Page 47 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 47
NEWS Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - Page 3 Students voice opinions about foreign policy at open forum 0/6/02: Unknown suspect did CO~lI'IU:D BY KA'lU: CHA~lPI()N 10/18/02: Student struck a college NICOLE GRIMM onuts in the Quad with car tear- New.lf:diror vehicle with her car while backing SraffWriter ng up the grass. dews shatter for unknown reasons out of a parking space on Historic native to the Middle East, corrected On Wednesday, October, 9, an while she was silting in it. Drive. the misconceptions about Iraq and Iraq forum took place in McDaniel 0/7/02: 8:56 a.m .. Blanche resi- wesunlnsrer Police responded and Security Notice the people who live there. He clari- Lounge, allowing both students and em reported the receiver and con- handled the investigation. No sus- The Department of Campus Safety fied that they are not all terrorists faculty [0 come together and debate ccting wires stolen from his pects or cause has been determined and the Westminster Police are in- and they are acivilization with their the latest news and their personal own culture and heritage. hone. No other items found to be al this lime. vestigating a "peeping tom" case opinions about the war with Iraq. Furthermore, Lt. Col. Donald issing. that happened at apprcxlrnatel The turnout was very good. An 10/11/02: 2: 10 u.m.. Three students 11:00 on Wednesday in th estimated LOO people showed up Craig injected his military Craig knowl- 10/7/02: JO:OOp.m., RA smelled were arrested oft-campus by the women's locker room of Harlow edge sug- into the forum. for the discussion. According to gested that currently, Iraq is not a rarijuana and saw u bong being Westminster Police for among Pool. The victim was in the Dr. Volker Franke, both the orga- big threat to our military and that sed in a room in Rouzer Hall other charges, disorderly conduct. shower and observed a man of av- nizer and leader of this particular their capabilities have been signifi- ratemcnt was written by RA at erage height and build with a round forum, the events that took place cantJy reduced. oes. Student cooperated when 10111/02: 5:00 p.m., Blanche face in the shower area. He was on September 11 have made stu- Not only did the faculty offer pproached. Westminster Police resident's phone receiver reported wearing a tan baseball cap pulled dents more aware and passionate different views of the situation, eparunent was called and the stu- missing upon return from fall down hard with a very rounde about the issues surrounding the they also ensured that the points the ent wa.s arrested. break. brim. He had no visible hnir and Middle East. students were arguing were correct. appeared to be in his thirties, al- Franke explained, "I am pleased 10/8/02: 10:26 a.m., College ve- 10113102: Visitor's vehicle was though other witnesses place hi Leahy reflected, to see there is a lot of interest on Dr. Christianna that students recognize "It ide hit a student car in the ROTC picked up and moved after it was in the college age range reported is important the subject and there was a good parked. Vehicle was damaged. he had short, light colored hair. He the luxury exchange of ideas between the stu- that they can afford with their peers of attempted to bide his face as he having discussions dents." and teachers in a familiar, safe en- 0/9/02: Agreen ballard wa.s struck 10:13/02: 1:20a.m.,Misuseoffire exited the locker room. He was As the proctor for the Iraq fo- d damaged by a student's vehicle extinguisher in Rouzer Hall. wearing dark pants and a gray flan- rum, it was Franke's job to remain vironment." ended the forum the t the top of McDaniel Lane. nel or cotton shirt. He may have Franke objective while guiding the discus- same way he opened by stressing 10/16/02: 10:00 a.m., Trespasser been seen exiting the building b sion, He stimulated the group the importance that students come 10/10/02: Reported electrical fire (peeping tom) observed in College Dining Services employ through questions which raised together and organize other such n the fourth floor of Whiteford women's locker room at Harlow ees in the area of the Forum. 1 opinions such as who is in favor forums by themselves. When be all. Student stated that while us- Pool. Theft of clothing abo took war s later reported that personal and who is opposed t.o an attack ng her blow dryer, sparks came place during this incident. items were stolen from an un asked the forum if they think that against Iraq? rom the cord as well a.e the outlet. locked locker. AU wimes sses are In addition, both the students open discussions such as this one lames were put out by a fire ex- 10117/02: 1:32a.m., Underage stu- cooperating. and faculty raised other thought- are important, the response was tnguisber, dent found to be in possession of Any member of the campus provoking questions such as, "Does unanimously in favor. The Iraq multi-liter container of bard alco- community with information Iraq have nuclear capabilities?" "Is forum was a success and a motiva- 0110102: 5: lO p.m., A female 000- hol in Rouzer Hall. this case is asked to contact S the attack on Iraq a personal ven- tion for students to the initiative tudent had one ofher vehicle win- Bruce Lob! in the D . artment detta with President Bush?" "What and plan more discussions. . . would be the repercussions of an attack on Iraq?" "Does Iraq harbor Dr. Volker Franke leads INTERNATIONAL terrorists?" and "How does con- students in debate during gress feel about invading Iraq?" In the open forum held las/ response these and other questions, week. Suedents und the STUDIES ABROAD the forum became heated and community gathered to voices were raised as opposing discuss the current foreign views broke out, mainly from the policy with Iraq. The event. hosted by the students. In addition 10 the students' Political Science had a large Department views on the topic, there were fac- turnout and led to a heated ulty members present that brought debate. an interesting perspective to the discussion. Dr. Mohamed Esa, a Would you like to make your mark at McDaniel? The Phoenix needs a new SPAIN. FRANCE • ENGLAND • AUSTRALIA masthead CHILE. MEXICO • COSTA RICA • ARGENTINA WHAT'S INCLUDED *PhoeniJ( .. Academic credits ... Cultural excursions .. Overnight excursions .. Room and board _ 1't1t§_PA·'W E __ ih '""S .. Tuitionat host university .. Entrance fees .. Full-timeresident directors .. Ground transportation If you have a great design for the .. Daily tutorial ossistance .. Airport reception new masthead, email us at .. On-site ISA offices .. Student services .. Medical insurance .. Internet acceu for details. WWW. 5 t u d ie 5 a broad.( 0 m inner will receive $100 cash prize! (8001580·8826· i.o@.I.die.obrood.(om I
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