-editor of the newspa- current position of The Phoenix is sue about this superficial rite. So son to be treated. thai way. a posilive one. trusted advisor to hat can it be thaI motivate~ them So let's all just look inside our per during the last semester of my A core of veteran student jour- o ignore me? selves and make that effort of suy sophomore year. the Phoenix and I :-otarted the analysis on the or- ing "Hello" to the ones wc kno Suffice to say, I was elated with nalists is anchoring the staff, and the future is looking bright with anic level. which suggested [hat because I just don't buy the "the the results. countless students, heir brains might have stagnated just didn'j' ~ce you" nonsen~e. After Claire completed her many freshmen contributing regu- But there is a gap as huge a. year Mati moved from Commen- larly to the paper. you rarely receive nan undenJevc!oped psychologi. the Grand Canyon between bein al stage, where these people pair tary ~nd became the co-editor with This semester we also intro- enough credit as duced the McDaniel community to ertain sensory impressions with superficially caring and pseudo me during our junior year. thers. friendly bhamcful but hannless) Now that I have completed 24 The Phoenix in color. well. So thank you, Hopefully in the coming semes- Th
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