Page 49 - Phoenix2002-03
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COMMENTARY Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - Page 5 Mood boosters for gray fall days riting Center It's that time of year again. ating about the whole thing as well does the soul some good. rovides assistance Daylight Savings Time awaits us So dive in! Head first. 6. Go trick or treating. Yes, this much like the onset of death that 2. Spend an afternoon in the means you will have to dress up comes with old age. The sky be- park. Grab your closest bud and a and risk the possibility of adults so that they adequet swing and have a competition to telling you that you are too old for Becky Arnold explains the appointments see who can go the highest with- this and slamming the door in your benefits of the Writing time for help. out Slopping first. These mediocre face. But the slim chance that you Center '.'I free service. The Writing Center tutors ca challenges can be a refreshing will enjoy reliving your childish help students during any stepofth change from the unspoken compe- ways far exceeds any humiliation. Do you have that len page pa- writing process. tition that occurs between students- Think of all the free junk food you er due Friday, that you still If YOll have a few ideas about which is unfortunately what the will have handy for those all- avcn't started? paper, they can point you in th whole college experience tends to nigluers or weekend binges. Have you done everything else right direction; if you have a roug be. 7. Rent a ton of scary movies lit research for a science paper that draft and you want to turn it into 3. Go pumpkin picking. Sure, and spend a Saturday night in. s due in one week? Welcome to you might think that this is an over- There is no law that says you must riters block- the nightmare of If you have afew rated event, but the satisfaction get drunk and party every Saturday any students, whether they are comes later when you get home and night of your college life. Be a reshmen or seniors, Science rna- ideas about a paper, have a new dorm dec that you can rebel and watch some classics like ors or English majors. they can point you paint and carve. Imagine getting Halloween, The Exorcist and Fri- Few students know these out your aggressions on an ex with day the 13th, make some popcorn ymptoms and how to cure them in the write Erin Romanski a twist of the knife (on the pump- and curl up with your significant euer than the writing tutors in the direction; if you 101. riting Center in Hill Hall kin of course). other. gins to darken earlier. the days get 4. Take a trip on a haunted hay- And finally. ned 7 days a week, the Writ- have a rough draft much shorter, and our moods tend ride. Who doesn't love to be 8. Be an amateur photographer. ng Center offers students help dur- and you want to tur to cloud over as well. scared? Ifor one enjoy theadrena- Bask in the great outdoors and ful- ng any step of the writing process. On the bright side, mid-terms line rush that comes with being fill your inner artist. Use up a 24 The Writing Center is it into afinal draft• are finally over, and the leaves are taken by surprise. And so will five exposure disposable camera on just . tanned by 15 peer tutors and one starting to change colors, so why or six of your closest friends when scenery shots. terim director, Lisa Breslin. they can help with started as Center The Writing not get out there and enjoy the crisp you're wedged into a rickety Try to keep yourself and your lab, then a few tu- that too. If you hav fall air? During these gray days of wagon riding through an outdoor fellow compadres out of these usr a computer autumn, I have a few simple sug- frightfest. shots, get them developed in pan- ors were added to help students afinal draft that jus gestions to help maintain sanity and 5. Go for a long walk-off-cam- oramic view, and make your own ith basic writing needs. needs some a clear head, while reverting to the pus. How many of us stay cooped collage or scrapbook. I guarantee While the Writing Center has childhood behavior that kept us up indoors during the autumn you that looking back on these pho- eon a campus wide resource for grammar and entertained in our younger years. months, suddenly turned vampires tographs will not only heighten rudenrs for many years, it's popu- I. Jump in a big pile of leaves. overnight? And I'm sorry, but your mood, but also give you a rea- arity has expanded in the last three citation revising. the Remember how much fun this walking from dorm, to class, to son not to dread the approach of fall ears seemingly destructive activity used Glar does not constitute exercise. this time next year. Maybe then The tutors include sophomores, tutors can help you to be? Not only do you feel as Expand your horizons and walk to October won't seem quite as daunt- uniors. and seniors. with diverse tackle those areas a though you are creating more work Sheetz for a cup of coffee, or down ing. ajors and wruiog experiences. for the person who took the time to Baughers for some good home isa Breslin stresses that she takes well. out to rake the leaves (because you cooking. A little cardia never hun -Erfn Romanski is a e process of