Page 72 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 72
cmeOSPOriS TIlffOr Volume XXVI Number 5 McDaniel College Wednesday, November 6, 2002 After having problems offen- lomats surge, but F & M wouldn't sively the past couple weeks, the go away, driving the baU back in- McDaniel foot- team was happy to get back on side the McDaniel 10 yard line be- track. The defense was dominant as fore being stuffed again on the four yard line late in the fourth quarter. ball continues usual, holding the opposition to a With just 2 minutes left in the slim II yards rushing in the con- contest, the Green Terror looked to its winning test. Senior safety Mike Geaneas have survived a scare on the road led the unit with seven tackles, as they proceeded to run out the ways against while fellow senior defensive line- clock, but made a costly mistake man Jesse Hudson picked up an in- when senior running back Jemel rivals terception in the victory. Johnson couldn't handle the the team ven- A week earlier, handofffrom Crowell and the Dip- tured to Lancaster, PA to take on GREG L~:IlERER lomats pounced on the loose ball Co-Sports Editor conference foe Franklin & at the McDaniel eight yard line. Marshall College. With less than a minute left, the de- "Good teams win at home, Playing their second game fensive unit stood tall again, stop- Championship learns win on the without Luster, [he offensive ping the opposition on four crucial road." This could be the motto for struggled throughout the contest as pass plays to preserve the 10-6 vic- the McDaniel College Football tbe [earn used a two quarterback tory. team as they pulled out two crucial system of Crowell and sophomore Senior linebacker Matt road victories over William Orion Canine to spark the offense. WHchinski led the defense with 13 Patterson University and Franklin Canine completed five of ten tackles while Oeaneas had two in- and Marshall College. passes on the day for just 30 yards, terceptions in the contest. On November 2, the Green Ter- but was responsible for the game's The unit yielded 283 passing ror traveled to Wayne, NJ, to take only touchdown, scoring from 2 yards, but just one touchdown and on William Patterson. From the yards out on a quarterback keeper a measly 49 yards rushing. start, McDaniel dominated the in the first quarter. Despite his costly fumble. game, using their stingy defense McDaniel added a field goal by Johnson led the team with 142 of and explosive offensive attack to sophomore Nate Getchell in the the team's 180 rushing yards in the cruise to a 34-0 win. second quarter and played tough game. The Green Terror's sixth The offense. struggling since defense. holding the opposition to win of the season was also Head /' the suspension of senior quarter- a lone touchdown as they went into coach Tim Keating's 99th career back John Luster. got back on track the half with a [0-6 lead. victory. as they let their punishing running The second half mirrored the Above, McDcmie/ qU"rlr:rbad;-(JTfo,n!Ew~inefocllse$.,,(Jn-a receiver. With the two road victories, the attack pound out 343 yards on the first half as the Green Terror of- Green Terror improved their record ground in the contest. tense stalled, but the defensive unit to 6-1 (5-0) and will play next week Junior fullback Jason Hartman came up big for the team as they on the road again against Bethany led the way for the team on the had all year. College. ground with 83 yards, while senior F & M looked to mount an up- The team can win their sixth quarterback SCOOlS Crowell wide for 75 re- set, as they drove the ball down but on consecutive Centennial Conference com- ~~= The unit had ence rival Johns Hopkins on No- College Cross Country teams com- tions," The weekend on the before, runner the Green in McDaniel deep territory, pleted 7 of 12 pass attempts confer- by beating Championship and found senior failed on a fourth down attempt yards said the Green Terror five yard line -, senior Holly ceiver Joe Ellis for a 28 yard touch- 16. vember 2. the McDamel Un November down in the first half. sixth team's Thompson place finish overall. Conference peted in the Centennial Championships at Ursinus College. in the Gettysburg team eighth The side, Invitational. overall, Ments with freshman finished Paul Hugus Terror competed On the Women's out of 30 the team finished eighth leading the team with his 45th place team in the race, and was paced by finish in a time of 30:07. He was Heinke 36th place in a time of HI think that the team competed well despite the weather conditions. " Holly Thompson followed by junior John Reagan 20:43. She was followed by who finished 60th overall in 3 [:24 Pullen's 41st place finish with a and Calvin Woodward who came time of 20:56 and Thompson who in immediately after Reagan in6lst came in 63rd in a time of2[:22. with a time of 31 :26. On the Men's side, the team fin- "Personally, I felt that I had a ished 24th out of 34 (earns, paced solid race," said Reagan. by Hugus' 77th place finish in On the Women's side, the team 28:26. Next to cross the line for came in sixth place and was led by the Green Terror was fellow fresh- serncrs Blair Heinke (25th)andJen man Gary Markle in 97th place Pullen (34th) who crossed the fin- with a timeof28:49 and Woodward ish line in 25:42 and 25.59 respec- finished in l56rh in 30:08. tively. Freshman Kristen Aversa "We have a young solid team, came in 54th place with a time of with five freshman, two sopho- 27.09. mores, and two juniors so next "I think that the team competed year, we should much better," said well despite the weather condi- Reagan
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