Page 48 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 48
Wednesday. October 23, 2002 • Page 4 COMMENTARY Colorful changes abound for the Phoenix Staff it So it is an exciting time for all of us to Editors-In-Chief finally have the staff's hard work shown in the new masthead. Edward K. Schultheis '03 color. which The current masthead for the Phoenix, of for a number has been employed Matthew E. Hurff '03 Also, funds permitting, we are planning years, features the steeple of Big Baker. on doing more color edition in the future _ While the logo has been used around the News Editor which again is something that we are truly campus, most recently in the newly reno- Katie Champion '04 excited about. We hope that you enjoy it as vated basement of Big Baker, many people well. don't know what it is. Speaking of the News and Sports sec- Features Editor Also, with the change of the college's Jessica Watson '05 tions, we had some changes in the personnel name and logo to the Ward Arch, we have of those two sections. been looking at a variety of submitted mast- To let Greg Lederer focus more on the head. Commentary Editor sports articles, especially the football games, We are still in the process Erin Romanski '04 LeRoy McDuffie was willing to move over and hope to have a new masthead of searching, in place from News to help Greg with layout while by the end of this semester. If you would Assistant Commentary Editor he focused on stories. like to submit work, please email us at Donna Hurd '03 \\\We hoped that this synergy between The winner re- Edward K. Schultheis LeRoy and Greg would yield great results ceives $100, as well as leaving their mark Sports Editors in Sports both in the writing and layout. on McDaniel College history. Greg Lederer '03 It is an awesome time to be a member of This means that Greg and LeRoy will be We are making these changes to serve our leRoy McDuffie '05 th~ Phoenix. Let me be the first to tell you sharing Co-Editor duties for the remainder community better, and hope that you feel we the exciting news of what is going on with of the semester. are doing precisely that. . McDaniel's student newspaper. To fill the vacancy left in News, Katie or suggesuon Advertising Manager First off, Iam proud to say that this is the Champion, who was the assistant news edi- If you have any comments Tim Mascari '03 first issue of the Phoenix that has ever had tor, and one of the hardest workers on the of what we can cover or would like to write color incorporated into it. staff, was kind enough to take the place of about something special your organization Subscriptions Manager For this the Homecoming issue we, leRoy. is planning, please let us know. And for you students who think that your Katie Martin '06 along with the help of College Activities, We hope Lekcy's expertise in layout and voice isn't being heard, write an article for decided that to have the front and back pages Greg's passion for sports writing will en- the newspaper, you can see how much a in color would really make this issue spe- Photographer hance the Sports section, and Katie's hard single person's words can change. Jen Parry '05 cial. And while it did make things a bit more work will keep News driving forward - and This is your newspaper, and your f~rum difficult for our News and Sports editors to that these changes will help with the general to express yourself, take advantage of It. make sure that they great photos and to teach quality of the newspaper. Cartoonist them a new way of placing color photos, but Also, change Jessica Watson '05 I think they will all agree that it was worth the Phoenix another monumental is the search that for -Edward K. Schultheis is a senior major is undergoing communication Senior Writers Staci George '03 Clocks needed to tell time in etter to the Michael Wiles '03 classroom atmosphere Staff Writers ditor Becky Arnold '04 Before Istart pointing out another prob- we all know Lawrence Assuid lem with this institution. Iwant to congratu- watch Now is at least going that every student's to be five minutes Jenn Ballard '03 late the college for giving me a challenge onday, October 7, 2002 Tara Dellafranzia '03 for this issue. Kerrie Fisher '03 It was actually very difficult to find a Colby Goodrum '05 topic for this commentary. Nicole Grimm '06 That means one of two things: either I would like to make a comment abou Tim Mascari '03 have been walking around in a dream world article that appeared in the colleg Tammi Slater '03 for the past two weeks or the college has been ewspaper concerning the studen Kennedra Tucker '05 making more sense lately. The reality is probably that I was just so ealth Service. glad to have Fall Break that it has put me in a better mood. Adviser So, this may not be a horribly important don't have the details about that par Terry Dalton complaint, it is nevertheless a valid one. It .cular service, but I do know that th was brought to my attention in one of my rimary care practitioner there. Mrs The Phoenix is published biweekly. The classes this semester that many classrooms oan Lusby, is a highly dedicated an koinions expressed do not necessarily represen this year no longer have clocks-on the walls. ~ of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the I am not sure the reason for this but it hon- killed provider. ~orsofMcDaniel. estly makes no sense. The professors are The paper welcomes free-lance submissions even complaining. s a local pharmacy owner, I hay pn Macintosh disks inmostwo~ ~for- Now instead of just glancing at the clock rofessionally interacted with Mrs mats. The editors reserve the nght to edit for when your professor is not looking, you must Donna Hurd usby over the years on many occa larity, length, and libel and to publish as space get caught. jPetmits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- For it is not extremely difficult to pick faster than any professors. Therefore every ions. She has, in my opinion. alway jdressed diskettes) become the property of The out the student in the room who has to lift class period they get out a little earlier than x.hibited excellent clinical judgmen doesn't the last, hoping that the professor IPlwenix and cannot be retumed. their shirt sleeve and look at their wrist watch catch on to their unspoken pact. nd has shown to be a concerned p Please includea name and phone numbe to find out the time. ider of heaJth care to all her patients , Of course, or verification. Names will be withheld only by Even more noticeable is the student who tell the professor no one wants to be the one to is in what the time really has not learned to tell time well, yet for some fear of the wrath they will receive from the n today's health care environment i filie~~~.~:es ~~CX;!~~basedon reason still has a normal watch instead of a rest of the class. ~~, race, ~~gion, ~e.nder, sexu~ orientatio~, digital, and they take forever to count the So in the long run, are there really any s extremely difficult and complicat jnarional ongm, condition of handicap, or man- hands. benefits to removing the clocks from the o practice evidence-based rnedicin fuStalUs Also obvious is the student, who has not classroom? which Mrs, Lusby does), invested in a watch that tries to get another If the clocks have been removed because Mail to: student's attention to find out how much some genius decided that the students will vidence based medicine require The Phoenix longer they must remain there. learn better without them, they obviously did McDaniel, 2 College Hill One can only assume that this must be not think this through enough. ood solid facts before making a de Westminster, MD 21157 more frustrating to professors then having Just something that I thought I would ision. Maybe some reporters shoul (4\0)751-8600 students glance at the wall once in awhile. point out. ollow that concept. FAX (410) 857-2729 Also, if the professor does not believe in E-Mail: wearing a watch, they must rely on the class -Donna Hurd is a senior English ennis M. Rosenbloom, Pharm. D to tell them what time it is. major. .D.E.
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