Page 150 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, May 14,2003 - Page 2 NEWS Sounds of Music on the Hill this spring ....of lack thereof Katie Martin Stage committee leader,. dlsc~ssed the Issue panded on this, saying "It's all in the $ signs, music events," Page commented. Brod ecb- Assisstanr News Editor of student turnout s~ymg, It .seems that if we don't pull in the big people that every- oed this saying, "I wish there were more fre- Cam'ron performed at a Frostburg State when we ~o have musical enrertamment, stu- one knows, then no one will show up---and quem music events." Alexander stressed the University sponsored show this spring, while dents don t that is unfortunate." "Some of these groups importance of music events on campus as Third E Bli d Good Ch ltd L di come out to support it." She described only ask for $75-80,000 for a show," he added. well, saying, "I think it is very important to crolus pl;;ed a~ llMsC, an~:~~'e::n m:~~ a "helping" of students who came out to According to Alexander, McDaniel only have such events, it gives students something an appearance at nearby Gettysburg College. smaller music events held this year. has approximately $20-30,000 available for to do. Now whether they show up is another However, students have yet to receive an These events included the eclectic Sugar such events. "We don't get a whole lot of story." Ernie Ogle voicemail message announcing Jones Band, the jazz-based Project Natale, pickins with the bands in our price fee win- CAPBoard members highly encourage ¥l ~1?C0'Eing spring concert at McDaniel. and numerous local bands at the day-long dow," he explained. student involvement through planning and "Currently there is no event planned, and ~s~~~::_:ru;~~ b;-:'~~~~~~h:~~inE~~ Music events are paid for jointly from attending such events. Donelson emphasized there won't be for the rest of the semester," funds from previous years, contributions "If you really want to get an actual specific says Mary Lee Pence, who is in charge of Hutchinson played at Spring Fling as well. from the SGA, and CAPBoard Mainstage band to come, then come to the meetings, CAPBoard's Mainstage Committee. She "The Jam for Sudan was pretty good, it's funds. Bartolomeo said, "Every year the get involved, and push for it, and if you don't explained, ''The main reason we don't have fun to watch local bands play. But, they need SGA chips in $8-9,000 for the concert, but want to come to the meetings than there is a a concert this year is due to the financial set- to do a better job advertising because Inever this year they decided not to do it, so we used highly decorated colorful suggestion box at back we experienced from the unpopular know if and when bands are coming to cam- the money for other things." The other un- the infonnation desk. ..Ifyou want to make a concerts last year." ~~~,;:~~~:;e;!;I:wR:t~d=~~;:e~~:~::~ used funds will "sit in limbo on the budget change, then get involved." Mitchell Alexander, director of college music events. Referring to large concerts, Alin'eex,.ondbee:.S,ed in the future," according to Anyone interested in becoming involved activities and CAPBoard co-advisor, added • with CAPBoard, to plan music entertainment that the spring concert is usually held every Page added, "Events are marketed inad- In.addition.},> finding a band that fits in events or othee.campus events, is asked to other year. An attempt was made to hold a ~;::=I:~~eS~~:ts~~e~;~~~~~~n~~~~nt~ the pnce range, CAPBoard must coordinate call the CAPBoard office at ext. 2759. concert this year, but there was not enough be a bigger deal, with more publicity." ;~thg;,:~~:!:~u~~df:r b~da;:~a~i~~~~ Senior Week Events mO~~7:e~:~:~:S~~ring featured the band Another student, Dave Murray, com- able and touring on the chosen date. "A lot Dropkick Murphy's and two rappers called mented, "I think. the music events here re- of people fail to realize the hard work that Thes. 5120: Frederick Keys The Farside. Pence said, "We thought if we ally suck and I have gone to other colJeges CAPBoard actually does," said Pence in re- Game mixed the two musical genres we would ap- to see big name artists perform on their gard to planning music events. 0 n e peal to a wider audience." However, this campuses .. .1 would go if they held bigger plan, discussed by CAPBoard two years ago, Wed, 5121: Seniors VS. did not happen as the concert was attended ~;:~:!~:~=!~:r:d:!O t::~e~.~IY rec- was to hold a large joint concert with other Faculty Softball Game; ~e:';~r.about 100 stud~nts\accOrding to There have been some well-known.bands :a:~~~!l:!~e!~s~~:s ~~llb;::u~b~a~!~~ FeUs Point trip "I actually got to hang out ~ith the band brought to campus in the past, including Eve ing to Alexander, as Gettysburg College had Thu. 5122: Crab Feast after last year's show and they were like 6, Reel Big Fish, Dogs Eye View, and They enough money to bold their own event, Fri. 5/23: Baccalaureate 'What happened?" said Neal Page, a local Might Be Giants. PenceofCAPBoardcom- Mount St Mary's had the site but no fund- musician and McDaniel student. "Dropkick mented, "Everyone always wants to see ing, and Frederick Community College sim- Service; All Campus PartY Sat. 5124: Graduation Murph!,~alo:.e can ~7~tion [a concert ~a;!:u~~~~::ev~;~~7:d O:u~~~?t~c~:~~ ply ~~~:v~~\everal McDaniel students ven~:l~ia ~n~~~'theCA::o:!:e:~ond with and could not afford such concerts." clearly emphasized the need for music SGA President Jamin Bartolomeo ex- events. "I think that there are not enough CONGRATS TO THE CLASS Long-time adjunct Jonathan Slade hired OF 2003, FROM THE PHOENIX STAFF! a BA in communications and received his concentrate on being a full time teacher for Staci George Flag symbolizes hope Commentary Editor MFA in cinema-television production from the first time in my life ...Then hopefully, I'll The University of Southern California's be able to use the summer months to Pre- During his Tuesday night "History of School of Cinema-Television in 1991. duce or direct some film or TV projects-and continued from page 1 American Independent Film" class on April He first began teaching as an adjunct pro- here's the exciting part-bring McDaniel stu- College Activities.Dollins Smith and Pam 22, Jonathan Slade triumphantly announced fessor in the Communication Department in dents along as production assistants and crew Zappardino, Alumni President, installed the that the McDaniel College Communication thefaJi of 1995. Over the years, he has taught members so they can get first hand experi- display, which was in Ensor Lounge April Department had hired him as a full-time pro- one course per semester; the courses in- ence on a professional shoot." 