Page 147 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 147
SPORTS Wednesday, Aprill6, 2003 - Page 15 Student's night at Phoenix Sports Trivi Phoenix Sports Trivia Camden Yards: A Answers cheap' ticket to fun 1. Who is the only NB 1. Who is the only Coach 6. Who is the only majo hose team lost by 30 playe baseball league layer to order takeout 0 oints in an NCAA with four home runs i RYAN BROD A fan apparently leaped from be bench during a game. hampionship game? one game and thre AS)';5Umt Sports Editor the right field line seats (not the triples in another? From the Owings Mills Metro, scoreboard ... that would have been nswer: Quintin Daile to Lexington Market, to the gate of ugly) sporting nothing but his box- Camden Yards, it's only a thirty- ers and hair that would make . The only individual to 7. Who is the only majo five minute trip. Three dollars for Kwame Brown green with envy. · Who is the only NB lay in at least three league baseball player t each train, five for an upper deck Obviously intoxicated, he pro- CAA Championship start a triple play with hi seat in the ballpark, with proofofa ceeded to gallop across the outfield oach whose team score college ID: thc result is a cheap way expanse, where he ran circles 184 points in one gam ames and to coach in at forehead? to a fun night. around amazingly patient security Even though the seats aren't officers. d lost? exactly sought after and you may Then, he sprinted at an impres- nswer: Doug Moe experience occasional bleeding sive pace down the third base line 8. Who is the onl from the nose, there really is nOLa into the batter's box, where he toted bad seat in the house. The leg room imaginary lumber and pointed sky- NCAA college basketbal is much more accommodating than ward towards the center field fence. · Who is the only majo team to come back an Fenway Park, where I've seen most Babe Ruth would have been proud. win a game after bein of my MLB games. The streakers' glory was short eague baseball player t Even the fails in Baltimore are lived as he was gang-tackled and each base in 74 consecu down 28-07 well-spirited and friendly, consid- arrested in a heap on home plate. ive games? ering how terrible the Orioles have The fans saluted the streaker as he been in the past few years. was hauled off, still smiling, end- nswer: Joe DiMaggio Receruly I was fortunate ing quite possibly the funniest mo- 9. Who is the only NB enough to watch the visiting Red ' ment of my life. player with more tha Sox lake on the Orioles in what was To be expected, the game look probably the most bizarre sporting a back seat 10 such drama. BUI Who is the only man 8,000 rebounds and 6,00 event I've witnessed eventually. the Sox had nearly ger in major Jeagu assists? The game was played April 4th, blown a six. run lead and the Ori- with a light mist flying and tem- oles had a chance to tie the game. aseball history to lose peratures hovering in the low for- On a long single by Tony arne because his tea ties: not exactly ideal conditions for Batista, shortstop Deivi Cruz was 10. Who is the onlyNB baseball. To my right were two thrown out at the plate on a very an out of baseballs? Red Sox faithful, who'd apparently controversial call to end the game. nswer: Jack McCloske player to hit a three poin been drinking since early that He didn't have streaker speed, "J shot in 79 games in ar moming. thought. Boston had won, 8-7. row? To my left, two elderly folks By-the end of the game, the two huddled together in silence, mak- Sox-faithful to my right were slur- · Who is the only majo ing occasional comments about the ring their 'Nomah's' and spilling weather. In front of me was a group beer allover the aisle. I think the eague baseball player t McDaniel Tennis of fraternity students from UMass- couple to my left had fallen asleep it Amherst bearing homemade Red sometime after the third inning. Sox jerseys. On the back their And sadly enough. the fraternity is one big league hom squads continue to names read 'Drunk,' with the num- crew had been escorted out by n off his brother? ber '24/7' below. Had the Sox ballpark security. swer: Joe Niekro made a new bullpen acquisition, I The moral of the story; five dol- struggle, hoping for wondered? lars can pay for a lot. I'm notguar- The game itself was fairly un- anteeing you'll see a streaker, sit eventful until the sixth inning, between grandma and Dave Attell, strong finish to season when the Sox hit a pair of homers. or get lucky enough to witness a Then, in the bottom half of the in- close game. But you'll definitely ning all hell broke loose. have fun. GREG LEDERER Sports &lifor up a doubles victory over Devito It has been a rough early sea- and Post by a 7-9 score. son for the McDaniel Men's and Most recently, the McDaniel Women's Tennis teams as they cur- Women fell to conference oppo- rently have records of 1-4 and 0- nents Washington College and 3, respectively. Dickinson College by scores of 7- On the Men's side, the squad o and 9-0. recently fell to conference foes, Despite the struggles of this Gettysburg and Washington Col- season, the team is confident that lege. the future of the program will take Most recently, the team was an up tum in the next couple of swept at Washtington College by a years. score of 5-0. It was a mismatch for the Green Terror, facing one of the strongest teams in the country he Phoenix Sports section i in Division Three Tennis. lways looks for eager peopl In the Gettysburg match on April l st, the Green Terror lost by o cover the many sports 0 a score of 5-2. campus, or just discuss thei Victories were picked up by se- houghts in one of our farnou nior Chnd Lovett at the fourth spot, sports Columns. with a 6-0, 6-1 win over Andy Smith and junior Matt Wolfe who in straight sets 6-2, 6~2 over John f Interested, please contac De Vito in the sixth spot. The Green he Phoenix at ext. 8600 Terror combination of Lovett and junior Craig Johnson also picked
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