Page 154 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday. May 14,2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Editors- In-Chief Senior Tara Dellaframia Erin Romanski '04 o. LeRoy McDuffie '05 J have learned ~,o;-jiijiiijii.~s~o;;;m;'eo;;;ne~e;;ls~e,:-;p~eo;;:p;j;le~c;;;om~e;-;l;;;hro;;;";;gh:h.--fifo;;,;,ea;;;chl,hing me how to party, find a nice boy, live by a very impor- J could say the same thing about how the smoke, and drink. Joann McKinney, for in- tant principle: when Society for Collegiate Journalists finally eluding me and listening. And to Michael News Editor something is due Tues- came together (0 pull off College Press Day, Wiles (TMLA !), because even though he is Katie Champion '04 day, don't worry, you'll how proud I will be when the Beta Alpha a slacker, he always gets his corrunentary in. get itby Sunda_y. Theo- Chi seniors graduate with our full-fledged To the educators: Dr. Boudreaux, Dr. Baxter, Dalton, Garth Dr. camaraderie, or how the brothers Assistant News Editor retically, Phoenix com- musical Phi Omega always have a bug to of- of Mangan, and David Griffiths. Terry To those that I Sapora, due are Alpha mentaries Katie Martin '06 Tuesday. Tuesday fer me whether things are going wrong or value more than you know, even though we night is editing night, where I go through all right. didn't have the time to become as close as I Features Editor of the lovely articles submitted to the sec- Even Senior Seminar requires the sup- would have liked: Lisa Taylor, Yolanda Hill, tion. Perhaps Dan Hamvas has written about port of other people. Writing a 25-30 page and Lisa Moore. Jessica Watson '05 porn again, or Michael Wiles decides to take paper is most definitely an activity that re- But really, it always comes down to another shot at Smith House. Tuesday is the quires some serious group contribution. I thanking the creators. I can't say that I will Assistant Features Editor night when these mistakes must be caught. couldn't have pulled off that final require- ever be some kind of award-winning mas- Laura Petersen '06 Layout happens Wednesday. Ican handle ment/accomplishment without the help and terpiece, but at least I am now a work in layout on my own now, but it's frustrating encouragement of my Seminar group. progress. When the final draft comes around, Commentary Editor when people hand in articles that were due I don't mean to make this sound like an my mother, family, and my boyfriendlhero Tuesday on Wednesday. I[eave, unsatisfied, awards speech, but graduation is kind of like should be proud, because they made me who Tara DellaFranzia '03 with the fact thathalfofthe commentary sec- some prize I've had my eye on (even ifindi- I am. tion is blank. rectly) since college preparatory school. I During the last four years, Ihave experi- Assistant Commentary Editor Where would I be without Steel George? never really thought about it until it came enced and written about some of the great- Staci George '03 A day or two later, there are only one or two up so close. And now that it's here and I est horrors and atrocities humans have com- holes in the Commentary section, and ev- will soon be back in Philadelphia, there's this mined against one another. Terrorism and erything that I put there is still there, in the whole "future" thing that I'm supposed to Sports Editor war as well as some personal losses have same shape and form-thanks to Staci's skills. get the hang of but that's something you really affected me deeply, but existing in a Greg Lederer '03 After that, I might start to get a bit more have to get USed to before it happens. But to campus community 'has 'taught me to nave upset and worried. Anxious, even. But by prepare for it. some final thank-you's: faith in humanity. In the end, if you are a Assistant Sports Editor Sunday, there are writers, faithful and un- To the Phoenix staff, specifically Erin good citizen of a community, there is always Ryan Brod '06 faithful alike, that submit commentary. Romanski, for letting me actually write for someone to stand up for you, to fight for you, My point isn't to tell people to get their this paper, and to all of those people that and to believe in you. Some people think commentaries in on time-that's not my job comecp to me and say they've actually read that, because of feelings like this, college is Advertising Manager anymore (thank goodness). Instead, I'd my articles. I swear, until you said-some- a dream.' 01'· Dirk Sampselle '06 rather share with you what the experience thing, .1 never knew. Lauri Gann. my offi- I know that President Coley will grin of being Commentary Editor has taught me: cial partner in. unofficial crime, you are the when she reads that I am proud 10 call West- Photographers no matter how desperate the situation, and most supportive friend in the world. My ern Maryland College the reality of the best in the Ti.ijany.Lee '06 now often people get on your nerves, .lust as suite mates and brothers-certain things hap- go four years of my life. end people come through fo.r_Y.Q pen ill,. a senior year that you just can't leon Parry '05 - you're about to threaten to kill yourself or through alone, so thank you. Jackie Aguglia, 'l! Subscriptions Manager Katie Martin '06 Senior Writers Edward Schultheis '03 I'll make this as quick as possible, since miss all the papers and hours of reading. Ac- Michael Wiles '03 Iam sure you all have other plans right now. tually, all that work has already taught me It has, sadly, come time for me to do what something quite important: that Idon't want all us seniors must do with three or so weeks Graphic Designer left until graduation, the "great end of the to spend the rest of my life in academics, as Jessica Watson '05 road": say my goodbyes. Interestingly, I am I thought, when While I came to college, I might to be a want to be. I once wanted find it easier than I would have thought. professor of English, I think I'll past on that Staff Writers The reason, as far as I can tell, is this: now. I no longer Anyway, Laurence Assuid '06 I've decided At aU. I've come believe in has given m~ or-a personal level, I'll miss can do the same. while 1will miss all this school "goodbyes." to believe that people arrive in your life (which, de- even more the people who've come into my Lastly, a thanks to everyone who's been Adviser pending on the person) is a wonderful thing, life these past four years. While Iknow this read my column over the last three years. I to every Te Dalton and, likewise, people leave out the other door is the pan of the article where Iam expected just realized that Ihave contributed of 2000, since spring issue of The Phoenix (which, once again, depending on the per- to write a laundry list of all those I am talk. and that is a very long time. Moreover, it son) is II terrible feeling. And, as I've said ing about, thatreally isn't my style. Oh, hell. The Phoenix is published biweekly. The opin before, where there is friendship and love, I'll do it anyway. would not have been possible, or even re- ionsexpresseddonotnoc:essarilyrqresentthose there can be no happy endings. Seriously, motely fun, without aU ot you to laugh along In no real order, here we go: First of all, with me. Thank you. ThePhomUstaff,lhefacu1ty,cr!headministrators as I have suggested before, do the math. NO I've got to thank my "Room 402" band McDaniel College. happy endings in that regard. Chi, Bill, and Matt. There is so many more people Ihave to mates, 1 think we've The paper welcomes free-lance submissions Anyway, I do suppose I should at least built something great, guys, and Ican't wait thank, and so many people I know I would MaciJvoshdisk..<;inlTlO!>tworopa:essorf
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