16-24. fessor, eluded "Television Production," "Film In fall 2003, Slade will be teaching three About 70 people singed and decorated "It's going to take me a while to get used Analysis," "Scriptwriting.v'+Piction into courses: "Mass Communications," "Film the McDaniel College Peace Flag. whicJt to the idea that I'll be teaching alongside Film," "Basic Film and Video Production," Analysis," and ''TV Studio Production.". ' was a special banner designed to represent some of the most influential people in my and "History of American Independent Film" Slade hopes to "integrate theory with the McDaniel students, staff, faculty, and visi- life-people who I admire greatly and respect In addition to his adjunct professorship, practice as much as I can-you know, study tors, said Collins Smith, who has heard who helped guide me along my life path S.lade worked for Maryl~d ~ublic Televi- th~ history and ruminations of the great many positive comments about the project. when I was a student here in the mid- Slon for 11 .y~ producmg kid shows and mmds, but also pick up some gear and go She aJso said that the McDaniel banner 1980s ... people like Bob Sapora. Pam Regis, documentanes, dtrectedlwrote/producedled- out and make our own mistakes." will be on display April 28-May 16th at Lisa Ron Miller, Jim Lightner, and Kathy ited the 1998'feature film "Forest for the AndfinalJy,hewantsto"Challengestu_ Breslin's office, located across from the Mangan. That's a bit intimidating. I hope I'll ' Trees," and served as an associate producer dents who demonstrate a real interest in Writing Center and anyone who has yet to be able to live up to their expectations, be- of MPT'-s live on-air membership drives. Communication to come along and .work s,ign it or add their own comments is encour- cause they've set the bar pretty high," Slade With his new job offer, Slade remarked side-by-sidClwfth people who are making a aged to do so in the upcoming weeks. remarked in an e-mail interview. "I've pretty much decided to clean my plate living in this field." The Projectdoes not have a "completed" Slade graduated from WMC in 1998 with of freelance opportunities this fall so I can The Phoenix congratulates Slade. deadline at this time. Plans are for it to con- Brian's long article continued ticipants'wishesfoepeace,hroughou'the to grow and be displayed tinue as all par- I cominued/rom page / Aside from these hiccups in the applica- ings, the schoo} needs to fear down three PA world are gently allowed to join each other said Towle. tion process, the construction of the North avenue houses,. 189 through 197. To meet in the beauty of purist intention and inspi~ Residence Life saw an abnormal increase Village has remained on schedule. Accord- the construction deadline the houses had to ration," reads the flyer. in the amount of students that applied for ing to Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice president of be vacated seven weeks before the end of To make your own flag to add to the apartments this year. Towle estimated that administration and finance, the construction the current semester. The students that had project, you can 1.) Use your own materials between eight and 14 groups that applied for costs of the project will be around the origi- been living in the PA houses moved into the to create an 11 by 15 inch flag (on fabric) Garden Apartments were denied. The fact nal estimate of $5 million. However, the to- third new'building right after spring break. that is finished with both a front side and that freshmen will be living in the North VIl- tal cost~ will be closer to $6.5 million after "This has been an inconvenience for ev- . back side (because both sides cw be seen lage next year may make this ht;trderto swal- other expenses such as furniture and build~ eryone who had to move," said junior Ina when flying) and is signed by you,yourfam~ low for some students. ing permits are factored in, Seidel noted. Pul~ri, wh:o is .the RA for the new apartment ily, and/or class/group; 2.) You may request "1 do feel sorry for. the upperclassmen The construction costs were part of the , buildil;ig. "My supervisor only informed me a plain fabric rectangle base with instruc~ who didn't get an apartment, but we did ap- reason the North Village was madethe'most' that we woul~,have to move three or four tions to start by sending a check for $15 ~~~' ::~~t:::bh:;n w~t;:;:~ ;~~I~s'~ v:~ :~~;e~I~~~nC~~~ ~a2:~~~e ~~~I;b;~ :a~::o ~:::.~,pce ... and we only had two made payable to Common Ground on the sut::~p~~:~~':':~na':";:le through:'~!~~::~~=::::~~i~~:;~~:-:Be~~v::::,~j~,~~:::;;c~:~:'I~~~~~~::::::G~~:~~e Hill out the application process. A few interested ~~~l: ~::b~s:::n;:Si~~!'C:~~~.lllO moCf be living, In the apartments ... I hope the [cur~ Westminster, MD 21157 ::::~!~ct;~\~~sV~r~~~h;:~~~:poSits To make room for two of the new build- ~:~~.~eshm~~. will be mature about living For more information, contact Christina Collins Smith.
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