Page 122 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 122
Wednesday. April 2, 2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff In support of Bush: War right decision Editors-In-Chief Making the decision to go to war is never Erin Romanski '04 an easy one. Putting the lives of soldiers on up to the bully who always takes his lunch United States and it is very possible that he Hans Blix inspector such LeRoy McDuffie '05 the line to fight for a cause that a person be- money. Chief weapons to cite that Iraq was could supply terrorist groups weapons. as al- have continued would AI- with these Qaeda or Hamas lieves in is always a tough choice. slowly making progress, insulting the intel- Qaeda was able to kill over 3,000 people with News Editor By going to war with iraq, President ligence of those who know Saddam boxcutters,soimaginewhatilcoulddowilh Katie Champion '04 George W. Bush made a brave and correct Hussein's true nature. chemical and biological weapons. This is a decision. Saddam Hussein can be compared Want to know why we have had several reality that Bush is not willing to see play Assistant News Editor to a school bully. Like a school bully who terrorist attacks over the past ten years? Ter- out. Katie Martin '06 preys on the weak, Hussein will persist in rorists knew that the United States wouldn't The United States is a country thai allows his behavior as long as there is no force ap- do anything in reprisal. its citizens freedoms that many Arab coun- plied. Think: about it: the 1993 World Trade tries do not allow their citizens. Commentary Editor The United Nations weapons inspections This allowance Tara DellaFranzia '03 were a complete joke. Hussein wouldn't give Center bombing, the 1998 U.S. Embassy on some Arab citizens, of such freedoms enrages in Kenya, bombing and the 2000 attack who seek their retribu- in to weapons inspectors unless there was a the U.S.S. Cole in Yemen were followed by lion by attacking our country. These free- Assistant Commentary Editor threat of force such as when he agreed to almost no response by the United States. doms have been the pillar of our country for Staci George '03 destroy some of his Al-Samoud 2 missiles Sadly it took the September II attacks over 225 years. We must stand up for our when failing to do so could have possibly that killed over 3,000 people for the United freedoms, so we must defeat these threats Features Editor resulted in military action. Remember this States to stand up itself. Whether the U.N. before we see them in the loss of innocent Jessica Watson '05 is also the man who kicked out U.N. inspec- wants to acknowledge it or not, Saddam American citizens. Bush has taken this lni- tors in 1998. Hussein possesses chemical and biological tiative. This insulting charade would have con- Assistant Features Editor weapons. Ask the 1,000 Kurds that were Laura Peterson '06 tinued for months if Bush didn't stamp his killed in 1988 by chemical weapons. It is -Matt Jackson is afreshman foot down, like the kid in school who stands clear that Saddam has no love lost for the history major Sports Editor Raising awareness: Farm workers in US Greg Lederer '03 Assistant Sports Editor March Sf marks the birthday of Cesar farm workers. who have legal residency in Reform, 1994). 60% or farm workers ar bavez, and April 4 marks the 35~yearanni- the United States. Of [he farm workers in exposed to such pesticides causing po~ Ryan Brad '06 ersary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s death. the United States, 7% are U.S. born Cauca- health conditions among them and their chi! bout a month before his assassination, Dr. Subscriptions Manager sian. I% are African Americans, and the dren. ing joined Cesar Chavez's cause to im- majority are of Hispanic origin. with 77% Organizations dedicated (0 improving th Katie Martin '06 rove the Jives of farm workers. These two being Mexican born. conditions of farm workers, such as the Faro en improved the Jives of others rhrough Farm workers are victims of pesticide Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC). th Senior Writers on-violent movements such as fasting and poisonin,g. Their health is threatened due to Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). a,n Edward Schultheis '03 oycotung. their constant exposure to pesticides. The the United Farm Workers (UFW) are In Michael Wiles '03 These two men are gone, but their goals annual use of pesticides is about 1 and 4 vclved in current boycotts. These organiza d dreams still live on through others who million pounds, according to a 1991 survey. tions are boycotting Mt. Olive Pickl~~, T~ Photographers ntinue 10 advocate for the rights of fann Pesticides used ill agriculture account 75% Bell. and Picrsweet mushrooms at PIZza H Tiffany Lee '06 crkers. One such form of advocacy is Na- of total u.s. pesticide use. The 25 most used for- their exploitation and maltreatment 0 Jenn Parry '05 ional Student Labor week of action that pesticides are hazardous to farm workers. axes place on March 31 througb April 4. Pesticides can cause nausea, vomiting, fannT::~~:;~JlO Latino Alliance is raisin his week is dedicated to raising awareness awareness of the conditions of furm work Graphic Designer f the harmful conditions farm workers con- diarrhea, rashes and many more problems. ers in the U.S. throughout the National St~ Jessica Watson '05 iuue to face in the United States. The long-term effects of pesticides are dent Labor Week. Please join the HLA I irritation to eyes, skin and to cause known In the United Stales. there are about 2 to lungs and are poisonous to the nervous sys- accomplishing their goal to help improve th Staff Writers million fann workers. 