Page 19 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 19
COMMENTARY Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - Page 7 Leaders are helping the campus and their futures This was truly amazing to me to join a fraternity or club whose lion when they enter the workplace. ing these skills through leadership Emily Seal praises the and I looked at each student with a decisions are made by strictly tuc- According to an annual nationwide positions on campus. Leaders of campus little more respect. ulty? Our student leaders are so in- survey of employers by the Na- She feels that students should organizations. Whether you are the president fluential because that is what they tional Association of Colleges and "use their college experiences to of Student Government, executive are: students. Employers, the top ten most tmpor- show how they have successfully As I sat in Decker Auditorium board memberofCAPboard, or the They are one of us who want tant qualities/skills for job candi- demonstrated the very skills that an during the McDaniel College Club Inter Greek Council representative and know what is best for us, while dates were: communication skills, employer wants for their organiza- President meeting, I glanced for your fraternity or sorority, you at the same time are not afraid to honesty/integrity, teamwork, inter- tion." around the room. are making a greater impact than admit their-mistakes. personal skills, strong work ethic, So to all you leaders out there, Scattered throughout the rows you may realize. They serve as role models and motivation/initiative, flexibility/ I commend you for your strength, was a collection of students, sopho- The student leaders of this cam- show us what we should strive to adaptability, analytical skills, corn- determination, and dedication. Our mores and seniors, men and women pus are what keep our student or- be. Not only do these people lead puter skills, and organizational campus would not be the same of all "different nationalities who ganizations and clubs alive. us currently on campus, but the skills. without you. were there to represent every orga- Think about it, who would want leadership skills they are building Karen Arnie, from Career Ser- -Emily Seal is a senior nization on campus. now will serve as a strong founda- vices, stresses the idea of develop- communications major. Students take a tumultuous ride on "Speed Mountain" Have you ever just been driv- road? ride on it. "Speed Mountain." ing down the highway slightly doz- Well if you have then you un- Once you are feeling saucy one So if you have read this far, I ing off and drifting when you are doubtedly know how irritating they day and decide to take this chal- will now let you go and wonder suddenly jerked awake by those truly are to drivers everywhere. lenge you will find that this speed why you just wasted three minutes damn grates on the shoulders on the I used to think that those grates trap has a mind of it's own. of your time reading a commentary were the most annoying speed re- You will try everything speed- that is of no immediate importance For the rest of us, ducers there could ever be, but un- ing up, slowing down, braking, to to you (sucker). fortunately, I was wrong. trying to go around it (which will For the rest of us, all we can do all we can do is I should have known, of course, never happen). After making a is succumb to the general stupidity would succumb to the that McDaniel College so much complete fool of yourself you will of those hired by McDaniel Col- come up with something finally come to the realization lege and endure that our numerous en- general stupidity of more incredibly ridiculous than you and your once lovely piece of counters with the mountain. any normal human being could. machinery will always be con- Maybe if enough of our ve- those hired by What were they possibly think- quered by the "Mountain." hicles begin to develop holes in McDaniel College ing? If you haven't guessed al- Eventually you will become ac- their bottoms they will decide to ready, I am talking about the in- Donna Hurd customed to the harsh sound of the level off "Speed Mountain." and endure our credibly enormous speed bump lo- bottom of your car scraping against Until then the only advice I can numerous cated behind Blanche Ward Hall I suggest that you give it a try. it's unforgiving surface and will give you is to buckle up and enjoy that has come to be fondly referred Only because I feel that you just try to find ways to never have the ride. encounters with the to as "Speed Mountain." could never really appreciate to ride it again. Of course, if you -Donna Hurd is a senior mountain. If you have not yet been fortu- "Speed Mountain" and all it's little have ajeep or sports utility vehicle nate enough to encounter this beast quirks if you have never taken, a you probably could care less about I 'An adequate social atmosphere Is-sevej-ely lacking at McDaniel College this year like a ghost town (which for some a.k.a. "party patrol". paring. John Esucram addresses reason the Glar people use to jus- I would like to take this time to Whatever it is you're selling, try concerns with regards to tify serving those horrible weekend give credit to the DoCS; they've selling it somewhere else. social atmosphere. concoctions). taken on a hard job and have sue- Maybe the locals would be in- I can't wait to see how many As if the remaining students, ceeded, beyond my worst night- terested. mares, The population in mafing freshmen transfer after this year. because of their small numbers, most quiet, depressing this the safest. high school students of unwelcome on wandering I've campus I hope it's a lot so the adminis- aren't allowed a decent meal. tration will be forced to reconsider It would have been hilarious if seen. I have lost all hope in this col-. campus far exceeds that of the stu- dent population. some of its policies, because right everyone had gone home for fam- lege and its unrealistic administra- So even if we do attend the now this college looks like the ily weekend-that would have sent event, what do you suppose some worst college ever. An education is great, that's what we're all people might want to do after- There's no nightlife. wards? You can go to the movies, go here for, but on the weekends some people somewhere Go hangout bowling, go to the bar, or go ju~p sort of social setting maybe? in some off a bridge, and that's about ,It. like to party; it's a part of college life that The only time the school still This school and this town make me students can choose to partake in. allows students to congregate is for want to do the latter. clubrooms, and that's just not cut- The latest trend in weekend ac- tivities is to get the hell out of a message. don so I'm not offering any pro- ting it. Afterall, why invite the folks to posals, or remedies for the lack of An education is great, that's here-go home. come for a visit when they can see nightlife options. what we're all here for, but on the In a way, who can blame you? you in the privacy of your own In my mind you make your weekends some people like to Free laundry, free meals, a hot home? own fun, but it's getting really hard. party. It's a part of college life that shower, and no roommate. Speaking of families, it's the The school sponsors some students can choose to partake in. I, for one, can have a lot more that some We all know fun in my hometown than I would parents who have the pull with the events, and I'm glad they're mak- ruin all the fun for everyone idiots but the events just else, ing the effort, administration. having to worry about the campus We as students have nothing. aren't entertaining. but there's no sense in punishing safety patrol breathing down my Parents influence policy, but kids The bands suck. the majority for the minority of neck every time they hear the sound aren't going to complain to their The comedians suck. imbeciles that can't socialize with- of a can being opened. parents about not being able to Attending one mind-numbing out going crazy., A certain amount of students al- openly drink alcohol as much as overdue Yes, some most people ways go home, but the difference they want - it doesn't work that event is enough guess to make atten- but social interaction is part of the it, their people second between last year and this year IS way. dance the next time around. learning process. The result of all this is a bad Might as well stop forwarding So just let us learn. Sig~::a;;~ tell first of all by t~e caseof"en loco parentus overkill," those Ernie Ogle messages. abnormally large number of avaJl- -John Esucram is a senior in which the administration un- Newsflash: we're not listening leashes the overzealous DoCS, and no one is interested in partici- history major. abl~~:~:.g ;~:~:~dSin Glar are
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