Page 156 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 156
Wednesday, May14,2003 - Page 8 SPORTS Softball team finishes strong season Sports editor The McDaniel College Softball team con their conference rival, Gettysburg College, three runs, two of them unearned and take a tinued the program's strong play of late with in a match-up of the ccnferencefs two best come from behind 3-2 victory. bids farewell the team's eighth consecutive season of 2C teams. Freshman catcher Samantha Smith had wins or more with their double header swee McDaniel used another strong game from a hit in the contest and one RBI. Greg Lederer of Haverford on April 25th. Abrams who was outstanding on the mound With the regular season coming to a close, Sports Editor Atop the Centennial Conference with and at the plate, to beat the Bullets 4-1 in the the team is looking forward to the Centen- sizzling 23-6 overall, 14-2 in the conferenc firstgame. nial Conference tournament on May 3rd-4th record, the learn is poised to make their ru On the mound, Abrams held Gettysburg where they will attempt to retain the Cham- at defending their Centennial Conferenc to only one run, and scored 2 runs at the plate. pionship trophy. Well, it's come to an end, my final story Championship. Junior outfielder Lauren Cramer also con- written for the Phoenix. It's been four long Most recently, the learn visited confer tributed 2 hits in the contest. years of doing this gig and Iguess Ishould enee foe, Ursinus College, for a doubl McDaniel started the second game strong pay my final respects. Don't worry, Ijm header on April 27th. with 2 runs in the top of the first inning and not going to take this time to complain The first game saw a pitcheris duel be junior right-hander Kim Campanelli baffled about the newspaper, Glar food, or the bad tween McDanielfs ace pitcher Sam Abram the Bullet's hitters for most of the contest. state of parking on campus. I think that and the Bear's Alice. Gettysburg would responded in the bottom we have heard enough of that stuff to last The two controlled the game from th of the seventh inning, taking advantage of a an eternity. start, as neither team's offense could moun couple errors by the Green Terror to pick up It has been a long four years and I've any runs through seven innings. written a lot of stories from covering var- In the top of eighth. Abrams exhibited he Students learn the eternal energy of Hsing-I sit)' sports on campus to fierce fraternity skills at the plate. as she connected on a Ion continuedfrom page 3 own unique histories, strengths and personal football games. Speaking of the famous home run in route to a slim 1-0 victory. can also provide a deeper understanding for goa1s, from improving lower back problems fraternity football game story, it was defi- The victory was the team's 23rd of th nitely the most popular Story that I've ever energy learned overall their one style of season. those who have already the repetition allows to increasing to be the art that meets levels. written for this paper. The score not with- tends Although Hsing-I you arts. martial In the nightcap, the offenses heated up i standing, Gamma Beta Chl won the con- for self-defense techniques to become auto- where you are. While some may be cynical, a hurry, as McDaniel jumped out to the earl test, and many could not wait for the story lead with three runs in the top half of th matic, the focus of Hsing-l is not for fight- McCord knows firsthand about the benefits to come off the presses. While this story first inning, but the Bears responded witt ing. of Hsing-1. was printed in the paper. there were some four in the bottom half to take the lead back Exercises and sets of movements are used "Hsing-I has dramatically changed my who were upset that another story was not The contest looked like a slugfest early to align and strengthen the body while in- life and my outlook," said McCord. "A few found right next to it. While the varsity and I but it didn't last as both teamfs pitching qui creasing the person's overall energy level. years ago 1 could hardly get outofbed sports on campus are fiercely fought con- Hsing-I is based upon the notion that we used to get sick five or six times a year. To- tests, the first annual "Forty yards to free- eted the bats throughout the rest of the con day, I am much healthier test. possess this internal energy, called Chi, and I engage in dom" was an intramural event that brought The Green Terror made a couple rallies which allows us to perform daily tasks and most regular daily activities." One of the out many fans as well. It was a forty yard but wouldnft score again and fell by a 4-3 other physical activities. It teaches you to major benefits ofHsing-Iis that this is a mar- race between three competitors, George Beck, Matt "ChauffyvFields, score. understand your internal energy and how that tial an that students can carry with them and and Donnie out the body to ere- As mentioned earlier, the team extender energy moves through build upon long after they depart from "the "Mental" Ward. In the end, Ward won the another milestone on April 25th, by winnin ate movement. It strengthens coordination Hill." contest, but the story wac; never printed. their 20th game of the season in a daub! and the ability to be focused. There is always this stereotypical image Let me make it clear, iam not criticizing header