Page 17 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 17
COMMENTARY Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - Page 5 Diagnosis: better health services needed From the "Why do we put up por, is the best possible avenue to member, but it is always my fault. with this?" file, I present a prob- pursue. Sadly, as a senior who has At Smith House, it is always Iam reeling sick enough that Iwish I were dead. lem that many of you, I am sure, made this mistake many times, I your fault. It is your fault they can't can relate to. keep appointments, your fault the So, the question remains, "Why For the fifth morning in a row, Seriously, and receptionist seemingly resents ev- do we put up with this?" The an- you wake up feeling sick, so you with all personal eryone, and it is DEFINITELY swer. sadly, is simple: because we have no other choice. decide it is probably a good idea to your fault that you are sick. Despite all my objections, seek medical attention. To do this, attacks aside, there With this sort of treatment, it is where am I honestly going to go is a fundamental no wonder most people opt to when Iget sick or I get poked by a tough illness out in bed for a week, problem with the classes be damned. rusty nail in my desk chair (which happened, by the way)? Seriously. and with all personal going to go to Smith system in place over attacks aside, there is a fundamen- House. I'm Even if they just give me a at Smith House. tal problem with the system in bag of sail (standard treatment) or place over at Smith House. assume I have an STD, I'm going can assure you that you have just One would think that the cam- to go to Smith House, because I made a questionable choice. pus infirmary would present an at- guess disgruntled treatment is bet- I've never been one to bite the mosphere or comfort and healing, terthan no treatment at all. hand that feeds me (or, in this case, making it the sort of place you I guess the lesson here is, if the hand that attempts to heal me), would WANT to go when you arc you've got the power in life, you now what we were all a but the staff of Student Health Ser- sick. don't have to be kind or respect- cDaniel College instead of west Mike Wiles vices (the staff that deals with "sick With the exception or the won- ful. And that, my Friends. might rn Maryland. Personally, I find i visits," that is) could use a little derful and caring Nurse Dana just be life's most bitter pill. o be a complete waste of plasti you work your way over {Q Smith "tough medicine" themselves. Plevyak, Smith House is just about o issue new cards to returning SIU House, the campus infirmary. Not only have I been misdiag- the last place on earth Icould pos- -Mike Wiles is a senior ems when nothing really changes This, you think in your ill stu- nosed more times than I can re- sibly want to be, particularly when English major. -all the ID numbers are the same would have to say that of the TO Senior disenchanted with McDaniel policies en things Ihave done over the pas ear that were a total waste of time hat experience is definitely in til Staci George reflects on my parents, who would then have For those students who are anti- lion on more parking, I could sug- op three. avoidable on-campus to send it back, so, I checked into name change. this offers some in- gest that students petition for a taxi Aside from the 10 cards, th service to cam- come kiing of hope that maybe there still this matter. that would akcr hassles I learned that because student is a Western Maryland College lo- pus during the week, take us around ornplete, Memoria! renovation i and they have switchc workers were only here to work a cated at 2 College Hill, Westminster, and drop us off in he location of the sandwich statio I am not always right. Nor is my few hours during the last five days way the "correct" way. but hon- of August, it was not worth it to Westminster, Md. front of our door. nside Glar. estly, I wish someone would have print August paychecks and instead And for those pro-name Since empty parking lots give None of these changes are re Ily that big of it deal. The ID car asked for my opinion on the ·fol- include August hours in the Sep- change-well, my guess is that they the appearance of a desolate and bing was a pain, the Baker reno lowing matters, and hopefully do not travel that road and/or drive abandoned college campus on the some readers agree. tember paycheck, which will come with their eyes closed while they weekend, students can come and go uticn with the big windows allow. out around October 10. First, I wish they had asked how daydream about how to get non- as they please withoul wHsling g...