Page 155 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 155
COMMENTARY Wednesday, May14,2003 - Page 7 Journalism: abuse of'speech I hate journalists. This coming ism if you didn't do an internship?" without pay, and only a few days ar Doesn't Go Away from a senior graduating in less My only response, most likely to ago was fired from his position. On Senior Tara DellaFranzia can't seem to escape than a month with a minor in jour- the delight of the Baltimore Sun's April 2, the paper's top editors sent nalism After my journalism pro- sports columnist, is that I will not an e-mail clarifying its policy on war, even in her dreams fessor reads this however, I may be entering the field of journalism. staff participation in political activ- After some lime, regardless of sleep through the night. After have to remove that minor from my Not in my near future anyway. ity. The e-mail,citing"ourrespon- our stance on war. we become that, I started waking up to the resume- since it could be rescinded However, it was not until the war sibility as journalists," said news- somewhat accustomed to the daily dreams. the day before I graduate. started that the issue moved from room staffers were prohibited from drama covered constantly by our In one, [ didn't even know Speaking of the end of my col- the back burner right up into my participating in public political ac- was on, Iwas not for legiate career, r thought about to forward frame of vision. tivity related to the war, according television. War has become part what side] but I was not for Bush. Saddam. For some of our every day lives. which topic Ishould devote my fi- As I watched the war coverage to an Associated Press story from of us, the reality might be more I was not in fatigues, and nal commentary. Should it be a on any of the major 24 news sta- April 24. If I read this correctly, constant-thinking about a loved scbrapnel tore through my body. hunky-dory message of how much tions, whether it be CNN, MSNBC, then one could make that case that one overseas, or even thinking Tcould feel it, slamming into my Iwill miss college? How about an or the Fox News Channel, there the 'so-called "bastions of free about whether to have children in arm like an aircraft carrier that unflattering one? Truthfully, was one thing that was distinctly 'Speech" are themselves condemn- a world climate like this someday. misses the landing strip. people should know my feelings evident to me - the unwavering ing free speech. What r have Another dream could have towards this tremendous site Ihave patriotism and lack of objectivity viewed in my four sheltered years While the issues of this war been a playground for Freud as called home for the past four years. in the news. According to BBC is that journalists possess a very have been very personal to me, I J have made relationships and Director General Greg Dyke, "U.S. pious attitude c one that J do nor am fortunate enough to have no written by T.S. Eliot-my boy- me inside as friend there, pulling friendships that will not be made broadcasters' coverage of the Iraq , agree with at this moment. relatives or friends in Iraq at this a missile destroyed our city. A or broken in the next three weeks war was so unquestioningly patri- I learned a great deal from my time. However, the reality of war house, run down. Me dropping a or because of a single commentary otic and so lacking in impartiality 'Media Ethics course here, and I is constant in my mind. and this wedding dress-and a phone ... my to most of us re- -I hope. I would much rather dedi- that it threatened me credibility of would actually love to be able to probably applies only method of communication cere my last instance of editorial America's electronic media ...This sit in on the class again to see what gardless of our relationship with looks freedom to something that has truly is particularly so since Sept. II is said about the journalists in this this war. the possibility of war other than the exasperated which When at the television, shot agitated me over the past couple when many U.S. networks wrapped wartime. One of the things pur- first arose, it was quite easy to find showed the replay of what I'd months. themselves in the American flag ported by people when viewing the a person willing to debate about seen, continuously. Well to be perfectly honest, my and swapped impartiality for pa- media was that they have a liberal against this Yes, war. agitation.over journalism has lasted triotism." The American media slant. Well as we look at this war, it. It is still easy, particularly for Naturally I'm I am going to feel guilty of us with an anti-war per- those for more than a year, actually since then made a big fuss about how the T think that it is very plain to see spective, to find someone wiUing about what is happening in Iraq. the site of last year's Press Day. Iraqi television station was all pro- that the media does not. If any- to discuss our country's involve- But my point isn't making every- Here T am, the editor of the Phoe- Saddam, whereas there were a few thing, the media has taken on nei- ment in the Middle East. one feel guilty about this war, it's nix, sitting on a panel discussion, times when Iquestioned if our own ther-e conservative or liberal slant, Now as U.S. involvement es- about how to deal with the enxi- having my "posterior" chewed out television stations were a mere but rather a pro-America slant, calates, so do our emotions: our ety of seeing the trauma of war- by a certain sports columnist from copy of theirs. even at the cost to impartiality - ties to the troops, our peace signs, fare, direct to your living room, the Baltimore Sun. Why? Because I honestly have never seen the which was by-far-and-away the our flag, and our beliefs. But we and living in America. Isaid that Ifelt like atoraIjerk ask- American media so completely most important piece to the Ameri- already know bow we feel about Tbe best solution for me has ing people what they felt about the duped and pacified into believing can media. the situation. We find ourselves been to talk about how Ifeel. If terrorist attacks - less than two what the government has said - Where does free speech truly discussing it more often with a debate could ensue, and I am hours after it occurred. His re- when did the watchdogs become end? In this day, does it end where people that feel the same way, or seeking consolation, Iavoid taIk- sponse, to put it mildly, was that I the lapdogs? To make my point non-patriotism begins? Journalists people that can sympathi2.e. And i~ 'IbouL)l>e.issuei sucked as a journalist, and that I clear, there were a few times when Icr debate, know their audience; they give the while that's okay,l don't think we but rathei abOut what I dreamed needed to suck it up or get out of I said to my parents: "So how is people what they want - in this can simply go about our lives as and how it made me feel when I the business. 