Page 125 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page 9 The Pottery loft: let your creatiue juices flow Only moments away from campus, The Pottery Loft lets you explore your creative side We were greeted by a warm I was (am) so proud of it. The fi- numerous times. It is a great way smile, and the smile happened to nal product looked like it could be to express your creativeness and to belong to the owner. She was very sold in stores. It was shiny, bright, get away from your busy life. welcoming and made sure we knew and eye catching. The Pottery Loft adds a nice touch what we were about todo. Not only Not only was I pleased with my LO our little college town. There was her smile welcoming, but also experience, but the price was even was a need for something like the the dEcor of her shop added to her better. I paid a price for my pot- Pottery Loft. A place where you warmth. She had opened only a tery, and then added half the price can come express your creativeness few weeks before we decided to try for the studio fee. The coolest part and relax. I had a great time at the it out. We were told to select a was that I received a college dis- Pottery Loft, and I always tel! piece of pottery to paint and deco- count of ten percent. Ithought that people how much fun I have there. rate. She had stencils, sponges, and was even better because many I have gotten a few of my friends books for ideas. We found a great Westminster businesses do not take addicted to going there, along with spot right in front of the window, sympathy for us struggling college myself. . so we could watch the excitement students. I was also informed that With welcoming decor and a of Main Street. It was a perfect day Thursday night a ten percent dis- warm smile, this is the place for for what we were about to do. count is offered for "Ladies Night." you to sit back and relax. You don't to paint a "wave r chose plate", Customers come alone or with friends to paint and decorate a piece of which is a large plate to put candles As we were getting ready to think about anything else, but potte'Y"-o _ leave, Melissa, the owner, was ask- painting pottery. A nice way to es- on. Sitting there was so relaxing ing us questions about McDaniel cape from studying and our busy "Sitting there was so relaxing and and peaceful. I was not thinking College and a little about us. I lives. Stop into the Pottery Loft peaceful.! was not thinking of anything of anything other than perfecting thought she added a great personal and bring a few friends, you will my candleholder. h was the great- touch to our visit. She informed be sure to have a great time! other than perfecting my candleholder. " est stress reliever Ihad experienced me that she feels a close connec- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ••• in a while. Not only was it relax- tion with the college. She used to 185 East Main Street in ing, but extremely creative. Icop- "blow off steam" by painting pot- Westminster, Maryland JEN JANOWICH own pottery, and loved it. Not to ied a design from one of her books, tery when she was in college, and Spring Hours SlllffWriter mention the unique pottery they and r was very pleased with the re- wanted other students to enjoy it. Sunday 1-5 My best friend and Iwere looking would come home with. We hap- sult. I took a pencil and sketched She felt that that addition of the Monday Closed Tuesday=Closed for something to do on a cold No- pened to stumble across a place my initials on the bottom of my pottery loft would help bring out Wednesday-Thursday vember day. I wanted to go to a called "the Pottery Loft", which is plate. This allowed me to assure I the feeling of a true college town. 11-9 10% discount place called '" Made This", in right on Main Street closer to the would identify plate when I re- She offers the college discount be- =Cotlege Discount- !Danytime. with valid student Frederick. It heard it was a fun Pour House. It was advertised as a turned to pick it up. It takes a week cause she knows that college stu- =Ladle's Niht - 10% discount, place to paint pottery. A lot of my place similar LO "I MadeThis." So, to fire in the kiln. My plate was dents are short on cash. J enjoyed Thursdays 5-9. friends tried the whole "paint your we decided to stop in and try it. the "coolest thing" r had ever seen. myself so much, and have returned oh, what's that beautiful melody Ihear Oft the hill? Spring is in the air and the senior recitals are in full bloom across the McDaniel College campus pating. McKinney sings in College TARA DEJ.I.AFRANZlA Assisralll Commemary Ediror Choir and the select Madrigals group, and also took band last se- Being a music student brings mester and student conducted. with it the pleasure of giving some- Bill Deavers, a guitar student of thing back to the college commu- Tim Jenkins whose recital happens nity and beyond. This spring, mu- on May Znd, has participated in sic students (mostly students com- several ensembles during his career pleting their majors) will give se- at McDaniel ranging from brass niorrecitals. ensemble to jazz ensemble. These recitals are taken very Deavers' recital will be purely jazz seriously by the music faculty and style and will feature "Blue Bossa," students. After taking many semes- by Kenny Bornam. ters of lessons, students must per- - While Deavers finds his lessons form a one hour recital in the cam- slightly more restricted than usual pus venue of their choice. Fre- due to his recital requirements, his quently, other music students and still finds time to be treasurer of sometimes outside guests also par- Beta Alpha Chi, the campus music ticipate in a student's senior recital. honors society. Deavers also par- A recital also acts as a substitute ticipates in the campuswidely fa- for a senior seminar. and is often mous band Room 402. at least as difficult and requires a Bill Deavers' Room 402 college career's worth of dedica- bandmate, Chi Sukosi. also per- tion and preparation. formed a recital on Friday the 28th After several semesters of Ies- of March. A bass student who likes sons, students are already used to to also play guitar, Chi prefers to beingjudgedand reviewed on their spend his spare time sleeping, skills. The equivalent to a final Bill Deavers and Chi Sukosi practice for their upcoming recital. showering, eating, and playing in- exam for a music lesson involves a door golf. Despite his many hob- jury, in which the department fac- "After taking many semesters of lessons, students must perform bies, Chi is still an accomplished ulty reviews and grades your per- bassist. If you missed his perfor- formance. a one hour recital in the campus venue of their choice. " mance, you can still hear him at Bill With this experience behind Deavers' recital. them, senior music students must Whether you are looking to get complete a preview, in which most elude performing repertoire in ital- voice studio. will also sing "Sui' aria" with Jun- more involved with the music pro- or all of their music is to be pre- ian, German, English, and French. Her performance will specifi- ior Kristen Geers. grams McDaniel has to offer or are pared. Depending on the instru- McKinney, whose recital occurs on cally highlight a Mozart set which Senior music students also par- just looking to relax and get away ment, other requirements may be April llth, must also perform in will include two duets. Mohindra ticipate in various ensembles as from war coverage to the tune of a set. various styles such as baroque, Ramphal, whose recital lakes place part of their majors and minors, talented student, senior recitals dis- For Joann McKinney, a soprano classical, romantic, and modern. just two days later, will perform however many exceed the required play hours of study and dedication vocalist, other requirements in- Joann is a student of Kyle Engler's "La chi darem" with Joann. Joann amount because they enjoy partici- to a much loved art.
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