Page 42 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 42
Wednesday, October 9, 2002 - Page 14 SPORTS - Volleyballbuilds unity with Cross Country posts solid youth as season continues Invitational performance GREG LEDERER Spor/sEditor GREG LEDERER I he 2002 campaign has been a learmng the loss, while junior Kellyanne Rose had SPOrts Editor time of 15:11 at 1 10th. experience for the McDaniel College Vol- 11 kills of her own. I he McDamel Coliege Cross Country On September 21, the teams competed leybal!squad. The team looked to pick lip a road vic- teams recently competed in the in the Elizabethtown Invitational. Elizabethtown and Dickinson Invitationals. The team boosts just three seniors,. and tory against Messiah College on September The Men's team finished in seventh The teams had strong finishes by many run- has counted on many young freshman play- 28. It was another tough day for the learn, place out of the nine teams in the race. Hugus ers to contribute to the team immediately. as they dropped the contest 3-1 in four ners in each of the meets. In Carlisle, PA on October 5, the led the way for the team, finishing 36th in While the team has a under sub .500 games. The learn won the first game con- the race with a time of 30:57 followed by record (7-9), there have been positive signs vincingly 30-21, but lost the next three games Dickinson Invitational was broken in down freshman teammate Matt Jackson in 41st in that the team is improving as the season has by slim margins. Wall had another strong into two races using a long and short course. a time of 31: IS. Profili immediately fol- continued. game with 20 digs and 22 kills while Rose The Green Terror women finished seventh lowed Jackson in 42nd place and Reagan In their most recent match, the team had 15 digs as well. on the long and 10th on the shorter course. placed 49th in the meet .. swept both H~od and Neuman Colleges at The team got back on the winning track Senior Holly Thompson paced the squad With many freshman performing well the Salisbury tournament on October 4. The against Widener University on September with her 29th place finish on the short course this season on the men's side, the team be- team won both matches by scores of 3-0 and 24. in a time of 16:52, followed next by sopho- lieves that the future is looking brighter for more Colleen Lawson in 42nd and Natasha improved their record to 7-9 on the season. The team dominated the contest, getting Young's 58th place in times of 17: 11 and the program. "It's unusual for a team to have On October I, the team ventured to off to a strong start in the first game (30-16), 17:35 respectively. so many freshman at the top of the team, but Selinsgrove, PA for an away match against leading to a 3-1 victory. The opposition tied if we put in the work and recruit well in the On the Longer course, senior Blair conference opponent Susquehanna College. the score by winning the second game, but Heinke crossed the tape first for the team in future then the program will be very bright," Unfortunately for the the Green Terror picked up victories in the said Jackson. team, the opposition picked up a 3-1 victory third and fourth games to take home the vic- a time of25:24 good enough for 26th place, On the Women's side, the team was paced in close fashion. tory. followed immediately after by fel_low senior by Jen Pullen's 22nd place finish in a time Jen Pullen in 27th place with a time of25:25. The Green Terror lost the first game by 2 Wall had 14 kills and 20 digs, while Rose of25:39, immediately followed by freshman On the Men's side, the team ran to a ISth points 29-31, lost the second game 30-IS, had 15 kills and 17 digs in the win. Fresh- place finish on the long course and a 17th Kristen Aversa in 26th and sophomore Col- but came back and won the third stanza 30- man Mindy Michoff also performed strongly place on the shorter one. Freshman Paul leen Lawson in 44th place. 24. In the fourth game, the team fell just for the team with 22 assists in the contest. Hugus led the way for the Green Terror on Green Terror can see the teams next com- short, losing 30-27 and suffering their ninth As the team's younger players start to pete in the Gettysburg Invitational on Octo- the longer course with his 45th place finish, loss of the season. mold with the experienced ones, the team is ber 26th. followed by fellow freshman Gary Markle The team was led by senior star player looking for a strong second half to their sea- Note Kate Wall who had 13 kills and 21 in son in the Centennial Conference. at 49th, senior Dave Profili in 73rd, and jun- The Phoenix Sports section is ior John Reagan in I 10th. Green Terror Volleyball Leaders Markle came back and paced the team's proud to congratulate Jill Krebs effort on the Shorter 4k run with a 45th place on winning the Women of the Year Digs finish in a time of 14:03. Junior Calvin in Maryland from the NCAA. 201 Kate Wall 266 Woodward finished second on the team with Recently graduated, she is a fine KeUyane Rose 213 a 73rd place finish in a time of 14:23 and example of the caliber athletes that freshman Steve Beck came in third with a we have at McDaniel College. .. Celebrate With The Green Terror All The Way To The Champlonshlpl Weekend FDDtball SpeCials 5aturday§ • 4-7 PM 20t Wings _ Buy them by the dozen .•. Share them with a f'riend. !li7.50/Ib. Steamed Shrimp _ Tender. Juicy - Steamed To Order. !li5.95 60urmet Crab Pizza _ Our Mast Talked About NEW Appetizer ... Tasting Is BelieVing. !li2.95 Harbor Bay Fries _ Wedge Cut, Russet Fries with Crab Seasoning and Ranch Olpplng Sauce. !li5.75 Barbecued Shrimp _ ScrumptioUS! Jumbo Gulf' Shrimp baked In our homemade BBO sauce and tapped with crisp bacon and melted prDvo/one. !lil.00 r::oors Light Dr';fts !lil.i!5 Domest:ic Bot:t:les
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