Page 50 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 50
,. Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - Page 6 COMMENTARY A message to President Bush regarding war in Iraq decades. This is about war and evaluating With little or nothing connecting to one of Gore's "sore losers" to acceptmg Tara DellaJranzia confronts the the character of the opposition. The Hussein and his regime to Al Quaeda other your call for the political parties of our na- president with political president's conclusion is simply that the en- than lawless and remote locations, this pro- tion to work together. emy is soulless and without conscience or suggestions. posed war somehow avenges the deaths of And a final note to you, Mr. President, the ability to derive right from wrong, de- those lost in America on September 11th? and those that criticize me or call me un- Using irrelevant personal attacks to pub- spite the fact that Hussein has now agreed to Apparently, OUf country has suffered great American for not standing behind our leader: licly campaign is generally seen as making allow UN inspectors access to all areas for losses, and this justifies more bloodshed. I am truly an American. a public figure less professional. The more weapon inspection. This war and bloodshed causes similar Ihave the right to question the logic and hypocritical political ads out there seem to Bush's bluff has been called. Iraq's trauma to those living in any war zone. r emotional impacts of this war, and Iam ex- criticize the candidate's opponent for slan- leader has made a positive decision for his don't care if those people are good or evil- ercising that right. I am respecting th~t my dering. country, his people, and his military situa- we have enough good and evil people in freedoms have been earned through philoso- No doubt that the voting public catches tion. America to be concerned with. phy and warfare, and I am asking that those this, and that it's good to remain critical yet While this does not necessarily make him The fact is, we will be negatively affect- wars and philosophies be looked at once objective when evaluating a candidate, but a kind person or adequate leader, the deci- ing the lives ofpeopJe already living in bad again so that we may evaluate our triumphs voters seem to have forgotten about one poli- sion was the right one by Bush's standards, conditions. and mistakes. tician in particular. One we've already wasn't it? So, Mr. President, what about the coun- I would be less American if I stood by elected (well, in a loose definition of the It was, after all, what the president of our try women and men I have lost? and said or felt nothing about our political word): our president. country called for. Here is my emotional argument: do not situations and I am doing my duty as a citi- The time has come to return his emotional And now that Hussein has given in, Bush return their untimely deaths with more zen by trying to make an impact and by ex- arguments with both reason and emotion. As provokes him further, also upsetting our bloodshed. pressing how I feel. Iwrite this, news channels are reporting that country's political interest in maintaining You dishonor Christianity by using it to To all of you who say" America: Love It President Bush declared "the enemy has no peace with Russia. rally support for your political stances and Or Leave It," I would like to propose a new sou!." What can I say to counter a president that then quickly passing judgment on your en- slogan that is more in accordance with the Only days after Congress gave him the uses eye-for-an-eye philosophy to make de- emies for your political designs. mission of our country as stated in our na- power to introductory military dictatorship, cisions that literally have earth-shattering You are becoming the stereotype of ev- tional documents: "America: Love It Or Bush is now legally allowed to play the very potential? Because Hussein wanted to kill ery reason bin Laden gave for attacking us. Change It." God that he is so intent on serving. It isn't his "daddy" and just happens to control a Well, Mr. President, you need to think about abortion or the death penalty this time; massive amount of oil we won't even need of those that stood behind you. I, for one, -Tara Dellafranzia is a senior those issues have been of constant debate for in thirty years, we must attack him? went from being a third party masterpiece English major. A proposal to aid some of the problems on campus ganizing social functions themselves, includ- I know are saying the Administration would Tim Mascari presents a plausible ing sponsoring outside gatherings, the use never listen to this association, this associa- known anyone conspiring to strike. But more seriously, up it is around that's how messed solution to student disciplinary of Decker and the Pub. This association tion could reserve the right to organize here; according to the Prescriptions and Con- problems. would advocate more use of the clubrooms strikes. Can you imagine if a significant duct code, we can get kicked out of school as social gatherings as opposed to the floors, portion of the student body Slopped going for just thinking about protesting. Throughout my years at McDaniel Col- and on weekends the use of multiple to class and met in red square and protested? There is no viable reason why we can't lege I have held and shared many opinions clubrooms if any of the Greek organizations Of course we would call the Carroll County enjoy a decent social life on the weekends about the Colleges' drug, alcohol and noise feel inclined. This association would advo- Times; The Baltimore Sun would love this and still maintain a certain academic fervor. policies. I have witnessed the transforma- cate the