Page 18 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 18
Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Health services not available on weekends It's that time of year again. With fall al- ducted from your checking account; this is hasn't been able to breathe through her nose Editors-In-Chief Edward K. Schultheis '03 lergies on the rise and germs abounding in even before a doctor has acknowledged the in two days. student the average has a diffi- for three and a the dorms, been waiting fact that you've It's ok though. Matthew E. Hurff '03 cult time keeping illnesses at bay. But you h a I f day morning to make She can wait until Mon- that an appointment better plan accordingly, kids. Don't get sick hours to fits in with her class schedule, then sit in the News Editor on the weekends because Smith House won't see him waiting room for 45 minutes to an hour, and LeRoy McDuffie '05 be there to bail you out or her. miss her second class of the day because she So you ask, "well, why the hell not? Isn't In the was too busy reading medical digest while Assistant News Editor the Student Health Center supposed to be end, you waiting for some sign of life via the nursing Katie Champion '04 availab'le to the students who pay good can thank staff. money to get sick due to the lack of clean McDaniel Oh wait, that was me. Sorry. living environments?" Features Editor College Well, you better plan accordingly. Jessica Watson '05 Well, yes that is the idea. But unless for taking You should anticipate a bout of influenza, you're one of those people fortunate enough our pre- strep throat, or a sudden athletic injury at {O plan the onset of a cold so that it lies be- c i 0 u s least a day or two prior to the incident. Commentary Editor tween the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. $27,000 a This way, you can rest assured that the Erin Romanski '04 Monday through Friday, you're ouua luck. year to receptionist will be ready for you the next Of course, the option of running to the --------- day, already aware of your symptoms before Assistant Commentary Editor emergency room, should you need an ice Erin Romanski they start, and she can throw some cough Donna Hurd '03 pack, cough syrup, or prescription drug is drops at you and send you on your way in a always available, but more than a little ab- matter of minutes. surd. Sports Editor pay for the services you're not receiving by Just don't get sick on Saturday, okay? Greg Lederer '03 Especially since the moment you set foot the health center. on those hospital tiles, $70 not covered by Maybe I'm a little bitter, but a friend of -Ertn Romanski is a junior your medical insurance is automatically de- mine came down with a sore throat and English major. Advertising Manager Katrina Emmerick '03 Driving privileges are our Tim Mascari '03 he Phoenix values right in a free country our opinions. Photographer Jenn Parry '05 ' hether you are a Tara DellaJranzia remarks on her Senior Writer red with ire the man's face was in that brief tudent, parent, Michael Wiles '03 driving freedoms as an American section. I guess he has some type of size or Staci George '03 citizen. masculinity issue. Istopped the acuity member, or "Hold on," Itold my mom. A recent study pointed out that eating fast Staff Writers food while driving is just as hazardous as car. Never before was I proud of cursing, y otjler member Ryan Brad '06 talking on the cell phone at the wheel. but today was a new day ripe with new forms of expression. Tara Dellafranzia '03, I'm always eating Schmuffins from Icomplimented myself on my diction as f thttMcDaniel John Esucram '03 Sheetz, egg and cheese croissants from Isaid every American's favorite f-word. meatless Egg Kern Fisher '03 Dunkin' Donuts, and (Yes, Iknow, ollege community, from McDonald's. McMuffins Colby Goodrum '03 they are all the same thing really). "Hold on, " I told my e are looking to Dan Hamvas '03 Never once, though, while eating my Courtney Kief '06 favorite protein-filled breakfast food, have I mom. I stopped the car.. ear what you have Faniska Lopez-Gonzalez '03 been yelled at for eating at the wheeL Never before was I proud Katie Martin '06 I know it's dangerous, and I've slipped a o say - whether it is Laura Peterson '06 few times, so now I make sure to unwrap of cursing, but today was Emily Seal '03 the food and have my drink ready before I a new day ripe with new bout something continue driving. While on the cell phone, however, Iwas forms of expression. hat we cover or reprimanded for talking and driving. One Adviser day on my way home from work, my mother Terry Dalton called. car. Ifelt like stopping and getting out of the omething that we She works in another building down the With two relatives deceased very idn't cover. Either The Phoenix is published biweekly. The street from where I was. recently, I had even been making funeral pPinionsexpressed do not necessarily represent I was returning to campus shortly and arrangements on the phone just days before. ose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the she wanted to make sure I stopped by her What if I was doing that now? Ishould have ~stmtors of McDaniel College. office to pick up the food. gotten out of the car and said that. The paper welcomes free-lance submissions I made a left into a residential area to And made tons of prejudiced remarks n Macintosh disks in most word processor for- turn around. about the size of his "extra large SUV" and rats. The editors reserve the right to edit for While carefully doing so, I noted a 40- what it compensated for. n accurate larity, length, and libel and to publish as space something man with a pouty face in a large Or the fact that he simply must be one of Ix=rmits. All submissions (excluding seJf-ad- SUV sticking halfway out into the those people out there limiting free speech epiction of Ufeat Itressoo diskettes) become the property of The intersection. by imposing rules on other people. cDaniel and to hoenix and cannot be returned. He screamed: "GET OFF YOUR CELL He must agree with our very own Please include a name and phone number PHONE AND DRIVE!" Just like the president, who unmistakably said, "There ccomplish that we or verification. Names will be withheld amy by bumper sticker. ought to be limits to freedom." ihe discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. My first thought was this: There are many Instead, I kept driving, responsibly. I eed your help and The P/wenixd0e8 notdiscriminate based on reasons why 'SUVs are useful. They can took mind of the children after realizing ge, met; religion, gender, sexual orientation, store a lot of people and cargo and they are they'd probably already heard the f-bomb upport. origin, condition of handicap, or mari- ~=. good in the snow. dropped at home. not to hit them. I ~onal sure I made this was one of those oversized However, ones. concentrated. Icontinued talking on my cell lease either call us Mail to: He may as well have been driving a bus. phone. t x8600 or email us The Phoenix Why would a man who is way too grumpy As a free American in this country, I am McDaniel College. 2 College Hill to possibly attract a woman and too not about to let some stranger tell me what I t Westminster, MD 21157 inconsiderate to procreate actually own an can and cannot do in the privacy of my own (410)751-8600 SUV this big? car. hoenix@mcdanieLed FAX; (410) 857-2729 And it just has to be sticking out right If I want to talk on my cell phone while E-Mail: into the middle of the intersection, getting driving, so be it. ith your comments in the way of everything else and trying to -Tara Dellafranzia is a senior poke right where it doesn't belong. nd suggestions. I suppose I don't have to mention how English major.
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