75% of them earn tern. Furthermore, some of these pesticides lives of farm workers. • . Faniska Lopez Gonzalez '04 ess than $10,000 a year. Female and undocu- are carcinogenic, and can cause genetic and -Faniska Lopez Gonzalez is aJunw Nicole Grimm '06 ented farm' workers earn less than males reproductive problems (Journal of Pesticide hikJso h 'or Malt Jackson '06 The truth about peaceniks and warhogs Jen Janowich '03 Joe Palkovic '06 Justin Reed '03 Myth: War advocates hate anti-war dem- ten the ones involving action or arrest. This Ted Rossini '05 onstrators and advocates. is often why it is done-this is the only v: ay Truth: Not all war advocates hate or even Dirk Sampselle '06 dislike peace advocates. In an online news to gel media attention. Furthermore, If a Carrie Speck '06 crowd is large enough, it is bound to draw II chat, I encountered one war advocate who variety of protesters. had served in the US Army. We disagreed Myth: Those against the war do not sup- Adviser on almost every political point, but because port our troops and will spit on them when Terry Dalton we listened to each other, we understood at they return. least what "the other side" meant. Truth: Many people have learned fro~ I've heard a lot, recently, about divided Then, someone else asked me to leave the the Vietnam war that hating the soldiers IS The Pnoentx is published biweekly. The opin families and friendships. People that once country if Ididn't like how it was being run, not the answer. instead, most peace activ- ions expressed do !lOl necessarily represent thosc 0 The Phoenix staff, the faculty,or lhcadministrators a could get along can no longer do so, and aJl and of all people, the retired Army gentle- ists tend to disagree with what is being done McDaniel College. because of this war. Many assumptions and man spoke up in my favor. He said that he with the soldiers. They care about the trOOPS The paper welcomes free-lance submission::_o discrepenctes are being spoken about "the fought to defend this country's freedom, and and want thcm to return home safely. Many Macintoshdisksin mostwordprocessorfonnats. Th other side" by those with pro-war and anti- that included my right to dissent or disagree. Americans, regardless of opinion, have had cd.i1fflS rcscrvelhe right to edit forclarity. length. an war sentiments. Believe it or not, people of this mindset are friends and relatives serve in the militarY and libeland to publish as space permilS. All submi~on. Some of !bese arguments against "the not as rare as you might think. feel a personal connection to our armed (excludingself-addresseddiskcucs)becomethepror other side" are usually fuJI of assumption, ' Myth: War advocates think that Presi- forces. Likewise, most see a defensive mili- crty of The Phoenix and cannot be rerumcd. and of little use in an actual war debate. Like dent Bush is the best possible leader. P1caseiocludea~andphonenumberforveri Truth: Those in favor of war have a di- tary as a reasonable necessity. fication. Names will be withheld OfIlyby the discn: all large groups, war advocates and peace versity of opinion on this issue. Many people The simple truth is this: few of us trUly tion of the EdiIfflS-in-Chief. advocates each have their share of those are simply going along with the war because like a war, or really want one. The differ- The Phoenix does not discriminate based on age completely unwilling to listen to anyone but ence comes down to whether or not an indi- mce.religioll,gender,5Cxualorientation,nationalori themselves. However, the majority of Ameri- since it has begun, they feel thaI it cannot be vidual feels that a war is necessary or if there gin,conditionofhandicap,ormaritalstalus. cans are unlike that. stopped. Still, olhers feel that regardless of is proper cause for it, and the way in which With many of my peers being against the their vote in the last election, it is their duty it is waged. Mail to: war, I hear many of the impersonal argu- to stand behind the president, regardless of While I, for one, am still wary of the caB 7hePhoe"ix ments about the pro-war crowd, and I wish party or policy. to rally behind our president (or any single McDaniel College, 2 College Hill to dispel them. Myth: Anti-war demonstrators have be- person), I do nor think that demanding re~ Wcstminster.MD21157 come violent and riot in worldwide protest. spect for myself, my opposition, and the (410)751-8600 Arguing with assumptions instead of facts Truth: There are many different types of FAX: (410)857-2729 or information can lead to a war advocate troops is too much to ask of America or the E-Mail: completely disregarding what a peace activ- protests, from silent candlelight vigils to microcosm that is our campus. ist says when he or she aClUally say some- planned acts of civil disobedience. Note that -Tara DellaFranzia is a senior thing important or intelligent. the protests that you hear about are most of- English major
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