Page 149 - Phoenix2002-03
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Volume XXVII Number 5 Wednesday, MayI4,2003 Flinging in the Rain: Spring Fling on t~e Hill Class of '03 Honors Katie Champion in the Pub on Thursday night and rain kept me from going"Up to cam- he following students were recognized at the Senior Investiture & HOD News Editor fortune tellers on Friday night. pus like in the past," junior Erin rs Covocarion, held on May 4th: "Jeopardy was pretty cool," Cullison said. era Jacobson. Malcolm L. Meltzer Psychology Award For some it started earlier than junior Toby McIntire said. "I didn't Wax hands, free tie-dyed t- ahlia Joyce and Viktoria Kollar, Frank and Margaret Maione Aw others. get up to campus though on Satur- shirts and a spin off of MTV's "I or Excellence in a Foreign Language Spring Fling weekend, notori- day because of the weather Bet You Will," entertained the stu- randi Livesay, Matthew Michael, and Tiffany Petre. Michael & Poll ously known for good entertain- though." dents who did come out to the Fo- eaver Award for Excellence in Education ment, parties and nice weather on The rainy weather seemed to rum. avid Profili, Clyde A. Spicer Award the quad had students out and about keep an unusuaUy high number of "It wasn't as much fun because ennifer Callas, MaJcosky Award for Excellence in English last weekend- some as the sun students inside on Saturday. rephame Knight. H.P. Srurdivam Biology Award came up Saturday morning. "It sounded like they had a lot oily Thompson, Esther Smith Award This year's theme, "The Ride of of good events set up for us but the ndrew Ewing and Ellen Miller. Phi Delta Gamma Award Your Life" brought new events and avid Profili, The David Brian Cross Memorial Award for Achievemen activities for students. n Mathematics The toilet races were one of Leammore imberly Scblipper, United States History Award many new events for students this bout the new ndrew Ewing and Melissa Pingley. wau Street Journal StudentAchleve year. Motorized tniler bowls with entAward handlebars proved to be a challenge gym class aura Gibson. M. Louise Shipley Art Award of Excellence to even the most experienced driv- am Hansen and Blair Heinke, Eloise B. & Lowell S. Ensor Memoria ers. Hsing-I, ward for Graduate or Professtonaj Study The weekend was previewed by atricia Jimenez. Jeanette Prante, and Adam Silverman, The Class 0 different events throughout the story on page 938 Award for Excellence in Music week. Some of the more popular essica Fitzgerald, Robert Joseph Weber Award for Excellence in Politi events include Jeopardy in the Fo- 3. al Science and International Studies rum on Tuesday night, a comedian lien Silfee, The Award for Excellence in Chemistry or Biochemistry _- Peace Flag Protect now on cam.ous cienceandPbysicalBducatioo Clower Award for Excellence in Exercis k----.--.,--..::!!!!!.".,.I!!!!!!!!!!~~~!'I'!"'~!!:!~J~.t'essica Harris, The RichardA. d isten Love. The McLuhanAward Book Award student at McDaniel College, "this ist, musician, family, ~;ssroom. ennifer Ballard, Maria Leonard Senior for Excellence in Communication Staci George is a collaborative community art and group who participates may amin Bartolomeo, Greek Man of the Year Commentary Editor project that has been on-going add their own dreamvision and achelle Giguere, Greek Woman of the Year In recent weeks, there have since the year 2000. Flags have prayer for harmony in our diverse in Collins, The Elizabeth Lintz Burkhardt Memorial Service Award been prayer vigils, a teach-in, a been made my people from around world.;." f~~;:~C,~~~~:~:t~~~~ Bruce, and Christine Johnson, Steve Robe Peace Picnic, and discussion the world and displayed at Com- Mahlia Joyce had heard of lana Stubbs, Charles W. Havens Award groups to deal with the McDaniel man Ground on the Hill events in Collins Smith's project and sug- olby Cook, John D. Nawrocki Memorial Award College community's feelings and the United States and Scotland." ~est.e~ itLlo Eri~ Whi;ehair and amin Bartolomeo, Erin Collins, Stephanie Knight. and David Trader concerns about the war in Iraq. The blue pamphlet, created by ams a d opez- onza ez. These rudenr Government Assembly Award These events included the display Collins Smith, provided to each ~hree ~u e~ts, ~nd ~ few others, iHy Bobbitt, Michael L. Waghelstein Memorial Award of the Peace Flag Project, where who stopped by to sign or admire ~~e ~n de: :nnm~ and orga- amtn Bartolomeo and Jessica Fitzgerald, Alumni Citizenship Award people could sign the flag or make the flag, says that Collins Smith 81~ID~ ar 0.:n e vanous peace- ohindra Ramphal, Lynn F. Gruber Medal their own. "designed the Peace Flag Project re ate events. ey were eager to feanyichukwu Ani. John A. Alexander Medal According to Christina Collins as a living, collaborative work of h~v~ Collins Smith's project on eltssa Merson. Faith Millard Medal Smith, a poetlartistlnon-traditional hopeful expression, where each art- dIS~:y~er getting approval from tephanie Knight, The Mary Ward Prize drew Ewing, '03 continued on page 2 r. Donna Bvergates and Dr. Jeffrey Marx were also recognized. The Bates Prize North Village, home of freshmen Brian Patterson StajfWriter "There were several students who felt it wasn't fair that fresh- Would you rather have your men got into the North Village," own kitchen and live in the new- said Elizabeth Towle, associate Inside est housing on campus? If so, you dean of Students Affairs. "AliI can most likely could have lived in the say to that is the freshmen followed North Village by simply filting out the process." an application. At the end of the application It just so happens if you are a process for campus apartments 10 JLaura Peterson reflects on a current sophomore or junior you groups of students were declined peedy freshman year. could have beaten out the two five-person apartments, while just groups of current freshmen who enough groups applied to fill all the will be living in six~person North six-person apartments, according Village apartments next year. to Towle. One of the reasons Towle Laurence Assuid discusses By the fall semester there will believes this happened is because be a total of six North Village students wanted to live in singles '/!Wards of studying abroad, apartment complexes. This semes- as opposed to the doubles offered ~ut also suggestions. ter tbe demand was high for five- in the six-person apartments. person apartments, but not for the "Another reason could be that preg Leuerer says h,s jinaT six-person ones. This allowed cur- students just felt like they didn't oodbyes to The Phoenix rent freshmen access to the new have a shot at the North ViJlage," nd the Sports page. apartments. continued on page 2
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