hiring her tutors very are), but there is something Iiber- anyone, and the chanl,!:e in scenery junior English major. criousty, final draft, they can help with tha Some things just defy explanation ood writers but also people look with for 100. If you have a final draft Ihn Not only she does ood people skills. just needs some grammar and cita So, this is what it has come to: There was a time not too far there is still no real way to prepare Breslin admits the corp of the tion revising, the tutors can hel you can't even pump gas anymore. into the past where we didn't think for something quite like what we eer tutors would be stronger if you tackle those areas as well Iam of course referring to ''The of planes as weapons or that you have seen these past few weeks. are men applied and were hired. Breslin says that the only thing tha Beltway Sniper," or whatever the could kill someone with a letter, but Some things truly defy explanation. While the Writing Center is you can not do is, "throw your pa those days seem to be ages behind Which brings about another pen seven days a week, opening per down and say fix it," it jus us now. As of late, just going about crucial question: what exactly are doesn't work that way. your everyday life can get you shot. we supposed to tell kids about all While "walk ins" Each session is interactive Perfect. of this? "When sessions nre interactive. w With all due respect to those First there was the mailer of"91 are welcome. have a better chance of meeting au that have fallen, the larger tragedy II," which was all but impossible students are mission," Breslin said. here seems to be that, as a society, to comprehend much less explain "That mission is to help stu we NEVER think it can happen to to a child, but now the "new" threat recommended to dents become better, more confi exists on a daily basis. dent writers." Despite being the most techni- What are we supposed to do, make appointments Breslin points out that the Writ cally advanced country in the tell kids that things are only going so that they have Ing Center is not just a place t world, few of us have to stopped to get worse? work on your writing but. "a plac to think that, if we allow any ya- Sadly, this appears to be the adequate timefor to talk about writing." hoo to purchase a rifle, there is a truth at the end of this social night- elp. The Writing There will be a lot oflalking chance he'll use it to hunt people. mare. April 15.2003 when McDanie hosts a Mid-Atlantic College Writ Now, before all you NRA sup-- Mike Wiles porters jump down my throat.tet's ticle Hopefully, print, by the time this ar- Center tutors can lng Center Conference. sees will they have think about this a second. caught this guy, because a lot more help students during Five-hundred invitations hay hell we are calling him this week. rides on his capture than our safety. been sent to high schools and col Now I know I'm always the There is no way this guy should any step of the lege inviting other Writing Ceme legally own a gun, and Idon't care In a society that seems to breed first to domplain about how much dysfunction and apathy while con- writing process. students and teachers to attend press villains get in our society, but, about his "right to bear arms": The conference will include pre I've got a right to pump gas stanny growing, we need to redeem this time around, there just may be senteuons, workshops, round tabl without the possibility of getting ourselves and show the world that, r 8 in the morning and not closing some new things to say. while we might have trouble "see- ntil almost midnight every night, discussions, and other events. Now this is not to imply that killed in the process. Clearly, there The members of the Writin is a conflict of interest here. ing it coming," we also have got a cheduling an appointment may be I'm the one to say them, but, since Center are constantly working I am right about this, and you strong history of coping with what ough. you've already started reading and improve there ability to help sm all know it. Besides, it is my style does come, and learning from it in Breslin often tells the story of all, I might as well give it a try. to assign random blame when the the process. e lime when one student even dents Improve their writing skills. As I was saying before, Iguess ied to pay another student (relax If your goaJ is to become a bet much this is what we have come to in this unthinkable happens. could Anyway, get? how Wait, don't worse an- t was only a $5 offer) for her up- ter writer, and you stop by the Writ And that's just what this is: the things country: nO matter how ready we unthinkable come to life; Grand swer that. intment time. ing Center, Lisa Breslin explain think we are, something always Theft Auto lIT personified. In all The offer wa'!o refused. you can contact them at any time. happens to make us ~onder ~?~ honesty, even if we were the sort -Mike Wiles is a senior While "walk ins" are welcome, -Becky Arnold is 8 junior we didn't see "il" COl11lng, and It of society that ex.pected the worst, English major. tudents are recommended to make communications major. keeps getting more absurd ..
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