Page 78 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 78
Wednesday. November 20, 2002 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff olocaust survivor Yields Weight room Editors-In-Chief Edward K. Schultheis '03 emorable speech babysitting Matthew E. Hurff '03 Tim Mascari points out eye- Sztajer beseeched how the youth shoul The alarm clock next to your head shrilly News Editor opening approaches to all promptly take a catalytic role in halting rb blares that it is time to start the day. You, in Katie Champion '04 historical lecture. oppressive reign of modem forces of evil s your dull sleep congestion, turn over, smack that, unlike the fate his family received un the alarm with brutal force, and begin to Features Editor On November I}, in McDaniel Lounge, der Hitler's Germany, others lives can b throw on sweats, determined to start the saved. Jessica Watson '05 olocaust survivor Rubin Szrajer delivered morning off right with a rigorous workout. n intriguing talk on his life-altering expert- He continues in this line of thought b If you are fortunate enough to avoid how the free world takes accentuating Commentary Editor nces under Nazi rule in wartime Poland. granted, not only our modern amenities an fo morning classes, you are in luck because the Erin Romanski '04 Sztajer, who lost two of his three sisters, freedoms, but also tbe fragility of life itself weight room is your friend and warmly in- wo brothers and both parents, described vites you to partake in a little cardio before osr of the physical and psychological hard- We standby and watch as our leaders tackling the day. Assistant Commentary Editor hips endured in the ghettos, forced labor fueled by greed and veiled by the guise 0 Donna Hurd '03 democracy, continue to make one unsuccess However, don't get your hopes up just amps, concentration camps, railcars, and all th yet, cowboy. overwhelming each marches but intentionally left out cer- ful egocentric decision after another, Sports Editors ain segments, saying in his light Yiddish while the mass oppression oftbe helpless i Greg Lederer '03 ecent, "To describe it. , could not do it." prolonged. LeRoy McDuffie '05 He implored that words would only be- The objective of Sztajec's speech was no ittle the deprivation and that certain events just to inform us of how horrible the hal was; it was also a reveill Advertising Manager houId be left only to the people that experi- caust experience activism. for youthful Tim Mascari '03 need it and to the limits of the world's to make us cogni aginative cognition. His talk was designed Ibelieve his emotional yet modest per- zanr of our vital role as the world's human! Photographer ayal of his horrifying tartans and inspire us to encourage change Jen Parry '05 experience was the He discussed the way in which we canna est effective way to capture the npercelvablc misgivings he endured. allow evil men to rule the worJd and that the Cartoonist As eye opening as his speech was in terms must be stopped. Jessica Watson '05 f a descriptive holocaust experience, his Sztajer couldn't be anymore right. Th uennon to the lessons learned was fur more way he shaped his compelling account of hi Erin Romanski Subscriptions Manager mpcrarive. inconceivable suffering to compel the pre Katie Martin '06 Sztajer said how glad he was to see so dominantly youthful audience into a state (') enthusiasm at 10:30 in the morning. do not any young faces in the standing room only zealous fervor was both necessary and sue be surprised if your hopes are shut down cessful. upon arrival at the PELC info desk. Senior Writer udience, emphasizing the younger genera- So the next time you find yourself mak Michael Wiles '03 ions' role as the defenders of democracy and ing excuses for your lack of involvement i Here, the clerk will inform you that the umanity. student assigned to "work" in the weight Staci George '03 Sztujcr made specific reference to how politicallhumanitarian affairs, just think 0 room (or baby-sit you in reality) has called e should "Never forget the past but always Rubin Szrajer, his family, and the conuuu out for whatever reason, and you are not Staff Writers ook to the future." and it is evident that ing crimes against humanity that we al permitted down there until the next attendee Lawrence Assuid earning from the past to better the future should be helping to forestall. comes in. Ken Bertkau '05 as his main focus. -Tim Mascari is a senior history What a load of crap is this? Now, you Shawn Calhoun '03 Ominin specific leaders and countries. major. are expected to alter your workout routine Nicole Grimm '06 Liberalism takes a toll to accommodate the schedules of work study Andrea Hooker employees? Not only is this an incredible Tara Dellafranzia '03 Tara Deliafranzia discusses a inconvenience, but more than a little ridicu- is it What exactly level. lous at the college Dan Hamvas '03 that tbe school is concerned with-that we will Walter Zalis '05 controversial debate on U.S. war I answered some