~ rv~ream .. ~ and around and non-Carroll Upperclassmen could receive their would A measly $50 or $60 dollars I Marylanders to come to this school. driving campus looking around and h<.l1>witching of the sandwich for a park- ust scems unnece ..snry. been welcomed, have Countians around new McDaniel College ID cards in would think by most, especially Iam well aware of the fact that ing spot on the weekend. The change I cannot undcrsrcn an organized, stress-free way rather those who interned and/or took it is not the job of McDaniel Col- But during the week, the taxi s the speed bump behind Blanch than the cattle call-guess-Lhave-to- classes instead of having a summer lege administration. faculty, and idea. where perhaps your McDllniel nd Whiteford. or at least yolt thin wait-here-for-two_hours_like man- ner. job and are out of excuses as to why students to go around stealing ID card could be swiped and a bill t\ il speed bump when really it' they are calling Mom and Dad yet Western Maryland College stgns would be sent via campus mail (be- mountnm I would have suggested that cause as we learned earlier, you arc My understanding of the togi upon checking in to receive their more likely to receive n bill than ehind speed bumps is to slo dorm keys. the Residence Life staff I have no suggestion as to how to quickly you are \0 receive a paycheck) to eople down, not put holes in th would then send them down to the resolve this issue and just wanted to bring you. ouom of their vehicles. newly created ID card office. I suppose I should end this The bump kind of reminds m And since upperclassmen could my concern to the attention of loyal comical, yet diatribe-like, attempt f a Monty Python and the Scare check in any time between 12 and Phoenix readers. at gelling others to try things my crihc Holy Grail (anyone whoha 5 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday, the way once in a while. or seen this, I highly rccommen annoying time one has to wait in And perhaps you have a better t) scene in a round about way. line would have been minimal. again looking for some extra cash. and replacing them with McDaniel way. In the scene where Arthur an As a side note, most upperclass- Well, the payroll office could College signs, but rather, the job of But just humor me and think men were unaware that their old not print work-study checks, but Maryland state highway workers. about the suggestions above. he Knights of the Round Table a b ing to enter the cave guarded Western Maryland College ID was the telecommunication office could I have no suggestion as to how Iknow that Iam only ,a student e mOst vicious beast imaginabl now defunct and in order to eat in print phone bills. . to quickly resolve this issue and (whose parents invesled a lot of hat actually turns out to be Olar they had to trade tbeir old card For me, they wasted two pieces just wanted to bring my concern to money for her to be here) but can't unny--well that is kind or what th in for the new McDaniel College of paper for a mere 36-cent phone the attention of loyal Phoenix read- the "powers that be" around here, model. bill for four minutes of August ers. just momentarily think. "hey, she peed bump is like. This too should have been men- calls. There is no point in orfering a has point, let's try it that way!'" ApproHching the bump yo tioned during room check-in. Can someone please explain the suggestion on the lack of parking Although I may not agree with hink: Oh it is just a liUle spee Okay, the need for a new ID rationality behind why I had issue because each year students some of the recent (pause, clear ump no probkm, and then-dea card when the school has a new worked 20 hours in AugUSt and did complain and the Phoenix pub- throat, deep breath) changes, the o your car. What kind of a car we name is common sense. not receive a paycheck? lishes unlimited commentaries on above suggestions are minor in hey using when Ihey lesled th But it could have been better an- I used my phone ror four min- the subject. comparison and just might accom- peed bump for height, a bi nounced and organized so there utes and got a measly 36-cent bill? And the next year, more park- modate the students more, heel? HonesUy, would not be a second Phoenix My fourth frustration comes ing will be taken away due 10 what I cannOt speak for all drivers 0 commentary pointing out the short- after driving around Westminster in seems to be punishment ror free. the By voicing our frustrations with at umpus, perhaps some driver. policies system and comings of the ID card process. the last few weeks. dom or speech. onOt find this to be a problem be After all, the ID card office was Am I seeing things or are Ihere A rew spaces have been sacri- McDaniel College, hoperully some 'uust! they don't go through ther open on Saturday and Sunday, but two types or road signs: those that ficed so that a trailer could be set changes can be made accordingly. 'cry often, however, I would b few students knew to get their new direct you [Q McDaniel College and up in the area behind Blanche and Ifnol, then at the very least we can illing to bet that instead of hav cards at that point. those that direct you 10 Western Whiteford, and a few more park- pretend as though we have a voice ngthe location of the sandwich ba My next opinion comes after I Maryland College. ing spaces that are now being trans- and attempt to set a pathway ror hanged, they would rather hav went to my campus mailbox start- For example, when you exit the formed into the North Village. future students on the verge of ap- heir vehicles undamaged by so ingon September 10toiook for my Townmall orWestminstcr and pro- Of course, the word is tha{"new plying to this private, liberal arts ailed speed bumps. work-study paycheck. ceed on Rt. 27, there is a RL 140 spaces will be made when the school. Colby Goodrum is a By Friday, I lhought it was ei- junction sign and an arrow with the buildings are finished. -Staci George is a senior enior English.philosophy ther lost or worst-mailed home to words "w. Md. Col." next to it. While I do not have a sugges- co~munications major. ajor.
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