Page 80 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 80
Wednesday, November 20,2002 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Gym classes lead to further endeavors Dan Hamvas looks at the positive The point I'm tryi~g to make has n~th- list r~ght now. . J . ding to do with the whiners actually. I Just Simple classes would do fine m the first arking aspects of gym classes on lie nun wanted to take a firm stand beside gym round,especiallyiflhestuffisreadilyavail_ and body. classes, And on that note, I would like to able, as it is, in fact, being played in this col- Okay! This next one goes out to the Ath- make a proposal. Actually two. lege either on the imercollegiarcor intramu- onexistent letic Department, and I can already see that The first one is concerning me and the fa! level, or both. I'm talking about sports some people are not going to like me for it. masses, who are into sports and sports like soccer, track. baseball, or swimming, or Walter Zalis presents positive But who the he!! cares? classes. the most popular piece of American cultural suggestions to alleviate commuter I'm not in the game for the rep, right? If There arc a couple of us who have been heritage on and off campus: FOOTBALL. I was, everybody would love me, and think playing the sport we take. the class in for long Or they could offer sports that are present parking problems. that I'm cooI, because I'm down with what- years. on campus in a club form, but are not all that Ihave never been known as a punctua Having to start over again from "this is a ever. popular or much played by the majority of rscn. Being 5-10 minutes late is a fair! ball" might not get us to extreme, I personally think that gym classes are the student body. ommon thing for me. I don'tlike being late cool. otherworldly excitement levels- in the case I mean, if we do fencing classes without nd no, I don't try to be late: it's just some Physical activity is (or at least should be) of a team Sport it might even become a "piss- having an actual fencing team, what stops ling that seems to happen to me, There:rr a vital part of the healthy functioning of hu- off factor" for both us as well as the rookies us from having an ultimate frisbee class, orne events Ialways try to be on time tor man beings, and I'm net sure whether Icould if we arc made to play together. when we have an ultimate frisbee team? uch as daily classes. list all the beneficial effects a little "body So the "experts" could definitely use an Or floor hockey? Or even Aikido? These However, the nightmare that is purki.n moving" can have on the individual as well advanced class, where they could focus on sports are all represented at McDaniel Col- t McDaniel generally keeps me 5-10 mill as on the individual's mind. development and the polishing of the already lege. res late for my first class of each day. lUI So if we can subscribe to the necessity acquired skills, instead of the rules and ba- And then of course, wouldn't it be cool ure several writers have complained abou of public schooling, the idea of mandatory sic routines. to have some more of the special topics he parking problem in the past, but this ha. moving shouldn't be that big a deal either- However, I also know, having taken classes? een a different semester. Not only are ther especially if we consider that sports classes Excuses could always be found against lore commuter students, but students stay at McDaniel are only a month long, with at So the "experts" could this proposal, but consider this: if we already ng at the Best Western are also drivin most 12 classes and always 12 hours (that is run a skiing class, why can't we have a much cross the street looking for a place to park half a day for those in the cheaper seats). definitely use an advanced more cost-efficient and less time consum- There are more reasons why this curren And actually, it is even less, if we con- ing ice skating class or ice hockey? arking situation has a brighter spotlight a sider how the 12 hours include: stretching, class, where they could We don't have the facilities, right? WelJ, t this semester. Prior to Homecoming, I~ warming up, putting on/up equipment, tak- focus on development and how about a pool class, a nine-ball class? fUSS near the western Maryland train carl ing off/down equipment, listening to all the Sledding would be awesome in the sea- ont of the stadium was open, where man theory gibberish, and, last bur not least, the polishing of the son, even though meteorological factors are arked without finding themselves a smal slacking. already acquired skills, rather hard to influence, and that could eas- arathon run, away from class. J have ye Furthermore, the department is generous ily result in the class being cancelled more o hear the reasoning behind it, but this are enough that they even consider the athleti- instead of the rules and times than not. s currently lined off from parking. Snch cally challenged by offering classes likejog- basic routines. And if everything else fails, low "physi- arrier has caused drivers to park near th ging (duh!) or backpacking. cal-input" sports might be added to the row aseball fields, and frown as they witnes Of you can fail that one, you're my guest he distance between them and where the for your choice of alcoholic beverages until sports classes myself, that some people do Simple classes would do eed to 00. you drink yourself into oblivion over the fall in Jove with the 'sport they just took a Their frowns may remain frozen as sue shame). fine in the first round, f parking like.this persists in February class in, when they realize that they could And still, rbere are a couple of whiny- be any good it. especially if the stuff is here Maryland temperatures are no butt, spoiled sissies, who get a cramp if they Now why would these people have too riendly during a long walk. I would shak only as much as look at a round object, and give up on their new-found dream? readily available, as it is, re hand of the person who cuts down thee definitely show all symptoms of a seizure Sure, making us get to know more types infact, being played in ines blocking key parking places in front a upon hearing the word spans. of sports and acquire a sports-cultural taste he stadium. For these guys out there: GET A LIFE! is a valid point behind not letting us take the this college either on the 1 thought I had found the perfect pair 0 Same goes to the "jeans-athletes," the guys same sport again for credit, but what if we paces. On the second level of the bi-kve who show up to a class of active sports in intercollegiate or arking lot n~ar Gill Center, there is 11 stnal wanted to take that advanced class not be- jeans and a shirt or a nice top. cause we are slackers, but because we like intramural level, or both. lot at the end of both lines of parking spaces I'd like to know what shoots through the the sport? lear the staircases. mind of these people, when they wake up in The question, in short, is: why couldn't I'm talking about sports These small plots are half black top an the morning and look at their schedule? the athletic department also offer advanced alt grass, so I decided to use them. The Or maybe their perspiration has been dis- classes in the sport arts already offered on like soccer, track, ring me rnnch closer to class, and help m abled, and after a refreshing round of bad- baseball, or swimming, or the intro level? a avoid one more cardiac hill. minton, they're good to go and sit in a class Or am r expecting too much with such However, in the next tWO days after for a couple hours more before any sign ap- daring and visionary request? the most popular piece of gan parking there, I received tWO parkin pears on them that would require hygienic As much as I like the selection of sports Ickets. one for each new space. Of course interference. classes currently offered for intra level, American cultural as disappointed upon seeing the yello More likely though, they either have dif- heritage on and off ferent hygienic expectations than mosrot us. there's one thing I like even more: special lips of paper on my car (that tncidentull or they are not doing jack in the class. topics classes ... plus things that aren't on the campus: FOOTBALL. till reads Western Maryland College), hu hat disappointment turned to anger when tually read the slip. of bowling and fitness walking, such as pin- The reasoning on the slip for issuing th ,$SSS" or Gamecube! Internet hearts, icket was, "not a space." What do you cal ball, poker, chess, checkers, arking in the grass in the middle of a base My guess is, it won't be long before these all tield'!? VIP parking? Because lhas. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED will also be featured in the Olympic games. rass spaces are Ihree miles away, docs 1 so why not get ahead of the world for once? McDaniel College's ean they're out of the ticket runge? Volunteer -Dan Hamvali is a senior The rea.·;;oning for the tickets \Vas nOI til Income Tax Program communications major. Iy thing that angered me. I believe tfla hen any officer deckles it is just to cbarg Do you have an e money and to feed me stress. they shoul t least leave their name and position on th VITA opinion? If so, why not ·eket. I do 1101 know what system officers fol voice it in the form of a ow here at McDaniel, but J do k!10W 1 hav eceived ticket~ from officer 105 and 2, Wha Learn how to prepare relatively simple income tax retu~ns ~nd.earn commentary? Submit he heU is that? To me. it is unacceptabl internship credits while you learn. Contact Susan MJistem JO the olicy. r am sure there is a Joophole in there BUSiness-Economics Department at x2456. Training will take place on inquiries to Erin uch as ,he fact 1 have two tickets from Saturday, January 25, Saturday. February I, and S~turday, February 8. The Romanski at x8073 chool that doesn't exist as WMC. actual preparation of tax returns will take place dunng tax season 2003. Walter Zalis i~a sophomore ndecided major.
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