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FEATURES Wednesday, May l4,2003 - Page 3 -. Study Abroad story, should shorten it a bit stand what it means to belong to a through frequent activities, "they And what one learns abroad is has to fend for oneself, to struggle Laurence Assuid to be at the same level as other minority," says Morard-Noar. The still live in the American reality," definitely worthwhile in the profes- Staff Writer people. "It makes you grow up," experience of being a foreigner Motard-Noarregrets. It isone more sional area as well as the human While experiencing life abroad should leach them humility and rol- reason to encourage them to study one. Of course, any experience says Henriette. is one of the purposes of liberal arts erance, she believes. abroad. abroad on one's rEsumE is valu- Studying abroad can even result colleges, the percentage of According to Henriette, who Thanks to Foreign Languages able [0 show that someone is curi- in charity situations. For instance, McDaniel students going abroad is promotes study abroad by often teachers' advice or by their own ous and open-minded. Jamie Morris. a McDaniel students incredibly low. speaking in classrooms, studying initiative, some students do choose But also, there is no better who had been to Vietnam with the Nevertheless, some students do abroad is a great experience of 10 go abroad. Sometimes it is for means to become fluent in a for- Semester at Sea program (a semes- study abroad at one point. Why do maturity. It allows one to discover family reasons, like McDaniel stu- eign language than to go to a loca- ter-long boat trip), had noticed that they choose to go? And what do different cultures, meet new dentlonathan Gustawarowwho is tion where one will have to speak over there, children did not have they actually find? people, and especially to know one- going to Scotland next semester it every day. For example. Michael pens in school. After returning to McDaniel College is a liberal self better. "When you are abroad, because he comes from a family Nicholas, a native-German America, she decided to collect arts and humanities-oriented col- you know who you are," she says. with Scottish ancestry. McDaniel student, has studied in pens and send them to Vietnam. lege. The point of such and institu- But both of them know that tell- BUI more often, it is curiosity France for one year. When he went. Going abroad can also trigger a tion is stated in the First Principles. ing students how mind-opening it and eagerness to discover that lead he did not speak a word of French. virtuous circle. For instance. it is "McDaniel College believes that is to study abroad is not enough. young people abroad. Most of the Three months later, he could fend by being friends with French ex- liberally educated men and women Thus, they emphasize the material time, students do not go abroad for himself and have real conver- change students in high school that think and act critically, creatively, reasons to do it. For example, with any special expectations. They sations. At the end of the year, he Kate Moomau, political science and humanely. They take charge of Motard-Noar stresses that at a time just want to discover something was perfectly fluent. major and inhabitant of the French their lives and develop their unique when the labor market is sluggish, new, "something else," says Moreover, one can sometimes house, decided to spend three potential with reason, imagination, one needs something valuable on Gustowarow. fi nd better studies abroad, as months in France with a summer program. She enjoyed her trip and and concern." their rEsumE to "make the differ- "1 wanted to see different cul- Werner did when coming to According to French profes- ence,' They also emphasize the tures and to experience other ways America. "Psychology classes here now plans to sign up for the Semes- sors, Martine Morard-Noar; chair enticing price, which is almost the of life," says Nadja Werner, Ger- are much more practical and closer ter at Sea program next year. of the Foreign Languages depart- same amount students pay to study man House director, who has lived to life than in Germany," she says. Last but notleast, traveling can ment, and Colette Henriette, Study on campus. (But Morard-Noar ac- in England. Studying 'abroad is also a great definitely change one's life: When Abroad coordinator, studying "knowledges that money can often That is definitely what they will way to discover what one really coming to America, Morard-Ncer abroad is an ideal way for students be a barrier which prevents stu- find abroad. "It will be different," wants. "1 have seen many students did not know she would meet her 10 fulfill these principles. dents from making the decision.) Henriette always warns them at going abroad without knowing husband here and then live in On one hand, they both encour- Moreover, students majoring in pre-departure meetings. what they wanted and coming back America. age students to study abroad be- a foreign language are required to Students are right not to have with a certainty," Henriette remem- "Changing lives" s McDaniel cause this is the one.of.the purposes study abroad for at least a semes- too definite expectations before bers. College's motto and it is definitely of McDaniel College, On the. other ter .or live in a foreign language leaving because life abroad is not In the human area, studying what studying abroad can result in. hand, they know from experience house for a year. But although for- something you can plan or expect. abroad teaches people how to deal how valuable it is to travel. eign language housing allows stu- Henriette says: ''There is no book with unknown and sometimes un- "Because most of McDaniel dent who live there to use another in which you can learn how life comfortable situations. II also students are pan of a SOCial major- language In dally life and expert abroad is; it is something you have makes people more independent tty group, they don~t really under- ence some foreign culture fields to live." because when alone abroad, one Klrsdiner 'Ieaves job-'af McDaniel Hsing-I: getting a society. He There are cur- radio deeper understanding Katie Martin "The besr pan renlly 35-40 mem- Assistant News Editor job