proper clean-up of any said party, one. It would really put a lot of pressure on So lets prove that to the Administration. tion of the DoCS from a laughable low-pro- and would stress the importance of compro- the administration. Maybe our inability to organize is indica- file pinkertonesque patrol into a well-orga- mise, and reminds you that Rome wasn't This is a completely supposed situation tive of our lifestyles - and by not organizing nized, highly motivated machine. I've stood built in a day. This association would also of course, don't organize a strike, and if you to work with the Administration for a Jess by and watched as coordinating efforts be- fight for more diverse class offerings. In do don't tell them I gave you the idea be- depressing social atmosphere it can only as- tween the DoCS and the Office of Residence time, this association would have democrati- cause Ididn't. sume that we are content with our present Life have delivered detrimental effects upon cally elected leaders, and possibly have fund- The Administration is prepared for that. condition. The more we frustrate RAs and campus nightlife. Ihave also heard the sto- -raisers. This association would finance said In the Student Guide and Date Book under yell at the DoCS officers, and the tonger'we ries about increased pressure on RAs to en- eventsby charging admission. Proscriptions of Conduct on page 58 it says wait to organize, the- more we belittle our- force campus policies and report floor par- I am forced to balance in my mind how "Intentional obstruction or disruption of selves as a student body. So exercise the ties or risk losing their jobs. I empathize with you the students will receive this proposal, teaching, research, administration, disciplin- right afforded to you by the Constitution and R.A.s because they're just trying to do their for I am aware of the pessimists (I was once ary proceedings ..." is a violation. It also peacefully assemble, and if your wondering jobs, and if you think of it that way, so are one). says "Attempts to commit a violation, con- why I'm not organizing, it's because I'm a the DoCS officers, Amanda Rose and Shonda Icame up with six main student catego- spiracies to commit a violation, or aiding fifth-year senior and I really need to grad~- Wilson. ries: the people who say "Alright where do I another to commit a violation are causes for ate, but what I will do is give out my email The aforementioned are just tools of the sign up" and mean it, the people who say Disciplinary action." can Administration and its' determined effort to the same thing but never follow up, the I Conspiring? What is this? 1984 come address and those who are interested with email me and I will put you in contact dispel the McDaniel perennial party- school don't care enoughs, the suitcase students who true. We now have the thought police? The one another. Freshman, Iencourage you the myth, at the expense of your college experi- go home every weekend, the students who Administrations' Big Brother must be bro- most. ence. It's the Administration and its' poli- don't socialize, and those of you that are ken because I've been conspiring for years. cies that we should be addressing, not the against us. But not about having a strike though. I have -Tlm Mascari is a senior history messenger; and when I say "we" I mean we By this last category I am referring to the never conspired to strike nor have I ever major. the students who seek to better their condi- people who resent partygoers and make tion. And the most affective way to better anonymous phone calls to the DoCS. If this ones condition is in numbers. association were ever founded maybe people What I am proposing isn't unprecedented, from the "students who don't socialize" cat- by any means; students have organized be- egory would come out more because they fore right here on this campus - with suc- would have a reason. Maybe there wouldn't cess. In the late '60s women on this campus be a "suitcase student" category either. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED protested against the curfew policy by sleep- When considering such a proposal it is McDaniel College's ing outside and it worked. the pessimist that contaminates the realist, Volunteer What I am proposing is a student's rights and therefore the realist is forced to side with Income Tax Program association devoted to bettering the social the pessimist because the realist knows there atmosphere of McDaniel College through are a lot of pessimists out there, and that's democratic means. reality. Such an organization would except rela- But one thing most of us have in com- tive complaints or ideas about any aspect of mon is that we're conformists, and you know VITA campus life from students and address them what, so were our parents (if your parents to the Administration. It would organize so- were baby boomers like mine this makes a earn simple relatively cial functions inlu of any real Greek pres- lot more sense), and a lot of them organized. Learn how to prepare cdtile learn. income tax returns and Milstein internship credits ence on campus, and pressure for more up- It was cool to organize. It was cool to fight .Department you at x2456. Contact Susan' place in the to-date quiet hours through a campus wide for whatever it was that you believed in. It Business-Economics Training will take on vote. was cool to be a part of something bigger Saturday. Janu~ry 25, Saturday. F~bruary 1, and Saturday, February 8. The This association would pressure for a than yourself. actual preparation of tax returns will take place during tax season 2003. more realistic alcohol policy, while also or- And for all you pessimists out there, who
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