sweep of Haverford College. Do not enroll in this class thinking that of that non-athletic person in gym class be- the paper for not printing this story because It was the teamis eighth consecutiv Hsing-I requires no effort on your behalf. ing taunted by their professor and peers be- things get cut in the journalism business slug- they can't campaign with at least 20 wins, an impres You can't just perform the movements and have cause This course perform a simple physical and the paper's advertisers paid for their gishly. You have to concentrate is different. task. sive streak for any squad. place in the paper. Iam only mentioning the desire to understand its theory and prac- Throughout the duration of the course In the first game, the Green Terror ex- this for (hose who were upset that this story hibited their offensive skills in pounding ou rice; Hsing-I is also known as mind-body McCord remains understanding and encour- never came off the presses, so if you a 10-2 victory, and cruised to a 6-2 victory boxing. aging. As her students practice the series of wanted to read this story, you can read the in the second game. Several students have taken this course, movements, some of them get frustrated, but above summary of what happened on the and over time many have come with their McCord always reminds them to smile. On April 23rd, the Green Terror hoste grass of Scott S. Bair Stadium. as an editor, From my experience I've Campus Safety News (April 10-25) met and dealt with many different writers over the last two years. One of the most 4/14/03: 2:40p.m., Missing fire extinguisher evacuation. talented writers was a 2002 graduate Katie Champion documented in basement of Whiteford Hall. named Rick Grams. Grams only worked News Editor 4118103: 12:21 a.m., Students cited for pas for the Sports section for a short time, but 4114103: II p.m., Writing Center attendant session of alcohol in a dry dorm, underag he was very creative and his sports col- 4110/03: 5:45 p.m., Students took pies from reported broken door on first floor of Hill possession of alcohol, playing drinkin umn was always very interesting to read. Dining Hall and dropped/threw them onto Hall. games, noise violation and fife code viola Another strong writer, Craig Johnson, con- the floor and doors near Forum. tion in Rouzer Hall. tributed to the sports section during my 4/15/03: 6:25 p.m., Unknown suspect(s) editorship. Craig's stories showed great 4/10103: 6:20 p.m., Subject ran over another stole two lacrosse sticks from Englar Din- 4/18/03: I:45 a.m., Student received citatic promise, especially his recent column on subject's foot while exiting vehicle on ing Hall. from Westminster Police for underage pos the NCAA mascots from the paper's last McDaniel Lane. session of alcohol. edition. Another 2002 graduate, Michael 4115/03: 10 p.m., Fraternity accused of haz- Jenkinson, contributed heavily to the 4/11103: President's house w~,pa~lled. ing pledges in various places on campus. 4119/03; Students documented for having sports section as the paperts football beat House was cleaned and no damage reported. Investigation ongoing. food fight in hallway of Garden Apartments writer over the last few years. He also Students told to clean up mess wrote a WWF (Oops sorry, WWE) column 4/11103: 10:45 p-m.. Pot of water steaming 4/16/03: 1:25 a.m., Student assaulted sev- that gave the readership their diet of his in kitchen of North Village apartment caused eral times by another student. Charges pend- 4120/03: 7:37 p.m., Late reported mino love for the wrestling business. fire alarm to sound. ing. motor vehicle accident near Blanche War In conclusion, I enjoyed writing the pa- Hall. per over the last four years and Ifeel very 4112/03: 7:40 p.m.. Two subjects obs~rved 4/16/03: 3:43 a.m., Student reported two confident that both Ryan Brod and Dirk on roof of McDaniel Hall: One subject male suspects in Whiteford Hall. One alleg- 4/21103: Fire extinguisher discharged i Sampselle will do an outstanding job of found. edly assaulted a resident. Investigation on- Whiteford Hall. replacing me next fall. Before I say going. goodbye, I would also like to say that the 4/13/03: Student's room in ANW Hall was 4/23/03: 1:45 p.m., Unknown suspect(s) en Co-editors of the Phoenix deserve a lot of entered by someone without permission. 4/16/03: 9 p.m., Student's vehicle allegedly tered aground level room of Whiteford Hall credit for their work and dedication to the Damage was done to personal belongings. struck with green watery substance in paper in my editorship. Matt Hurff, Ed Harrison parking lot. 4125/03: 12:30 a.m., Students broke into th Lekoy McDuffie, and Erin 4/13103: 12:15 a.m., Student documented for pool and consumed alcohol. Schultheis, put in many hours of running Romanski possession of hard alcohol in Blanche Ward 4/17/03: 4:50 p.m., Pan of oil caught fire on Hall. stove and set off sprinkler system in kitchen 4125/03: 3 a.m., Vehicle struck two parke the operation and they deserve credit for their efforts. of PA Avenue house. Smoke filled entire So, that's 4/14/03: Student's vehicle was hit in the up- house and floor had several inches of water. ~e:~~~i~~;:~~:::;~;~wned vehicle nea Class of 2003. it, I'm out. Long Live the per ANW parking lot. Suspect fled the scene. Fire department notified to assist with smoke
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