is the bers in the By night, Dr. Tony Kirschner This is a club. Kirschner could sometimes be found playing lege and if you dO"'IIIjij ... \~!!!I says, "It is a good Writer's Name Tech," said McCord. "I had been the bass guitar 'for a local rock love to teach you place for people to Staff Writer suffering from arthritis pain in ev- band. By day, he can be found don't belong here." e x pre s s ery joint. Iwas taking a lot of anti- teaching media criticism and mass His passion themselves ... You Although maintaining one's inflammatory medication and ste- communications classes at leaching is can sit and blabber physical condition and remaining roids, but Iwas still in pain every- McDaniel College. However, by colleagues such into the microphone in good health are two very impor- day." Finding no answers through next fall, Kirschner will no longer Milstein, who says, an ex- for an hour if you want as .long as tant aspects of life, they are often modem science, McC;ord decided be found anywhere on the East cellent teacher, the students all rave you don't say any swear words." overlooked by college students. If to give this form of alternative Coast. . about him." Junior Katie Cham- Additionally, Kirschner serves taking gym courses weren't a re- medication a try. After six years of teaching in pion said, "His teaching style is as a faculty advisor to the Sig Eps quirement for graduation. several Hsing-I has five basic forms, the Communication Department, really laid back, be is really on level fraternity and to Lambda Pi Eta students would never think to set each with eight different move- with how we think, and he made communication honor society. foot in the gym. ments, that can be incorporated Kirschner is leaving and taking a own radio station is Kirschner's job in Vancouver at the end of the class interesting." not. set to WMCR, but rather So now many are faced with a into an unlimited number of varia- semester. A Chicago native, the Communication professor Dr. WNPR, National Public Radio. difficult decision, as they scramble tions. Because there are so few recently married Kirschner and his Jasna Meyer says, "I enjoy watch- While a fan of popular music, rock, through the registration booklet try- movements, Hslng-Ijs one of the wife currently reside in ing how he works with his students, ing to figure out which physical easiest forms of martialarts to Reisterstown. However, both have he has such a candid way." She re- and sometimes even a little coun- education course is right for them. learn. West Coast roots and Kirschner counted how she 'often sits in her try, Kirschner also makes his own McDaniel College offers a wide Some 'students feel intimidated played music, having with a local says; "I am basically leaving to get office and hears him interacting variety of courses in this depart- at first, when in the beginning closer to my family." He adds, "I with his students, sometimes say-' rock band for two to three years. ment, from Floor Hockey to McCord shows them how every- ing, for example, '''What are you Milstein says "He is a talented mu- Rappelling. To the average student thing they will learn comes to- will miss the small collegiate doing? ...00 you really think you sician," as she has seen bls band taking any gym course comes with gether to create one continuous atmosphere ...this is a well run little are going to graduate? ..You really play firsthand. the stigmatism of not being good flow of movements. As time college and a nice place to work." should get to work on that, how Milstein also mentioned how enough or possessing enoughskill progresses and they become more Kirschner has been a member about as soon as you leave my of- Kirschner's varied involvement on and flexibility to succeed. One comfortable they tend to lose that of the Communication Department fice?" Meyer says, "In his blunt- campus is one reason his departure course, Hsing-I (pronounced since the faJl of 1997, He is de- will be such a huge loss. "He has "shing-yee), shatters tbis stigma fear. Scribed by colleagues as outgoing, ness there is a truth that makes stu-. "It looked very difficult at first,"- commit- professional, friendly, high energy. dents feel they really have to take done so much on different she says. with an internal style of martial arts recalled Melat Garadew, freshman. tees, he's that is an enlightening very visible," and enjoy- upbeat, and an all around nice guy. his advice." Melat took the second session of Besides reaching, Kirschner has' Similarly, Meyer comments, "It able experience for everyone. the course. "But after you get the Economics/Business Administra· also been continuously involved will'be a tiemendous loss, ,not only Hsing-I is designed to promote hang of it, and actually do the tion professor Susan Milstein says with WMCR, thecampus radio sta- for our department, but for the en~ health and wellness while also pro- movements, it gets a lot easier." he is one of the nicest people to tion, since 1997 when it was a tire McDaniel community." viding a training system for self- Garadew is now taking the course work with because "he is not one fledgling club with about eight Kirschner has touched the lives defense. Mindy McCord, the head again as an independent study, so of those people who wiD walk past members. With his guidance, of many students, colleagues, and coach for women's field hockey that she can learn another form of you without speaking." Kirschner says, "We started getting friends. He moves on from the and lacrosse, is the coordinator and Hsing·l. Kirschner is the self·proclaim ed a bigger budget. .. We put in a dif- McDaniel community, only to professor for this course. ';It is easy for beginners because "Mass media cultural studies guy" ferent studio, a different production toucb other people and give them, "] became involved with Hsing- it is slow, focused, and has a Jot of at McDaniel, on film, popular musJ~, facility, and built the club up to a as Milstein puts it, "the way it is, I three years ago while completing repetition," McCord said. Hsing-I who has taught v~~ .. television and the media's role 10 bigger club." according to Tony." my master's degree at Virginia continued on page 8 ous classes
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