Page 76 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - Page 4 NEWS Holocaust survivor reminds students to never give up on heir hopes no matter what the circumstances may be Thirteen students to represent McDaniel ubin Sztajer tells the ersonal story of his College in Washington, ime spent in a D,C., at 10th annual Fortunately, he bad see European Union erman labor camp his sister in this camp 0 Bergen-Belsen. His bigges simulation fear at that time was to dis LAURENCE ASSUID SrajJWriler cover the body of his siste Continued from Page 3 On Monday, November 11, 2002, among the dozens of dea cOaniel College hosted a "Holocaust Sur- and naked bodies that h ters, and members of parliament will meet ivor''. together to discuss the final resolution and Although this is not the first time Rubin vote on it. ztajer came to McDaniel College, he was Leahy is extremely excited for Thursday azed by the interest students always show and what may happen at this year's simula- im. McDaniel Lounge was crowded and no tion. ne in the audience could claim not to have "We've been incredibly impressive be- een moved. almost nothing to eat (a soup used to feed cause of our members from the Budapest Rubin Sztajer was 13 at the beginning of the cattle and some bread at 6 a.m. for the program, who have a one-year long course e war in 1939, and as a child, he did not whole day) while having to work all day tion on the European Union while in Budapest," ow anything about war. long? How could you survive with a few she said. In September J 939, the large Szrajer fam- showers and toilets for I5,000 people? With- Rubin Sztajer and his sister came t This year's delegation is a mix of students Iy (he had 3 sisters and 2 brothers) had to out a towel. without toilet paper? Whereas a America in 1949, although he did not spe H who went to the simulation last year, a few and had no education. a word of English ave into a cold single room within the huge number of people died because typhus Budapest students, and a few students new bette of Klobuck, Poland. They lived there had swept through the camp, Sztajer sur- really sees America as the "land of opportu to EU simulation. Undoubtedly, the return- or 3 years. 3 years of hunger and poverty. vived. nines," feels highly grateful to this coun ing students and those who have had the class ut the worst was still to come. In 1943, he was taken to a concentration and encouraged the audience to feel the sam while in Budapest will share their learned way. April 12th, 1942: Rubin Sztajer will camp, where Nazi officers were vicious and expertise with the simulation's newcomers, ever forget this date. Why? Because it ac- cruel "beyond anyone's imagination." They We can wonder how Sztajer has been abl commented Leahy. aunts for the last time he had seen his whole had games they used to force prisoners to 10 survive the Holocaust. "I never gave u "I think it's going to be a great experi- amily. In fact, that day he had been taken play. hope," he explains. "Don't live in the past ence. I went last year and learned a 101 am way to a forced labor camp, although he "How long can you last standing on your go on with your life." and am looking forward to learning more. It as only 16 and looked like a child. And When hearing (hI! words "Holocaust sur is better to learn through experience and ife in the camp was incredibly cruel. toes?" Sztajer asks, Certainly not long, but vivor," one would expect to meet a scarre practice than it is to learn from theory in the one give should be beaten up, one would "How could you survive?" Szrejer asks hard. "And if you did not scream enough, for life and desperate person. Though scarre classroom," said senior Viktoria Kollar. for life, Sztajer fuU of hope. remains begin! Let the simulation Stuck on a paper? Need Like to read news? help? Like to make news? Then why not WRITE the news?! Visit the Writing Center - Hill Hall, Room 101 Call The Phoenix at x8600 and get involved! Or, call ext 4645 for an appointment Carriage House Liquors Peer tutors offer individual conferences at no "At the Forks" charge for McDaniel College students, Bring ideas, notes, rough drafts and even final drafts, We 113 W Main Street have one goal in mind: to help you become a Westminster, MD 21157 better, more confident writer, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT * "The tutors in the Writing Center taught me everything I was supposed to know before I got here. AU the little things in high school that I blew off are stressed three times as much in college writing. 1 scheduled a time that Store Hours: was convenient for me. 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