'Propaganda War 2003' faring?" case, unquestionable patriotism. if this war Isn 't happening, or as woke up. He can call me a bad journalist This was met with obvious displea- They use catch phrases such as if the effects of war aren't real. Iraq's situation will be a real- for getting information wrong, or sure. "fair" and "balanced" to mask pa- War anxiety is very real. At ill' for several years to come. but being a horrendous writer, but be- This is certainly not the time to triotism as impartiality, and they first, I thought it just meant being that doesn't mean we should stop cause I felt what any decent human be unpatriotic as a journalist either say that they exhibit a strict code more paranoid about terrorist at- thinking about it or talking about would feel ... needless to say, I as Henry Norr, who covered tech- of ethics, when all I really want is tacks again. or watching too much it on a conscious level-you never walked out that day thinking he nology and wrote a weekly column for them to do their jobs properly. CNN. Then, after I stopped talk- know what your subconscious could kiss the same posterior that for the San Francisco Chronicle, I hate journalists, yet I stand before ing about it so much, , couldn't might pull on you later. he had been chewing out. found out on April 21, when he was you as one. How pious is that? Since then, I have endured fired. On March 20, he was ar- questions such as: "Where did you rested participating in an anti-war -Ed Schultheis is a senior tensive world tour, though, the really knows what the new album do your internship?" and "How are protest. He was then suspended communication major. band waited three-and-a-half years will sound like or how it will be you going to get a job in journal- before releasing their fourth album, similar or different from the prior New album:All hail to the Thief! 2000. five albums. As one critic recently Kid A, which hit stores in October to the Theif) will "it (Hail stated. By this time, OK Computer's probably say more about us than Senior Jamin Bartolomeo critiques Radiohead's newest project. success had fans worldwide de- we care to admit. And thatis what manding another similar set of will drive us to it and bring us back Months of anticipation came to Thief has both critics and fans ex- now recognized by many tracks. Instead, Kid A, and its sis- to it time after time." an end on March 22nd when, along cited while they anxiously await Radiohead fans as the group's best ter album Amnesiac (June 2001), Although many of the unmixed with millions worldwide, I heard the new album's release. work to date. both recorded at the same time, and unmastered tracks have leaked that the new Radiohead album, the Radiohead burst onto the If there was any doubt about broke away from the guitar-laden there way to the Internet, much to band's sixth full-length LP, would American music scene in 1993 with , Radiohead's true musical genius tracks of the past and showcased the dismay of theband and its pro- finally be released. their debut album Pablo Honey and and ability to adapt and change its yet another adaptation of the band: ducer, fans (myself included) still After seemingly endless rumors its hit single "Creep." Although a sound, 1997's OK Computer put electronica. Kid A, which suppos- have much to look forward to. The and countless small tidbits of in- big hit in the US, Radiohead did those doubts to rest. Without a edly represents the birth, life, and first taste of the new album will be formation from magazines and not have much success with the al- major radio single ("Paranoid An- ultimate demise of artificial intel- in the form of a single, "There Internet sources, the band officially bum in their native England or droid," "Karma Police," and "No ligence along with Amnesiac, pro- There," [0 be released on May 26. confirmed on their website throughout the rest of the world. Surprises" were frequently played vide a host of sounds that range Record executives and music insid- that the al- While many stateside wrote the on MTV, but none of the tracks from the unique combination of ers who have heard the final studio bum, Hail to the Thief, would be band off as a one-hit wonder, glo- reached the top 20 in the US), the organ and harp to those seemingly version of the track and new album released in the United States on bal success arrived several years album won critical acclaim, a of another world. Despite the have somewhat mixed reviews. Tuesday, June 10,2003. Recorded. later in the fonn of 1995's triple Grammy award, and is widely re- band's shift from the mainstream The New York Times reports that mixed, and mastered over the past guitar and song-driven The Bends, garded in many circles as the best towards experimental tendencies, the album is "exquisitely layered nine months in Los Angeles and in the group's sophomore release. all:ium of the year and one of the success grew and a legion of de- yet stubbornly minimal" and the bandfs own English studio, the With such singles as "High and greatest albums ever made. The voted, almost cult-like fans devel- "slowly opens after multiple lis- 14-track collection has already cre- Dry," "Fake Plastic Trees" and 'musical intricacies of the album oped. Both albums were critically tens." An executive at XFM re- ated quite a stir in the music world. "Street Spirit (Fade Out)," The 'and the often haunting vocals of praised and Kid A followed its pre- ports, "[Hail to the Thief] is like Partly because of its controversial, Bends surprised most followers of Thorn Yorke, the band's enigmatic decessor by winning a Grammy everything they've ever done, and somewhat anti-American title, and the Alternative music scene and front man, coupled with the award. yet nothing they've ever done 00.- in conjunction with the band's re- propelled the band to stardom in album's technological theme, The band's past success, in fore". Whatever the opinion, one cent public announcements against England. In the US, The Bends plaoed Radiehead on the cutting large part, is fueling the anticipa- thing is for certain: fans of military action in Iraq, Hail to the was slow to garner support, but is edge of rock music. After an ex- tion of Hail to the Thief. No one Radiohead will adore this album.
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