Page 13 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 13
Volume XXVI Number 2 Wednesday, September 25 , 2002 Delayed steam line construction project Cartoonist causes problems for McDaniel students Hector Cantu headlines KATIE CHAMPION McDaniel's Assistant News Editor Hispanic The steam pipeline, McDaniel College's construction project is ty- ing up the east side of campus. HeritageMonth However, the end is in sight. According to Dr. Ethan Seidel, activities Vice President of Administration and Finance, the construction will LERov McDUlHF be completed over the next two N"W$EdiIOl weeks. F,\NISKA LOr'1-;7,-GoNzALEZ SIlif!IVrifrr The $500,000 project that be- This month at Mcffaniel Col- gan in June was slated to be com- lege, Hispanic heritage month is pleted by the beginning of the taking place to broaden awareness school year. However, as crews about the Hispanic culture. began work, they realized the project was more complex than During the month, several ac- thought. tivities will be going on to promote The steam line problem was a better understanding of Hispanic discovered about 20 years ago. by a leak in the pipeline according ROTC cadets build skills culture and society. On September "We knew the structure was get- to Seidel. 19, Hector Cantu, an award win- that the ting old," Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice As crews discovered complex through fun training exercises hing jcurnalist and cartoonist came president of administration and fi- project would be more to McDaniel College to speak dur- nance said. "Fortunately, in that than anticipated, new plans were KERRI ""SHt:K iI>I<~~ time We have had a lot of building drafted. Now, all lines have been SfajfWriter nd graduated from the University projects that have allowed us to replaced and a completely new On Saturday, September 14, the According to the Army ROTC ofTexa s-Ausun where he earned a replace the lines instead of waking route has been completed, aban- Green Terror Battalion, consisting press release concerning the event, degree in journalisrn. up one day and having to do it all doning the old line. of approximately 30 cadets from "The object is to allow cadets to I Growing up in a small Texas at once." Saturday, the internal phase of Mount Saint Mary's College, and learn in an environment outside the rown. Cantu described himself as The steam, produced in a plant the project commenced at 10 p.m. 55 cadets from McDaniel College classroom, where training can be an, "average kid." From an earl)1 located on Union Street travels when the steam was turned off in participated in the first ROTC lab valuable, interesting, and fun." Ad- age, he loved to read comic strips. along a pipeline to the campus. the section. 'The steam remained day. ditionally, "The training event will !At the tender age of 12, Cantu pub- Once on campus, the lines branch off until 6 a.m. while crews from This all day training event be- enable the new cadets to begin ~iShed his first political cartoon. His off and channel the steam to vari- Green Construction Co., made the ginning at 8:00 a.m., and ending building their skills as students and successful career as a cartoonist ous buildings. final connections to the new pipe- at 4:30 p.m., consisted of several leaders and will permit the return- would grow into greater heights. At the start of the summer, line system. training stations located through- ing cadets to further advance their Cantu explains how MAD "Even though there will be Whiteford Hall and Decker Center enough hot water for residents, out the McDaniel campus. knowledge and capabilities." magazine played a big role in his were the only two remaining In lieu of the traditional weekly The groups visiting each train- desire to become a journalist. The branches to have pipes replaced. we're hoping that no one will be labs ROTC conducts every Thurs- ing station were broken down by magazine helped to manifest his hoping to shower around 4 a.m. ron The problem escalated last year Sunday]," Seidel said. "The boil- day, the Cadre (ROTC faculty) is class. The MSls, otherwise known skills as a cartoonist and journal- when steam began rising from the ers in the basement will provide hot now implementing a more compre- as the freshmen, were split into two ist. His Hispanic heritage allowed ground near the southeast corner of hensive lab day that will occur one groups. him to create the popular comic Whiteford Hall. This was caused Continued 011 Page 3 Saturday per semester, in addition The sophomores, MSlls, and ~trip Baldo. After a phone conver-t to a regular lab day one Thursday the juniors, MSllls, were combined Award-winning journalist/ per month. into a larger group. The MSIVs, Continued on Page 2 The purpose cartoonist visits McDaniel during provide training of lab day is to the senior cadets, assisted the Cadre in areas such as groups in each of the in instructing month. squad tactics, first aid, mission designated training stations. to Inside planning and execution, drill and Although it was interesting ceremony procedures, movement see the cadets learn skills such as techniques, and the execution of an land navigation and movement attack by a squad. These are all techniques in a squad, one of the areas that require practice outside highlights was when 2nd Lieuten- onna Hurd discusses the perils of of the classroom. The first half of ant Forney instructed his group of he infamous "Speed Mountain" the day was devoted to learning MSllls to jump in a pile of dill af- ehind Blanche Ward Hall. different tactics, whereas, in the ter they seemed resistant to the idea second half, the cadets were as- of getting down and dirty. How- signed a specific mission to com- ever, the cadets understood that it he Phoenix pays tribute to Family plete. was a motivational exercise, and all ~eekend 2002 with a photo collage Cadet Joe Miller, McDaniel Ca- in good fun. eaturtng dorm rOOm$, body art, det Battalion Commander. said that During one specific drill, the ca- nd the various sporting events. lab day "increases the quality of dets were learning how to survive training," and provides the cadets ifcaught under fire. One of the tac- with a "well-prepared, well-re- tics, called a low crawl, demanded hard work-ethic has led the hearsed lab that will equal a more that the cadets drag themselves fw"cDaniel College Women's Soccer effective training session." earn to a 5-3 record thu$far. Continued on Page 2
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