Page 46 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - Page 2 NEWS German-American Day the next German-American day with impa- Homecoming half-time awards tience. unites college and high This day was also meant to get pupils d ceremonies The James Brant Memorial Cup involved in German culture to and make awarded to the Phi Mu sorority. The school students them want to learn more about it as well as Fraternal Council established this Continued from page J to lead them to go to German-speakingcoun- a memorial in 1976 following tries. death of Jim Brant, member of the friendship and cooperation, others to all This is also a means to connect people 1976. The Brant Trophy is presented to kinds of art; drawing, sculpture, cuisine, together and to make them raise other Ger- Greek organization whose members, in movie and even very unusual things such as man-American events. For example, Mary previous year, excelled in academics, "cutting paper silhouettes." Mc Donald, German teacher at Thomas sity sports, leadership and community Some workshops were focused on Ger- Johnson High School has invited Mrs. and vice projects. President Jill Thalhimer man history and WorldWarII. RubinSztajer, Mr. Skowronek to come to her class and cepted the award. a Holocaust survivor, was here to share his teach German dances to her pupils next se- witness with the students. Some spoke on mester. the culture of-German-speaking countries German day was usually observed in the with presenters from the embassies of Ger- )9th century to celebrate this transatlantic many, but also of Austria and Switzerland, friendship and to thank German immigrants which was a premiere at McDaniel. The stu- for their contributions to American culture. dents could also learnGerman songs, dances, In 1987, German-American day was pro- music and sports. claimed by President Ronald Reagan, who After lunch in a crowded Englar Dining askedAmericanpeople to celebrate itby rais- Hall, everybody gathered in the Forum for ing feasts and events. some more greetings and performances. Thanks to the very involved German Stephanie Reed, secretary of the German teachers Dr. Mohamed Esa and Dr. Mary club, thanked Thomas Wriessing, cultural Upman, Western Maryland College has cel- attacheat the Germanembassy for the money ebrated German-American Day every year Germany offered to America after 9/11 ($28 since 1995.Tuesday,October 152002, it was million) and also presented a check over thus Mc Daniel's turn to praise it with a spe- $500, money that students and faculty col- cial theme: "Building Transatlantic Bridges lected for the German Flood Relief Fund. of Friendship 'with German-speaking Coun- Germany was hit by huge floods in Septem- tries". ber. If you want to get more information about The designer of the T-shirt was also German-American Day, go to hltp:// thanked for his work; the logo represents the wwwfac.mcdanie[.edu/German/GAD/ four flags of Germany, Austria, Switzerland index.htlm. and Americajoined together. And if you want to participate or help for It also has two bridges on the sides, ~p- German-American Day 2003, get in touch resenting the transatlantic bridges between with Dr Esa at x2462. German-speaking countries and America, theme of the 2002 German-American Day at McDaniel. Alumni awards Some students performed what they had learned in their respective workshops. You bestowed during Postgame partiers say could see six people playing the Homecoming festivities meetthe.htm) says that the band has been "Schneewalz" on their own instrument. Then STACI GEORGE together since 1992 and has performed in eleven people sang a German song "Auf der Continued from page I Senior Writer Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, and Mauer, auf der Lauer", and the whole room The highest honor of the year given b There is no better way to celebrate a 20- New Jersey to name a few states. did accompany them with enthusiasm. he Alumni Association is the Alumnus o victory than with friends, music, food, and Many alumni brought theirchildren while After that, ten people performed three lumna of the Year Award. This award i leis at a Hawaiian theme party. Chuck Flayhart entertained them with magic differentGennan dances they learned in only resented to a graduate who isof good char Students andalumni gathered undera tent for the first half of the night and made bal- one hour with the help of two traditional cter and is held in high esteem by his or he on the tennis courts for 'four hours of eel- loon hats the rest of the time. The kids also German dancers: Mrs. and Mr. Skowronek. sociates and has brought credit upon hi ebrating and catching up with one another. danced and played with the beach balls on Afterwards, videos of German music were r herself and the College. This year's re About 300 people attended the party,said the dance floor. shown while the students waited for their ipient is Kathy Moore Rittler '68. Michelle Hamilton Kershner '98, associate "Overall, I think everyone enjoyed the school buses. Alumni were received in a special ten director of alumni affairs. party. The balloon artist was a big hit with The students did not forget to thank the rea and enjoyed many other activitie The night's musical entertainment was the kids and the adults," said Kershner. presenters they met because of this special hroughout the weekend. providedby the Full EffectBand, whichcon- Dining Services provided the buffet of experience they had together. Some of them Some new alums found the scene strange sists of a four piece rhythm section, three food. went back to.their Maryland schools with a isten Imwold '02 who is now teachin piece hom section (sax, trumpet, and trom- This was the second year that Alumni souvenir, either a Lebkuchen they decorated lementary school enjoyed Homecoming bone), and two vocalists. They played mu- Affairs sponsored a Homecoming party on or a paper silhouette they cut, but all of them break from the working world. "It's a littl sic from the 70s through today. the tennis courts. had learned something about Germany on eird to come back and see college friend Their web site (http:// The party ended at 8:00 and the night thisTuesday and are already looking forward alking about work," she said. www.fulleffectband.comlbandmembers/ continued with an array of ftreworks. CMCUf.I .. ACAPUlc(!) .. JAMAICA .. BAHAMAS, .. FL<'2IDA Green and gold bring spirit to packed Homecoming crowd Continued from page J Brant Memorial cup award for excellenc in academics, leadership, and service. Phi SigmaSigma' theme was Houywox Boulevard and its orange and black banne proclaimed "It takes class to be aster!" Senior Donna Hurd said it took abou three nightsto build the floatand 30 Phi Sig rode on it in the parade. The class of 2006, the cheerleaders, an the Black Student Union also had floats i PROMOTE TRIPS ON CAMPUS the parade. "It's always good to see healthy compe EARN WH & TRAVEL FREE! 1.800.648.4849 tition among the many diverse groups a CALLTODAY FOR DETAIlS! campus. I enjoyed the parade," said alum nus Tom Macurak '02.
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