Page 81 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - Page 9 Where was all that music coming from ...? Parents, students and faculty enjoyed live music at "Jam for Sudan" KATIE lliRTIN national at McDaniel meets every Fund ) is addressing these issues event. The plan seemed to work, as- Element, Glint, Heroes 4 Hire, SlIbscriplionsManager Wednesday at 9 PM in Ensor by raising money to get better students drifted in and out of Big Owen Brown. Active Sac, My Sis- To a backdrop of bohemian Lounge. They work to spread clothing, food, medicine, and edu- Baker all afternoon. ter Kate, and The Mishaps. style drapes and with a fresh breeze awareness here on campus in the cation for the children in the region. Senior Tiffany Abraham com- Co-Organizer Neal Page. who blowing through the open win- surrounding community about The McDaniel College branch of mented that she did indeed come is also a band member of The Mis- dows, members of various local various human rights violations. Amnesty International plans to out to the event after she "heard that haps, said he thought that bands rocked Big Baker Chapel on On November 9. the second an- contribute the funds from the ern- local bands were playing." She said Saturday'S event was worthwhile Saturday, November 9 as part of nual "Jam for Sudan" was spon- cert to this cause. Abo u t that "there is not often live music" because it "gets exposure for the Amnesty International's "Jam for sored to draw attention to and raise $470 was raised, surpassing the here on campus and that she bands and raises money for a good Sundan." money for the human rights trag- amount made from last year's con- "would like to hear more of it." cause." Amnesty International is a edies that are currently occurring cert. Kate Prisby also commented Freshmen Brandon Boring said Co-Organizer Kate Prisby com- worldwide organization that works in the Sudan region. that she "was happy with the turn- that he too came out because he mented that her "main goal is to to raise awareness and prevent the Amnesty International Presi- out to Saturday'S concert," as it was "wanted to hear some good music." have students come \0 an event that OCCurrenceof human rights abuses dent Kate Prisby explained that twice the size as the one held in the However, there were not just stu- they enjoy, but also find out about that stem from issues such as inhu- there has been an on going Civil Forum last spring. This satisfied dents in last Saturday's crowd, as a cause that is so far away from man executions and tortures, arbi- War in Sudan for a number of both Kate, and her co-organizer many parents, children, and mem- home." trary arrests and killings, lll-rrear- years. causing numerous problems. Neal Page. who have been planning bers of the community came out to II was obvious lhllt [he band meats due to gender or sexual iden- such as homelessness and food the event since the beginning of the the college for the event. members who volunteered the af- tity, and abuses of children. shortages. One additional issue is year. One parent from Hampstead ternoon to play, and the students They work in various places that children are being forced to Live music is not often heard said that she "came out for the ben- that spent $3 to watch, had a blast around the world including China, fight in the war and are therefore here on the McDaniel College efit and to support the kids in the in supporting the Sudanese chil- Tibet. India, Nigeria, and even here not receiving a proper education. Campus, a problem that members band [4th Element]." dren through the "Jam for Sudan." in the United Sates. UNICEF (United Nations Inter- of Amnesty International hoped The Band lineup included Tom. If you want to join Amnesty In- The branch of Amnesty Inter- national Children's Emergency would bring students out to the Honey Dewpont, Room 402, 4th temational, contact Kate Prisby. Preview: A murder has been committed! See the latest theatre production "Techies" to find out who and why Reg (portrayed by Andrew already been figured out and you're STACI GEORGE Pecoraro) is dead and according to still reading? SeniQrWriler the stage manager Max {Andrew They may all work in the the- "Iechles" deals with a murder Graver} no one is supposed to atre, but in many other ways, they in the theatre. Hurry, hurry! Get to move the body. But who listens to are very different from each other, the theatre, there has been a mur- stage managers anyway? creating a whirlwind of different der and the theatre technicians need With the show only days characters. an audience as they try [Q figure out away, there is a lot to do besides "Roy is a crazy little red-neck who committed the crime. having to cover up the body, carry who boozes a little," said Maynard What are you waiting for? The it off, hide it in the refrigerator, about his character. "techies," the more commonly used bring it back to its original spot. and Anderson describes her charac- term in theatre. are waiting for you then bury it with random junk from ter as the "phar costume designer." to come along on this back-stage backstage! who is "overly dramatic, slightly comical adventure to find out who Max, Edna (Chrissy Anderson), crazy, and extremely funny." killed Reg. Roy (Cory Maynard). Jan (Lindsay "It's tough being surrounded by Okay so you're obviously go- Stewart). Houston (Jeff Goeller), so many morons. And that's all Jan ing to read this article in its entirety Emily (Nora Petito), Martha wants to say now," said Stewart. before checking out the murder. (Kristin Lagana), and Bud (Matt who portrays this light designer. What kind of adventure-seeking Demos) have a lot of work to do Better hurry, the techies are person are you? Haven't you ever and time is ticking. only going to be dealing with this watched "Murder, She Wrote?" Added to the mix of confusion murder Wednesday. November 20 The nine techies of this theatre is Chip (David Trader). a local high through Saturday, November 23 With the show only days away, there is a in Oklahoma are amidst a whirl- school student sent to learn the beginning promptly at 8:00 p.m. wind of chaos as they deal with the various jobs of techies. No one lets Jonah Knight, a McDaniel Col- lot to do besides having to cover up the murder and production meetings. him sit around and just observe: the lege graduate student. wrote body ... build the set. make the costumes, techies find many things for him Techies. Bob Garman, who has and interact with one another. One to do that they would rather not do. taught here at McDaniel off and on Tickets are $5.00 for McDaniel order tickets ahead of time, call the can just sense the animosity be- Still reading, why aren't you for four years, is back directing his staff/students and senior citizens box office at (410) 857-2448. tween some of the characters! there yet? The murder has probably third show here. and $7.00 General Admission. To -~\-
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