Page 73 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, November 20 , 2002 Spring class registration is completed with National minimal lines and no major obstacles Spokes- woman leads Some students left without classes of choice due to class rank discussion KATIE CHAMPION about futu re News Editor About 6,800 undergrad students registered for spring semester presidential classes last week, some braving long lines while others were candidate luckier. Registrar Jan Kiphart, who wil! Nrcor.s GRIMM begin her third year at McDaniel SlajfWriler College this January, said that this spring's registration process was An open forum was held last the same as years in the past. week on campus to discuss the plat- Students began registering on form of the future presidential can- Monday morning November [ I at didate, Lyndon H. LaRouche. National Spokeswoman, Dr. 9 a.m., and the last appointment Deborah H. Freeman, led the dis- time was at 4 p.m. This schedule; cussion by delivering information followed the week through Thurs- day November 14. about LaRouche. She stressed that This year, due to the large num- presidential candidates these days ber of freshmen, the registration do not focus enough time on dis- process continued on Friday morn- cussing their platform and letting ing. Many students bad appoint- the public know where they stand ments from 9 to 10: 15 a.m. on their issues. As for LaRouche, "Spring registration is always she described him as a "physical unen- close more difficult than the fall," economist" who pays infrastructure non to the national Kiphart said. "We have 6,800 stu- as his big issue. dents to work with rather than LaRouche suggests that we are 1,300 because of graduation." week after registration, said Mishaps prepare for in the worst depression in over 200 Registration times were given Kiphart. to all undergrad students according With more students registering years and that something needs to be done about States' the United to the number of academic credits every year, hardware problems are important concert in economic problems now. accumulated. Seniors and juniors eminent. Currently the staff uses a According to LaRouche, re- were the first to register and there- program called "Colleague" which building the U.S. rail system, re- fore had the most classes available is manufactured by DataTel. Washington D.C. storing American's trust in the air- to them. While the most common prob- lines, and expanding the waterways Kiphart would like to see the lem faced by registrar office em- process spread out over an entire ployees was students who were not MATTHEW E. HURFF' in the United States are just a few of the ways he plans on improving week in the future. "I'd like to have preparedtor closed classes, stu- Co-Editor-in-Cnief bands, Room 402 and Honey the quality of American life. it spread out longer through Friday dents complained of wait lists and Are you one of the people Dewpont. Page says that the event Resorting to methods or the so that we could see fewer people closed classes. caught wondering if there is any- went very well and overall they past, LaRouche mirrors many of per time slot," Kiphart said. "Many rimes students would try thing going on this weekend? The were able to raise $500 for debt President Franklin D. Roosevelt's However, this is difficult when 10 register for classes that were answer to this question should be faculty want to see their wait lists closed," Kiphart said. "Photog-a- no, because this Sunday, McDaniel relief in the impoverished events, nation. the policies to improve the economic these than Other and figure out their classes the Continued on Page 2 College's own the Mishaps are a Mishaps are preparing for their system. LaRouche looks to featured band in the U Street Fes- Wimer and Spring tour and also Continued on Page 2 tival in Washington D.C. Sunday, writing new material for their next -- - November 24. album. Page says, "We are going to be Inside The show will be held at Cada Vez, which is located at 1438 U St, touring on "Get Away Volume" for and will be headlined by Mary the next six to eight months, but Prankster and feature 20 other look for a new album in the Sum- bands including the Mishaps. mer." Lead Guitar and Vocalist Neal The Winter and Spring tours !wichael Wiles discusses SO/lie of Page, a junior History major, says will be particularly interesting for he ftner points ill fife that are -ometlmes overlooked during the that the concert will be very impor- the Mishaps, as they hit many ven- lIla/s and paper season tant for the band because it is basi- ues up and down the East Coast and cally an audition for a booking during the Summer, they will once agency. again be on the Warped Tour. heck out the Review for rapper Ifall goes well, the concert will Several years ago, the three minem's first movie debut in '8 open doors for national booking members of the Mishaps, Page, nile ยท... Find alit if Emtnem 's new agents and bigger shows. drummer John Fatur and bassist nov;e lives up 10 all the hype. In addition to this show, the Johnny Bungalow, were in other Mishaps were a featured band at the bands. However, those projects !women's field hockey finishes Jam for Sudan, held in Big Baker ended at about the same time, and ecora breaking season with strong Chapel two weeks ago, along with how in Centem,ial conference several other McDaniel College Continued 011 Page 2 layoffs.
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