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COMMENTARY Wednesday, May14 ,2003 - Page 5 Phoenix advisor says "farewell '03 staff, sincerely TAD" Terry Dalton honors the senior staff members' hard work and dedication. When I looked down the long get published in the student news- followed by the irreverent but even if all nine did not work as a newspaper internship. I'll miss wooden table in the narrow semi- paper. I never dreamed that all never dull columnist, Michael unit for that many semesters. But laughing out loud when I read yet- nar room on Hill's first floor nearly four of them would join the paper Wiles. As the freshmen continued advisers quickly learn Rule One of another outrageous piece by our four years ago, I had no idea who that semester, and stick with it for Overseeing Student Newspapers: resident humorist, Mike Wiles. these 15 freshly minted first-year be thankful for what you have and I'll miss scanning the paper and students were. enjoy it while it lasts. finding at least one article by Staci It was late August, 1999, and I And] have enjoyed it. Im- George in virtually every section was meeting my first classofa spe- mensely. And so have they, I trust. of the paper. I'll miss Craig cial section of English Composl- Some of these nine, I feel sure, will Johnson handing in an exam in one tion & Reading that was designed ('G)).. stick with journalism, and hope- of my classes and assuring me that for freshmen with an interest in leJ fully come back as guest speakers I'm about to read "another A pa- journalism. As it turned out, sev- in one of my classes, much as per, Mr. Dalton." I'll miss talking eral of the students looking back at Jonathon Shacat, '98, and Stacey baseball in my office with Ed me would go on to become the stal- Myers Duck, '02, did this year. Schultheis, who roots for the sec- warts of student journalism at nix has occupied over Others will go to law school. Or ond-bestCanadianteam in the rna, Western Maryland College, and the past teach. Or perform on Broadway. Or jar leagues. I'll miss the incredible late'r at McDaniel. And now they Thousan make lots of money. I will miss versatility and talent of Matt Hurff, are about to leave, and I feel a little Probably. each and every one of (hem, be- who left his mark on the Sports, like the college basketball coach But this modest cause the class of '03 produced commentary and news sections of who is about to lose the heart of tribute by the paper's more top drawer journalists than the paper. I'll miss the spirit, inge- his team to graduation. adviser to the seniors who have sportswriter Greg Lederer signed any class that I can remember dur- nuity and joyfulness of Tara In that class were Ed Schultheis, meant so much to student journal- on. More help for the sports sec- ing my 13 years here. Dellafranzia. Staci George, Tammi Slater and ism from 1999-2003 does not end tion came with the arrival of Craig So what will I miss? I'll miss And I'll miss all those meetings Donna Hurd. As they listened, I with this foursome. While they Johnson. Finally, the artsy one with reading almost an entire sports sec- in my office with Donna Hurd, made my usual pitch for The Phoe- were getting comfortable in the the enduring smile. Tara tion written by one person, Greg when she vowed to tum the com- nix, hoping that one or two students saddle, other freshmen were being DelJafranzia, brought her opinion- Lederer. I'll miss the look of pride mentary section into something Would take me up on my offer of rounded up {Q join them. Soon, edi- writing skills to the commentary on Tammi Slater's face as she truly special _ and then did it.. extra credit for anything they might tor-to-be Matt Hurffwas on board, section. The team was complete, shows me the clips from her latest Thanks, Seniors and good luck. Mold swings & cravings: Senior tries to say so farewell Senior Staci George thanks all those who have helped her along the way. \'m t'(t~ if I(Xlt'''\ ,oJ Lately, r have been experiencing a semester of my sophomore year wisdom and guidance of Dr. Leahy DellaFranzia, CD-ttll":)!1 ~......- \ I ~ lot 0: varied mood swings-from that I a.cluallY liked ~is place and (prof~sorofpolitical science, who Nadj~ Werner, ~ :o.....fJ. .~... . r"l~r ! bursting into tears, stress-related knew I'd be here until May 2003.' has this wonderful son Roan who r Laurt Gann, .f .... anger and fatigue, a sudden burst loved It fall semester, although love to baby sit for and take to the Karen Whelan, ~ .- - of happiness, feeling the grips of leaving my friends in D.C. zoo.), the spunk and nonvio- Allison Morris,.J::! ... ~. - ¥ anxiety, and that sort of sporadic Brodheadsville, Kunkletown, and lent philosophy of Pamela and anyone else I excitement one feels when they Palmerton, PA was-a hard task. Zappordino. and the creativity and have may be for- daydream about the future and love for music and Common getting because what success is in store for them. On the outside, people saw me Ground on the Hill that Walt the tears are form- Although I have been having loving this place and getting in- Michael provides ing again. these weird mood swings and volved with many organizations. I And of course, there is Mr. I would have cravings for some odd foods I don't wasn't even on campus two weeks Terry Dalton. Had I left college, I missed out on the usually eat, I know' AM NOT before I begged Ira Domser to let would not have had the opportu- sense of sister- PREGNANT, but rather a senior me stage manage his fall play nity to have him fora professor for hood and commit- going through the typical growing "Ghost Sonata." 