Page 14 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 14
'\ NEWS Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - Page 2 Cantu's comic Latest news from the SGA Cadets learn basic skills for military strip identifies the KATIE CHAMPION Assistant News Editor check is another issue up for debate. This training Hispanic The SGA has started the school year off would allow advisors to run a check for the year telling them the num- Continued from Page I with a bang. already deep in planning for re- student's junior completed and Blars and/or ber of classes community in a treats, Homecoming and many other events. classes needed for graduation. across the ground, remaining perfectly flat, Campus life concerns are already being ad- keeping their face in contact with the ground. dressed and new members are learning the The Campus Life committee is working Needless to say, there were some cadets who positive light, ropes. on an ashtray project with Residence Life. found this task somewhat difficult. How- During it's weekly meeting on Tuesday, Ashtrays will be placed outside of various ever, leaders such as Forney, and MS[V Ca- rather than September 17, 2002, Jamin Bartolomeo, campus buildings where cigarette butts lit- det Greg Elko pushed them forward, never SGA president, swore in five new members ter the ground. letting their inhibitions take control of them. to the SGA. For the freshman class, Laura The Events committee is in the planning "Everyone should leave here today feel- stereotypical Thierer was sworn in as president and stages for Homecoming events. ing like a better person," says Forney, as he Caroline Speck and Elizabeth Woodford as SGA meetings are open to all studenlS encourages the cadets to do their best. portrayals representatives of the class of 2006. Tom with concerns and are held on Tuesdays at When asked how the day's events were Marshall became the president of the class 7:30 inHilll04i'~ •• :III progressing, Captain Torres remarked, Continued from Page J of 2004 and Brian Martinenza was sworn in "things are going great." as the junior class' newest representative. Additionally, Elko reiterated that the ca- sation in 1999 with Carlos Castellanos, co- Treasury Report: dets are "learning a lot," adding, "It is good creator of Baldo, the comic strip became a Spec.: $1155.73 to learn all of this before the FfX so that reality in 2000 when the comic strip became Leadership Training: $3,450.94 they will do better there." The FfX is an launched nationwide by Universal Press General Operations: $2,085.08 ROTC field-training event held once a se- Syndicate. Student Clubs & Organizations: mester. Baldo became the first comic strip picked $23,000.00 One of the only reservations about con- up by the company featuring Hispanic char- Winter Weekend: $9,000.00 ducting an extending lab day is that it falls acters and themes. Cantu explains that he Interviews for allocations were held on on a Saturday, a day students typically like wanted to create a cartoon that portrayed the Sunday, September 22, from 3 - 7 p.m. and to relax. Hispanic family, but not including any ste- on September 23, from 3 - 5 p.m. All cam- "They may not want to do it on Satur- reotypical portrayals. pus groups that wished to be considered for Freshman days," said Corporal Bennett. However, The comic strip is about Baldo, a young funding must have an appointment for an in- representative Elizabeth Woodford and since it is only one Saturday a semester, the Hispanic teenager and his struggle with ado- terview by the SGA. This year there were representative Caroline Speck have hi8h complaints are not expected to exceed the lescence. Baldo deals with issues that most 38 groups applying for allocations. The SGA hopes for the upcoming school year. fun and experience gained. teens encounter ranging from relationships set aside $23,000 for student clubs and or- The long day of navigating, crawling, to sports. ganizations. grenade throwing, and several other hands- Currently, Cantu is currently an assistant On September 27 and 29, the SGA will on activities ended with a cookout and rec- features editor at the Dallas Morning News. participate in a retreat at a state park in Port reational activities. MSIII Cadet, Mark Denis Continued on Page 4 Deposit, MD. There, they will participate said the day "was the single greatest block in leadership activities and work with SGA of instruction since I've been in the ROTC members from other colleges. program ",L hJ' Homecoming preparations are in full Stuck on a paper? swing. Activities through Main will include and a a this year bonfire, parade Street band party on the tennis courts. are {he newest SGA Brian Martinenza The Alumni Affairs office has increased President Tom Marshall and representative Need He/p? the prize for the best homecoming float by members for the class of 2004 $100 to make this year's award $400 to the group or organization that wins this event. Interested in Visit the Writing Center--Hill contact the Alumni about entering your group, For information Affairs office or Student Hall, Room 101. Or, call ext. Activities. What's Your Beef? to the SGA. writing or Students voice their concerns 4645 for an appointment. Peel McDaniel Hall is facing an ant infestation photography? on campus. Flies and ants are a problem problem this year with many students com- tutors offer individual confer- computers. [hat the ants have gotten into their Come and plaining exterminators have Outside come about once a week since residents ences at no charge for over the campus, both outside and in build- all ioln the in. Flies seem to be swarming moved ings. Screens and/or fly traps may be a Fu- McDaniel College students. ture solution. in the weight room. Phoenix ... Lack of ventilation Bring ideas, notes, rough Many athletes have complained about the Meetings room, es- lack of ventilation in the weights the cardiovascular room. pecially drafts and even final drafts. lines in Glar have gotten have noticed that every Monday Students Glar Staff. and tem- longer, pers of staff workers have gotten shorter. We have one goal in mind: To Workers have been spotted also seems to be to night at 6 complaining each other and slow service a problem. help you become a better, this year by the SGA seems to be working p.m. in office implemented program The new recycling well. more confident writer. Come in and many are questioning why permits are located next remains a problem Parking on campus for a visit and kiss those sold when there are not enough spaces. ~oRouzer The grass in Red Square has Red Square. gotten long and the area has not been kept marked-up papers good-bye! up as nice as in the past. is working on committee The Academic increasing the size of the diploma and pos- lounge sibly having the writing in Latin. A Blar
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