Page 52 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - Page 8 Marias ..erJa, tw. GMtu..",eJ., A taste of Greek and Italian all in one ii'd, "..e0DlJ f(0UIJ 8rJJ, ~GIf" ERIN ROMANSKI draped from the entryway in the middle 0 CommtllwryEdiror the room, with just enough of a celebrator For a touch of family cooking and touch for this time of year without bein riendly atmosphere. Maria's restaurant is tacky. ust what you're looking for. Combining the Booths and tables are strewn throughou oods of Greece, italy, and a touch of Ameri- the open dining room in no particular ar an, the ristorante has a little bit of every- rangement, adding to the open casualty 0 hing for the average consumer. the restaurant. Iwas particularly impresse Hidden behind McDonald's off of Balti- with the bubbly attitude displayed by all sta ore Boulevard, the small but homey estab- members encountered while dining there ishrnent is located directly off of route 140, they were attentive and did not act at all in pprcximately 1.5 miles from McDaniel. It convenienced by requests for drink refills 0 s a shame that such a moderately priced extra bread. usiness that provides friendly service and The menu consists of a variety of Italia uthenric cuisine should have to compete favorites, such as chicken parmigiana, rna ith chain restaurants like Olive Garden, nicotti, or ravioli. Garlic bread and achoic hich is more prominently displayed from of soup or fresh house salad accompante he highway. every entree for an average price range 0 I for one would opt for Maria's if given $8.95-$13.95, including a side dish choic he option in the future, especially since the of spaghetti, rice, potatoes, or vegetables. ered to watch a movie dealing with the por- ait time is nonexistent, compared with the Subs are offered for the less adventurou STACI GEORGE trayal of women in the media, a discussion Senior writer ore mentioned eatery that leaves you for 45 eaters, and Greek entrees are also available of the movie, and got their creative juices inures with a pager in hand. Then again, along with the famous baklava and assorte October 16, 2002 was the day women flowing while making a personal collage that or those people who are comfortable with a pastries for dessert. Even pizza can be or around the nation ignored the media's per- would be hung in Ensor Lounge all day estaurant that is familiar, you may not be as dered, rounding out a di verse selection 0 sona of the ideal woman (i.e. those skinny Thursday. illing to try something as unique as chicken meriu options. and beautiful models in idolized in fashion "I am really pleased with the turnout and lorentine or broccolini. All in all, the experience was an enjoy magazines). Instead of listening to the me- people's willingness to. voice their opinions Warmly lit, the ambience is one of strung able one, and I left feeling pleasantly ful dia, the woman only heard the words "Love and thoughts. I would like to see it ("Love ights, beige walls, and white linen table- without being overly stuffed. Maria's is ab your body!" Your Body" Day) happen here again," re- loths, displaying an atmosphere that is ca- solutely an optimal choice for Italian an Last spring,junior Lahnna Catalino came marked Catalino. ual, yet elegant at the same time. Hallow- Greek lovers alike-an obvious choice eve up with the idea to have McDaniel College The night's event was sponsored by the en decorations of plastic pumpkins are chain foods. women participate in the National Organi- departments of Communication, Social zation for Women's (NOW's) annual "Love Work, Philosophy, and Sociology; Gamma Your Body" Day celebration. She then got a Sigma Sigma; and the Panhellic Council. of chair and professor ~"TOO):"~ Forum, where more than a sixty women gath- History, was advisor to Catalino and the Donna Evergates, and began the initial planning. group together night's event took place in the Wednesday planners. group of student ~ANGEt_O Crime hurts. 359 MANCHESTER ROAD Every day people are sexually WESTMINSTER MD. assaulted who never thought it 410-386-6144 would happen to them. If this .:. TATTOOS has happened to you there'S no •:. BODY PIERCING need to deal with it alone . .:. COVER-UPS Whether the crime happened last night .:. BODY JEWELRY or years ago, we can help. Rape Crisis Intervention SELECT FROM OUR FLASH Service of Carroll County GALLERY OR LET US CREATE 24 HOUR HOTLINE AN ORIGINAL TATTOO FOR 410-857-7322 YOU. .All inquiries are confidential. A Pnvate Non-Profit Agency Serving Carroll County 10% DISCOUNT WITH THIS AD
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