Page 26 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 26
Wednesday, September 25,2002 - Page 14 SPORTS Cross Country perform The dream story of Tom well in Terror Challenge Brady shows dedication GRF..G LEDERER Sports Editor mate Matt Jackson who came in 22nd place LEDERER The McDaniel College men's and in a time of 30:13. Soon after, senior Dave GREG SponsEdiror women's cross country teams seem to love Profili crossed the finish line in 24th place How is he doing it? Who do you ask? coaching staff told him that he was too frail the confines of their home course. with a time of 30:27 and sophomore John The answer is the reigning Super Bowl MVP to handle the pounding of an NFL season Both learns had great performances in the Reagan placed 33rd in a time of 31; 13. Tom Brady, the starting quarterback for the and had to learn how to read NFL defense if third annual Green Terror Cross Country Recently, the team competed in the World Champion New England Patriots. he ever wanted to play at the pro level. Challenge on September 14. Elizabethtown Invitational on September 21, When the Patriots won the Super Bowl Instead of crying or complaining like On the women's side, the team was the with {he men taking seventh place and the last year, Brady was an deemed a one year other quarterbacks (Ryan Leaf}, Brady got runner-up at the meet, finishing in second women earning a sixth place finish. wonder, a guy who fell into the right place to work and Spent his entire rookie season place. On the men's side, Hugus was the first at the right time. His stats weren't dazzling, on the practice squad, learning the New En- The first Green Terror runner to cross the Green Terror to cross the finish with his 36th but all he did was win game after game. gland offense and working diligently at get- finish line was senior Jen Pullen who came place finish in a time of 30;57, while Jack- This year, Brady has done more than ting stronger in the weight room to prove that in sixth place in a time of 20;30, followed son wasn't very far behind, finishing 41st in enough to silence his critics, putting up in- he could contribute to the team in the future. closely by fellow senior Holly Thompson's a time of 31:18. Profili was the very next credible numbers that rival any quarterback By the time the Patriots returned the next 12th place finish in a time of 21;06. Fresh- runner to come across, finishing 42nd in a in the NFL. In his most recent game, Brady season for training camp, Brady returned man Colleen Lawson and Natasha Young time of 31; 19 and Reagan placed 49th in a completed 25 of39 passes for410 yards and stronger and more prepared for his sopho- more season. also ran well at the meet, finishing 20th and time of 31 ;50. four touchdowns in the Patriots nail- biting 22nd respectively. For the women, Pullen led the way with 41-38 victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. He impressed head coach Bill Belichick Senior Ellen Miller came right in between a 22nd place finish in a time of25:39. The victory improved New England's record so much that he moved him to the backup her teammates finishing 21 st in a time of She was later followed by freshman to 3-0 and people are finally starting to pick quarterback role on the depth chart, behind 21:36. Kristen Aversa and Colleen Lawson in 26th the team as favorites to win their games now. All-Pro quarterback Drew Bledsoe. was injured in the second When Bledsoe and 44th places respectively: Ellen Miller Not to sound like a know it all, but I knew game of the season, Brady was inserted with came in fourth for the team with a 47th place that Brady wasn't just some afterthought that the team winless at 0-2, but Brady rallied a finish in a time of 26:46. many scouts scoffed at when he was drafted team of no superstars to the playoffs and in the sixth round of the NFL Draft. I caught the eye of New Englanders who fell watched Brady play his college football at in love with the kid's love of the game and the University of Michigan and he was never his story of success. a big star until his senior year. Brady led the team to the Super Bowl that Going into the season, he was involved year, where they faced off against the heavily in a quarterback controversy with talented favored St. Louis Rams. sophomore Drew Hensen whose reputation This game wasn't supposed to be close was bigger than Brady's. HensenwasanAII- at all, and all the experts were' picking the American school boy who had already Rams in a blowout and some questioned if signed a multi-million dollar deal with the Brady should even play due to a ankle in- New York Yankees and was prototypical jury that he suffered in the AFC champion- NFL quarterback: Good size, strong arm, ship game victory over the Pittsburgh and speed to go along with a good mind. The Steelers. two were shifted in and out of games until . The Patriots would go on to stun the almost half way through the season, when Rams in one of the most unpredictable Su- Michigan head coach Lloyd Carr decided to per Bow"ts ever, winning on a last second go with experience and made Brady the field goal by place kicker Adam Viniteri. starter for the rest of the season. Brady was named MVP and got to an- Invigorated with his coach's support of swer the famous question, "You have just him, Brady didn't lose another game for the won the Super Bowl, what are you going to rest of the season, including a thrilling over- do now?" Brady's response, "I'm going to time victory in the Orange Bowl over the Disney World!" heavily favored University of Alabama. Brady's dream run has continued for over When the draft came along that April, a season already, and people are starting to Brady was selected in the sixth round by the realize that he is isn't just a one year won- New England Patriots and was immediately der, but a solidNpl, quarterback. dropped to the bottom of the depth chart. The S$SSS$$ Sports Trivia I. Who is the only player to VOLUNTEERS NEEDED hit 30 home runs with five dif- McDaniel College's ferent teams? Volunteer Income Tax Program 2. What are the only teams in modem record (last seventy VITA years) to win back to back world series? Learn how to prepare relatively simple income tax returns and earn internship credits while you learn. Contact Susan' Milstein in the Business-Economics Department at x2456. Training will take place on Saturday, January 25, Saturday, February I, and Saturday, February 8. The 3. When was the last time the actual preparation of tax returns will take place during tax season 2003. Cincinnati Bengals had a win- ning season?
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