posts with just logic, steal a dumbbell from the gym, break the involvement. some with emotion, some with both. My answers were not nearly as liberal or radical treadmill, or scratch up the mirrors? Adviser This isn't the first time I've stayed up past as they could have been. While r am liberal, In no way am I venting at the desk clerks. Terry Dalton four a.rn. to debate about the news of the day there are clearly far more left individuals in Afterall, they are just doing their job and fol- on the rather inviting AOL welcome screen. our society. Still yet, I was called a commu- lowing the rules. Tonight was different, thougb-celecuon nist for my opinions. I would like to think, however, that we night. But that's what being American is about! are beyond this by now, since most of us are I learned just how diverse America re- It is the right and duty of every American in our twenties and capable of dressing our- ally is by perusing these boards and respond- citizen to speak up when injustice is being selves in the morning. ing to a few posts myself. Apparently, some done! If I see an unfairly waged war, ram And if for some reason this rule is in ef- The Phoenix is published biweekly. Th people think the economy sucks just because going to say something about it! fect because one moron actually committed opinions expressed do not necessarily represen Monica Lewinsky did. Some just want to "A Christian nation where we take up these acts of vandalism, Isuppose it is noth- those of The Phoenix staff. the faculty, or th spread propaganda of their own about what- arms." This is how many people want to ing new that McDaniel College should pun- administrators ofWMC. ever cause they feel should be discussed. define the United States of America. In fact, ish the majority for something one person The paper welcomes free-lance submission Many more insist that the Bible and guns this is how the terrorists see it, and in reac- did. on Macintosh disks in most word processor for cannot survive without one another-and it's tion to what they have done, we are only I offer this suggestion, however. If you mats. The editors reserve the right to edit f not the Bibles I'm worried about, nor the proving their accusations true. are going to hire unreliable workers, at least clarity, length, and libel and fO publish as spac guns, but the way people use them that can I see our country as an imperialist soci- have a backup in line. ='m::~=::=~~;: posts existed about God want- ety caught domination of the world. I have al- rely on the set hours of the weight room and be devastating. and in a grim cycle of military It is unreasonable to expect those whO Numerous cultural Phoenix and cannot be returned ing us to nuke Iraq. I'm not just talking about ways felt that way, but never was I so often to base their daily schedules around them. one post, I'm talking about many. Not only Please include a name and phone numbe and openly disagreed with in any forum than If an employee was slacking off at any for verification. Names will be withheld only b was all of the material discussed negative, on the boards on election night. other job, wouldn't this person be fired most of it was misinformed. And most of the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. So instead of being an American citizen promptly? the misinformation seemed to be an inten- The Phoenix does not discriminate based 0 expressing her right, I have become an evil For those of us non-athletes without des- age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation tional ignorance on the part of the post's terrorist-commie sympathizer that needs to ignated workout time, we apparently have national origin, condition of handicap, or mari writer. be expelled from the country in and to which no control over the many instances in which tal stems. A large amount of board space on elec- I was born. And the fact I'm involved in a the weight room is closed to the general pub- tion night was devoted to the debate over liberal press system that's just as corrupt lic because a sports team needs to use it, or a immigration. Many people want to simply Mail to: makes me all the more susceptible to bein gym class is in session. Fine. ThePhoeni:c close our borders to all from another coun- told that the First Amendment must b: At least give us the minimal respect of WMCo 2 College Hill try. No naturalization. They say this so eas- curbed because OUI press is out of hand. being able to conduct a workout session Westmiru;Ier,MD2Il57 ily without thinking about how they most . Goodjob,Americanmajority. I hope you without wreaking havoc on the equipment. (410)751-8600 likely got here, how many govemmentjobs are proud of what you have become. I think we have earned that much. FAX, (410) 857-2729 would be lost, and how many families would -Tara DeUafranzia is a senior E-Mail: be separated if we didn't allow anyone else English major. -Erin Romanski is a junior English major.
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