Page 45 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 45
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 McDaniel College Home of the Champions! McDaniel Homecoming festivities a success despite rainy weather hosts 8th An- STACI GEORGE Se"iQrWdler A parade of green and gold was just what this cold, rainy day LAWItENC.,;ASSU11J SlajJWrir<'f needed to boost the spirits of the On Tuesday, October 1.5, alumni, Faculty, students, and their McDaniel College celebrated its families who came to the Hi!J to see McDaniel beat Dickinson. Bth annual German-American Day The parade began OIl East by hosting over 620 high school Middle School, traveled down students. Main Street passed by the judges' The day began early for many table, and entered campus to kick people that day. AI 8:30 a.m., 24 off "Homecoming 2002." McDaniel students assisting 31 Pam Zappardino, .presldem of presenters. and high school stu- the Alumni Association, and dents coming from more than 20 Westminster City Mayor Kevin schools from multiple locations in Dayhoff, a non-traditional student, Maryland met in Baker Memorial rode in a red 1966 Ford Mustang Chapel. at the head of the parade. Dr. Esa, German Associate Pro- The Homecoming court rot- fessor, first thanked everyone for lowed shortly behind them in a coming. Then, Dr. Motard-Noar. horse drawn carriage. the chair of the department of For- Various student organizations eign languages and Martha spent a great deal of time prepar- O'Connell, dean of admissions, ing floats to show off in the parade. rn turnout for stressed on the importanceofleam- These floats were judged and the parade wore extravagant cos- ing German regarding success in got off the float ing weekend is large despite the winners were announced at haLf tumes. Actors such as sophomore college and job opportunities. time. Each won money from the Andrew Pecararo Nadja Werner, German house Student Government Association. and made parade watchers a part college's name change director, and James Watson, Presi- The winners were: First place, of their parade performance. dent of the German club, empha- of living Alpha Psi Omega; Second place: Phi Mu did a "King of the Hill" KATIE CHAMPION at an awards brunch at the home of sized the opportunity and of joining in house the German Phi Mu; Third place, Phi Sigma theme, where they made t-shirts News Editor President Coley. the German club. Afterwards. Sigma. with their Greek letters using When the name change deci- The Meritorious Service Award Senior Mike Pitsikoulis de- jungle animal fabric. Junior Julia sion was announced in January, was presented to Caroline Babylon people from different embassies signed Alpha Psi Omega's float. Keene said that it took about two members of the Alumni Associa- '76, Phil Enstice '71, Andy spoke about the meaning of such a day and the importance of main- Senior David Trader, who led weeks to come up with the idea and tion became concerned that rela- Kalisperis '98 and Caroline Benson the float construction and drove the put everything together. Senior tions with alumni would dimin- Tringali '85. This award goes to taining German-American friend- as such events ship by supporting tractor, said it took six hours to pre- Clare Pavey was head of the float ished. However, the turnout for the graduates who have demonstrated German-American day. pare the float with its theme "Tak- committee. homecoming football game on Sat- exceptional leadership and devo- ing Theatre to the Streets." Phi Mu also won the James urday relieved many Alumni Af- tion to service for the betterment At 10:30 a.rn., students were presenter The members of this theatre Continued on page 2 fairs officials. of the college Alumni Association. asked to join their the workshop and assistant to attend The turnout of alumni, parents The Distinguished Alumni they had signed up for. They chose President Coley awards Phi and friends was extremely large Award is presented national or inter- it among 27 very different work- to graduates this year. who have gained shops covering many areas of Ger- distinction in his or her Mu with 2002 Brant Cu join Many new alums came back to national profession and whose ac- devoted to German-American were Some of them man culture. and see old in the festivities chosen friends. Susan Miller '02, came complishments retlect admirably Continued on page 2 with her boyfriend, Paul Ostazeski on the College. This year's recipi- '0 see her sister.Julia and catch ents are Frank Bowe '69 and Eric Inside up with old classmates. Byrd '93. "It's good to see people from The Alumni Community Award my class and the class before me." was presented to David Bailey '57, Miller said. Tracy Kennard 101m '87 and Har- Osteaeskl agreed. "I ran into ris LeFew '5 l . This award is pre- dward K. Schultheis discusse myoid roommate," he said. "It's sented to graduates who have per- ome of the new changes to th nice 10 be back." formed outstanding voluntary ser- hoenix for this edition and com Jeremy Keil '02: enjoyed his vice to their community beyond ng editions. first homecoming as an alum. "It normal business or professional definitely feels funny not going obligation. here would like to eat today'. back to my dorm with friends, but The Alumni Admissions Award ~rin Romanski describes her pleas it's great to be back and see old is given periodically to an alumnus uu experience at the reasonabl friends," Keil said. who has given extraordinary time riced Maria's Restaurant. During the half-time ceremo- and effort to introducing academi- nies, Pam Zappardino, president of cally eligible young people to the the Alumni Association announced college. This year the award was the winners of this year's Alumni presented 10Janice Mooney Hoban fA.fter a slow start, the Volleybal Association awards that were '63. earn has been able to make it t awarded earlier Saturday morning Continued all page 2 ~e.500 mark
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