Page 68 - Phoenix2002-03
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._ --_- ...._. Wednesday. November 6 2002 - Page 12 FEATURES rtreet CarAer A glimpse at how fraternities and sororities come together to make the grade in the classroom JESSICA WATSON & ADRIENNE GLICK Feamre$ Editor &StaJJ Writer So maybe you have been to a couple take 3 percent of the Greek population or 15 clubroom parties and are checking out the new members (which ever is greater) with Greek life. In your mind you are already each year. considering which sororities and fraternities Gamma SigmaAJpha is a National Greek you are interested in, and you're probably Academic Honor Society which bases mem- thinking about the good times and the par- bership on GPA and active membership in ties. Greek fraternities and sororities recognized Think again. While the Greek organiza- by their university. Upon the induction of tions do have parties, there's a lot more to its new members, this honor society will have Greek life than you think. The Greek orga- 30 members. nizations here on the hill strive to meet and The fraternity and sorority recognized succeed their potential in every aspect of col- this past spring for highest chapter GPA was lege life. Phi Kappa Sigma and Phi Sigma Sigma. Phi In the past, the Greek community has Kappa Sigma, Alpha Sigma Phi, and Phi Mu been recognized for its high achievement in were also recognized for the highest new academic standings in relation to the entire member class GPA. student body. Last spring, the sorority's ( Alpha Nu Omega, Phi Alpha Mu, Phi Mu, and Phi Sigma Sigma) GPAs averaged out JESSICA WATSON to a 3.07 and the fraternity'S (Alpha Gamma also real big on rewarding those who do port and lots of motivation to do well! Our Tau, Alpha Sigma Phi, Gamma Beta Chi, Phi well." Lowy also said they receive engraved new members are encouraged to take pride Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma. and Sigma plaques for the highest GPA between little in their academics and have study hours in Phi Epsilon) GPAs averaged 2.96. and big brothers or if they have the most im- the library." Such academic standings are reinforced proved GPA. with the support given by the members of Sean Miller, of the Phi Delts, says that spect Making the grade nor only earns you re- among but and sisters, your brothers each Greek organization. Each of these so- they employ the same techniques. "Our also opens the door to several other oppor- cial organizations has incorporated methods older brothers help the younger when it tunities. for promoting high academic achievement comes to academics. We all save our notes Every Spring the Order of Omega and for every involved member into his or her and help those taking the classes we have Gamma Sigma Alpha recognize Greek Greek way of life. already completed. On those late nights. achievement in various areas. These honor "Every brother has to keep a 2.5 OPA in many of us even study in our clubroom!" societies are for social Greek Organizations. order to stay affiliated," said Jason Lowy of Crystal McCubbin, of Alpha Nu Omega, The Order of Omega recognizes those fra- the Phi Kaps. "If, by chance anybody falls comments, "We have a Scholarship Chair ternity men and women who have obtained below this standard. they are sent to study who keeps track of all of our women's up- a high standard of leadership in interfrater- sessions led by the Education Chair. We are coming due dates in order to offer moral sup- nity activities. This organfzanon can only .. Celebrate With Jbe.Jireen Terror All The Way To The Championshipl Weekend Football Specials Saturdays • 4-7 PM i!Oc:Wings • Buy them by the dazen ... Share them with a friend. 57.S0/Ib. Steamed Shrimp. Tender. Juicy. Steamm:l Ta Order. .5.95 Gourmet Crab Pizza. Our Mast TaIk_ About NEW AppetIzer ... Tastbg Is EleJlev/ng • • i!.9S Harbor BIIY Frle •• ....... CUt. Fr_ with Crab ~ and Ranch CJ/ppIng !!iaur:e. ILL TRIPS .5.75 Barbecued S_lmp • ATMcDUII, our ,_,__ Jumbo &uIf Shrimp bak_ In !icrumptJous# BBQ......,.. _ tapped with t:rt.p bacon _ melted prava/ane. EIIN CASH, Ora1'ts GO FREE!! !lil.00 Coors light Bottles !lil.2S Domestic CAlL TODAY FOR DETAILS!
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