Page 75 - Phoenix2002-03
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NEWS Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - Page 3 Campus Safety News October 31 - November 18,2002 0131102: 9:31 p.m •. Suspectrs) in Rouzer Hall. 1119/02:9:2.'i p.m., Several females Docu ill a dry brew a pumpkin from the third N "'JEd/lOr observed within the PhI Alpha Mu alcohol for dishonesty, dorm failure t mented lour of Rouzer Hall. 11/4102: 11:19 a.m .. Student room disrespect of a college official. dis- clubroom with alcohol. One \11.1- comply and entered anoihe vandalized in ROUb..'! Hall. honesty, harassment and failure to dent observed with a clear cup with 111/02: L'!:45 a.m .. Disorderly comply in Rouzer Hall. what appeared to be alcohol. van- student's room without permissio ubject in Blanche Ward Hall. i 115/0~: 1:20p.m., Vehicle run into 01.1\ cans of beer were open und sit- fence outside of the golf house. 11/8102- 1:25 p.m .. Fonner dining ting on the bar and floor. Student 112102: 12:30a.m., Maticious de- hall employee and his wife.' were was charged with an alcohol Viola- unction of property to (he exterior 1117/02: 11:18 u.m. Roommate allegedly harassing the manager non ouzcr Hall railing. Interior mil- conflict involving harassment and and other dining ball employees, g and Decker middle-level book tampering with personal computer 1111010 2:30 a m.. Student a • heir also damaged. in Rouzer Hall saulted b eno ber student in Blancb Ward Hall 112102: J:11 am .. Student docu- 11n/02: 4:30 p.m.. During a ve- tented for violation of their room btcle patrol. blue Volvo station 11111/02. .20 II m., Students' tire esutcnon, failure 10 comply. dis- wagon observed with it's rear win- slashed in Rouzer Hall parking lot. urinated on some of his beJongin onesty, intimidation, quiet hours dow smashed. Damage was ceased Student A was assaulted. d verbal abuse in PA Avenue by a bride Owner was notified. Illi 3/0 Non mdent urinated in Charleston Computer Lab In Ilnl0'2.: 6:'27p.m .. Suspicious per- Hoover Library and was intoxl 111102; 10:15 p.m .•Studentdocu- son observed in lower Decker Cen- cared in publk nted for underAge possessi(\n of tcta:sking a ~tudt:nl for money. He Icohol in Rouzer Hall. Student wasesconed to DoCS office.. spoke 11113102 4 m., Theft and mlSU!Ie tilten up for po~ession of alco- with Wl!'~urun.~ter Police and given of golf CBn 01 in a dry dnml. pos!;Cssion of a a tre.spILumg wnnting bl!'fore leav- ulti·literconlainer, possessIOn of tng campus. 11/9/02: 1 n.m., Car cuver slOlen tl/J V02: 9'30 p.rn Student rook ard alcohol and. a fire code viola- another studellt's ID curd In Gill trom student's. car 00 Hi. lOri!.: 1118102. 12:24 a.m~One ~anC'hion Drive. Gym. missing from Elde-rdice Hall. 11/9102: 51l.m" Basement of DMC J 1114/02: Three cigarelte butt !.lis- 11/8J02: UO a.m .. S[udenl do\-'u, posal llnil\ were damaged over- was flooded cau_'ing damage 10 rneDied for underage po....<;~SSiOll of resident ..' be10ngtngs night_ hnrd alcohol, po~5Cs."lon of alcohol calc If you have any questions in a drY doml. vfolation of I.juict 1l_/14102: 2:40a.m., Underngestu- 111910,2' \0:53 a.m., Ston,:; curh hours. ;Ihiorderty conducf. ahu:;c1 dent found 10 be in plls~ssion of 'onlact your RLC. (lUt ..ide RoulC'r Hall broken. McDaniel students to represent Portugal in the INTERNATIONAL 10th annual European Union simulation STUDIES ABROAD in· the E.U. So each school repre- operative group work and learning; STACI GEORGE Senior Writer sents a different E.U. country. the value of oral argumentation and Normally, a college/university debate; the complexity of public How much do you know about Portugal and its role in the Euro- is the same country for two years policy analysis and implementa- tion; and the significance of global and McDaniel pean Union? gium delegation would be the Bel- interdependence and again; however, Thirteen McDaniel College stu- multiculturalism," states a 2000 Portugal dents will be "tested" on this ques- our school was offered decided not study by Gretchen J. Van Dyke when school another tion when they arrive in Washing- to return to the simulation, ex- (The University of Scranton), Ed- ton, D.C. on Thursday, November plained Leahy. ward G. Declair (Lynchburg Col- 21. Leahy and the students have lege), and Peter H. Loedel (West These students, along with their been meeting almost weekly since Chester University). advisor Dr. Christianna Leahy, will earlier in the semester to prepare The simulation's agenda in- be taking part in the lOth Annual for this year's simulation. cludes a trip to each delegation'S European Union Simulation, It w~1l Each student at the simulation embassy to have a formal question be held at the Holiday Inn 10 portrays a member from the E. U, and answer session with a repre- Georgetown and runs from Thurs- Senior Yuri Basnen and senior Neal sentative of that country, a satellite day, November 21 through Satur- Page are leading the Portugal del- tele-conference with Brussels at the day, November 23. egation as the Portuguese E,U. Finnish embassy. party group meet- This is the third year that Dr. Commissioner and Portuguese ings, working dinner meetings at Leahy, professor of political sci- Prime Minister, respectively. classy Georgetown restaurants, and ence and international studies, and The E.U. commissioners have a IOlh anniversary celebration with SPAIN • FRANCE • ENGLAND • AUSTRALIA her students are attending the EU been meeting to create the resolu- this year's participants as well as simulation. tion that will be the focal point of alumni from previous simulations. CHILE • MEXICO • COSTA RICA • ARGENTINA Sixteen colleges and universi- the simulation, The resolution is And of course, as this writer re- ties participa(e in the simulation. divided into sections and assigned members from her participation WHAT'S INCLUDED These schools include for a certain group (i.e. a commit- last year, there will be a multirude Lynchburg College, Muhlenberg tee of Ihe Parliament or a council of unplanned activities that occur. ~ Academic credil$ .. Cultural excursions College, Drexel University. and of ministers) to discuss, negotiate, These include, early-morning ~ Room and board .. Overnight excursions Susquehanna University, meetings at Starbucks 10 discuss and vote on. ... Tuition at host university .. Entrance fees The number" 16" is represen- For three days, Ihe Holiday issues of the resolution in a small- tative of the 16 countries that are Inn's large banquet rooms and group setting; a prime minister or .. Full-timeresident directors .. Ground transportation other meeting areas are reserved for two using lale-night lobbying tac- ... Doily tutorial assistance .. Airport reception HAVE YOU DONE the simulation. These areas are tics at the hotel's lounge and bar; a ANYTHING SPECIAL transformed into educational set* little sight-seeing and shopping in .. On-site ISA offices .. Student services THAT DESERVES rings where students will "gain Georgetown if time prevails; and .. Internet access .. Medical insurance ATTENTION FROM THE critical lessons for competing in the scoping out Georgetown's COLLEGE COMMUNITY? current political and business nightlife. Saturday Late afternoon, If so, gi ve us a ring at x~600 or worlds; the importance of consen- prime ministers, council of minis- the protecting pa- shoot us over all emilll at sus building while the merits of co- Continued Page 4 (800)580-8826. j,a@,tudie,abroad.,om rochial interests; -
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