Page 23 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES ..... Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - Page 11 Why are two McDaniel College Thumbs up for "MY BIG students J*fiDi out of planes? FAT GRD:K Wl:DDING" "It hasn't been too bad," Bagby Luckily, Bagby landed in an Staf!Wriler said of her current workload, "Most open field safely and waited to be As McDaniel College students of my teachers have been pretty found. were returning to campus or mov- lenient." After the three-week training is ing in for the first time, two jun- Airborne training consists of complete, students are qualified iors were 800 miles south of Mary- three weeks at Fort Benning, each paratroopers. As qualified para- land jumping from airplanes. week is specifically named. Week troopers, Bagby and Prush are pre- "I wanted to go so bad that I one, "ground week," consists of pared to parachute into battle if really didn't mind missing the first rigorous physical training and in- needed. two weeks of school," junior struction designed to prepare stu- As Prush pointed out, para- Nicole Prush explained. dents to make a parachute jump and troopers do not simply free fall like As an active member of the land safely. skydivers. Skydivers fall from al- McDaniel College ROTC program The second week, "tower titudes of 9,000 and 10,000 feet, since her freshman year, Prush week," teaches individual skill as which ensures a soft landing. Para- signed up to take part in the sum- well as team effort. Jump skills are troopers drop from altitudes of mer airborne training 1,200 feet in order to Nia Verdalas) are two of many main characters in this movie: program that is con- quickly reach the ground ducted at Fort Benning, "It's the craziest thing I've ever and prepare for combat. JFSSICA WATSON all American words have Greek Georgia. done, " Bagby laughed, "I will Landings for Prush were FealuresEditor root words. Toula has a great af- "I chose to miss the not at all soft as she de- My friends and I were origi- fection for her family, even her fa- first two weeks of never forget my fifth jump." scribes herself to be simi- nally planning to go see 'SIGNS," ther, who manages to always have school," Chris Bagby, lar to a "falling bag of honest! But instead, due to a few a bottle of Windex handy because also a junior at bricks." complications with picking the he is convinced that it can cure any- McDaniel college, explained. "I taught through the use of a sus- . Bagby enjoyed her airborne right show time, we ended up see- thing. had a slot to attend the training in pended harness and the 2S0-foot- training, "It was my first interac- ing "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." No one in her family has ever June but I figured if I had a chance free-fall tower, which the week is tion with the real army." Being completely oblivious to the gone out with a non-Greek, so to jump out of an airplane five named after. The final week is Prush agreed, "ROTC isn't re- media at Toula has times with my best friend, what "jump week" where students ex- ally like the army until you go to a times, I "Toula has-a great several ste- could be more fun than that?" ecute five parachute drops from an real post like Fort Benning." hadn't the reotypesand Bagby, also a member of RarC aircraft 1,200 feet high. Bagby plans on continuing her slightest idea affection for her family, obstacles to since freshman year, met Prush "It's the craziest thing I've ever training by enrolling in courses as to what this overcome. when first entering college. Now done," Bagby laughed. "I will similar to airborne training after movie was even her father, who Throughout roommates, Bagby and Prush are never forget my fifth jump." completing college and participat- about. Inever manages to always have the process still worn out from the training that Bagby describes her fifth jump ing in the army full time. Prush even heard of she also made them miss the first two weeks as a "dramatic experience." After plans to serve full time in the army it before, so I a bottle of Windex changes her of the fall semester. being blown off course, Bagby was four years as well. assumed that handy because he is appearance "It pushes a person mentally carried one and one half mile off In the meantime, Prush and it was going and her ca- and physically," Prush explained. course near the Alabama state line. Bagby are proud of their new titles to be a movie convinced that it can reer. Over- Since her-return, Prusb has been "I was near danger everywhere, as paratroopers. version of cure anything." all this film attempting to "rest, relax, and catch Iwent over a forest of trees, power "If my country needs me I will MTV's "So- comes with up" on the two weeks of work that lines," Bagby recalls. "It really be there, I am proud to be a para- rority Life" a lot of hu- she has missed. shook me." trooper," Prush concluded. (can you see why I was apprehen- mor and it is also warm and sen- sive about wasting my money?). sible. Peefins a fittfe creatIve? Weff keep tliose creative But to my surprise, this movie When the film is first opening "My Big juices jfowin' by writins for Peatures. We cover was not a waste at all! is narrated by you don't feel as if you are dealing with a product with Fat Greek Wedding" of Hollywood, die arts fiere at 'Mc'Danief Coffese. a Greek woman named who be- big breasted women and people Toula who can take a beating and still (Nia Vardalos) Portokalos caff ext. 8600 for more aetatfs! lieves that she was put on this earth walk without the slightest limp. to marry a Greek man and to have This isn't Hollywood, it kind ofre- many Greek children. She is 30 minds me of real life. in a has ever been embar- years old, single, and working If anyone Would you like to make your family One day non-Greek man rassed about their family, self-con- (Dancing restaurant Zorbas). or dated by the name of Ian Miller (John scious about yourself, and family when friends someone mark at McDaniel? Corbett) attracted documents her as did not approve, this is the movie walks in and she is imme- to him. diately will make for you. And if anyone movie The it's Toula you laugh, Portokalos. The Phoenix needs a new she attempts with to maintain this rela- it As her father explains in the movie of tionship Ian and conceal more accepting when becoming be- Her father from her family. his daughter's marriage, "Miller" in carrying on the firmly masthead lieves in so on and prides himself a (Ian Miller) goes back to the Greek Greek tradition of marrying and "Portokalos'' Word for apple, Greek is based on the Greek word for or- daPhoeniJ[ on his culture and heritage. that anges, and so, "in the end, we're claiming all fruits!" He walks around "Do vou like Movies? _ '.@-',','ffl---j"§-t¥i-- Sure ya do! Who the heck don't?" If you have a great design for the - Uncle .Temima new masthead contact x8600 for inee we all know you do, why not rite a movie review for the details. hoenix ...we'll even pay for your Winner will receive $100 cash prize! ieket. If there is a better deal out here, we haven't seen it yet!
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