Page 21 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 21
FEATURES Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - Page 9 Beam me up, Scottie! A sampling of what the comic Baldo has to offer , Star Trek fans run in Joe Evarisio 's family, above he is sporting his official "Trek" uniform - complete with rank insignia and starfleet badge. NICOLE GRIMM self by dressing how he likes. Sto..!fWriter Evartsro described his style as, What do khaki-cargo pants, "A fun thing to do, and a fun thing trendy flip flops, and polo shirts to see." His uniform collection have in common? You won't find consists of three different outfits. any items of Ihis style in Joe Two are simply costumes bought Evaristo's closet. When he's nor from a Halloween store, and his dressed in his casual tee-shirts and third one, his favorite uniform. is vests, he comes to class in full uni- made from the same material that form - Star Trek uniform that is. suits are made from. While he has always been a Star Trek fans seem to run in major Star Trek fan, Evaristo only Evaristo's family; however he is by started dressing in uniform his se- far the most involved with the nior year in high school. "I dressed show. His.single favorite episode like this last year," explained of Star Trek istitled, ''Trouble with Evaristo, "and the majority of Tribbles", a comedic episode about people responded well to my attire, furry creatures who multiply un- despite the controllably. fact that Though it was some cursed me out for "He wears what he likes ~~s:;'isto f~~ it." and does not feel like he name a favor- Tho s e who saw his has to fit any 'mold.'" ~~:~~~~~: wardrobe for favorite the first time character. sometimesreacted inastonishment. Instead, he thinks the engineers "One of the funniest stories was are the coolest characters on the when Icame dressed in uniform to show, reason being they run the take the New Jersey State Test at whole "Starship Enterprise". my high school. The hallswere dif- Though he only wears his uni- ficult to get through, and when ev- form about once a week, Evaristo eryone saw me, the crowd split in still maintains his own style of two and I walked right down the dress. The quote, "Conformity is middle with everyone looking at not my style," from the episode me," laughed Evaristo. "The Price" suits Evaristo well. Reactions here on campus have He wears what he likesanddoes been that of appreciation and he is not feel like he has to fit any quickly becoming recognized. Al- "mold". In this day and age of the ready he has been featured on a cookie-cutter look. it is refreshing campus television production, to see an individual expressing which he worked on, highlighting himself. Being unique is a won- his distinctive style. When classes derful thing, and may Evarislo's get boring and stressful, it is nice sense of style "live long and pros- to see someone staying true to him- per." --.,-- --
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