1 got involved all thejournalismclasses that make ment to commu- pains and coping with an ending with The Phoenix in the fall and up the minor, would have missed nity service that that will fade into a new beginning. before I knew it, I was the assts- outon hundreds of office chats with Gamma Sigma'-='-'--'----====_'---==="-' Let me tell you how hard edit- [ant news editor. I also ran for and him, would have never seen the Sigma has offered me over the last the summer of 2000; all those ing this last section has been. As I was elected Class of 2003 SGA infamous green ink that he grades three years; lots of gamma sig love nights partying after theatre shows read Mr. Da1ton's story that he e- representative; signed up to be a . papers and critiques The Phoenix to all members and our newest (especially the ones during my mailed me to put in the Phoenix, I STAY mentor; joined a few other with, would not have his name on pledge class. ~::ehnm~ei:~~;cf~~g~~~e wmi,'h was on the verge of tears. Then I organizations; and still had time for my reference sheet so possible Thanks to Society for Colle- d read Laura Petersen's reflections a very active weekend social life. I employers could call him and ques- glare Journalists members for their to decipher each other's notes from her freshmen year and real- remained active throughout the tion him about my abilities, char- commitment and enthusiasm, even while one professor or another ized that what she said in April years, and even joined a few new acter, and work ethic. And I would if I did go overboard and planned talked faster than we could write; 2003 applied to me back in August ones! never have had the chance to work too many activities! Katie and Erin, inviting Nadja Werner home for 1999. I had been looking for the But on the inside, there was alongside him in the preparation I know you'll run with it next year Christmas when she could not be right moment to write my senior self-doubt, a wonder of what I was and organization of the 4th Annual and pull of a wonderful College back in Germany with own family; goodbye, and could not avoid the missing out on elsewhere, lack of College Press Day. Nor would I Press Day! the flight Lauri and I sat up a11night dizzying whirlwind inside my head the really good friendships t had have ever been mentioned in his Depending on who you listen "gossiping" in the Whiteford and the tears streaming down my left behind and was trying hard to senior goodbye article bad I left to-Tom Macurak or myself--each lounge; the sense of pride I felt af- cheeks. make here, a sporadic thought WMC and went to some other col- of us have our own version of what ter a successful College Press Day Like Laura, I too had doubts about transferring, and this sense lege. happened the day we met in the ended; and having the chance to When I first arrived four years ago. that I was in way over my head. In addition to all the profes- Bookstore in 2000. But that's his- show off my college and friends to These doubts subsided over the Grade wise, I did well first semes- sional relationships mentioned tory and he and I have the present my friends and family from home. years, however they have resur- ter; but spring semester of freshman above, I would have missed out on and future together, one that may Well, the tears have subsided, faced a little bit as I send out re- year was my worst semester ever the many friendships with various not have been had I given up on SO I guess I can finally say good- sumes to various news organiza- in terms of grades. people- some who will stay close WMC and left! All my love and bye. tions hoping that my four years of From time to time, I wonder . because, location wise, they are heart to you, Tom! I'm surerbts will not be my last college, my journalism minor, my what might have been if I had left nearby, some who may remain life- Ihavealotofwonderful memo- by-tine-you'll be sure to see my four years on the Phoenix staff ed- Western Maryland College (now long friends despite the miles that nes that I will forever cherish- name in other newspapers, and iting and writing stories for all four McDaniel College, yes, 1 admit it, • separate us, some who may remain freshmen year living with Greta maybe even on your loca1 news sta- sections, and three internships have I have come to like the new namef). mere acquaintances to say heJlo to Frain in Whiteford and starting out tion (reporting, that is, not as a been influential and no employer 1 would have missed out on the era- at reunions, or some people may sophomore year with her at the Best crime committed) will say "Gee, Ms. George, you ziness of stage managing twice for just merely be people I send an oc- Western because our house with Good luck to all the seniors, and don't seem to have enough experi- Ira Domser, the enjoyment and casional Christmas card to or have nine other girls was not yet remod- to all the underclass: Cherish the ence," or "Bi-weekly student news- pleasure of working with Marga- a random thought "Gee, I wonder eled; the "culture shock" Tara time while you have it, because it paper, huh? Do you have what it ret Griffin (secretary of political how 'so and so' is doing after all DellaFranzia and I had until we will be over soon and you too will takes to work in a daily newspaper science, social work. and history), these years." learned to appreciate Lei and Fan's be having mood swings and a good that covers the whole city or the sense of humor in professors Had I left WMC, I would have Chinese culture in our Garden dose of reality like I have been hav- town?" like Dr. Herb Smith and Dr. Volker missed out meaningful friendships Apartment; going to Spain for a ing these last few weeks! Good-bye Admittedly, it was not until fall Franke (political science), all the with Yolanda Hill, Tara month with Joan Faulkner during to the Hill, I'll be back soon!
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