Page 121 - Phoenix2002-03
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COMMENTARY Wednesday, April 2, 2003 - Page 5 No senioritis, but a serious search for job opportunities Staci George discusses her absence oj senioritis, diffi- wish to remain in Philadelphia or the eventual outcome it is. culties infinding ajob, and her pride in the values New York City. Above all, I did not cry because that Mclsaniet has instilled in her. J wanted to cry because of the Ichecked my phone messages and sense of uncertainty I have about had one about setting up a phone Tuesday, March 11 when I sat at and Ihave to move to a new neigh- the future. interview for a job. my sorority's fundraising table try- borhood, find new friends, and try ( have worked hard over the So to all those seniors reading, ing to sell raffle tickets for a gas that oh so dreaded long-term rela- four years in all my classes. spent good luck in the job search or gift certificate. tionship with my boyfriend who re- countless hours in leadership du- graduate school applications. I saw a whole mass of non-se- sides in Westminster and works in ties for my various extra curricu- For all you freshmen, be fore- niors (as well as those seniors opt- Owings Mills. lar activities, put my best work for- warned, four years goes fast and ing to finish in December '03) wait (have no doubt that this idea of ward in my three internships, and one of you will be writing a similar Around the time of spring break, for an up- the annual illness known as to draw lottery numbers apartment "where will I be living in six made sure to network along the commentary a lot sooner than you Village North coming senoritis starts nabbing at nann ally months?" has been on the minds of way. thought! draw. What if all this is not enough diligent students. This is going to sound silly and to jumpstart my career and lead me Some cases of senioritis have some may laugh at me, but Ihad to "I did not cry because I been reported as early as this past actually hold back tears. Watching have faith in all my into the life I have been dreaming of for a long time? August, when certain students be- this process go on was a bittersweet collegiate endeavors gan their last year of school. I did not cry because I have But this commentary isn't about moment. to break and my abilities. " faith in all my collegiate endeav- -Stact George is a senior The rears were trying how this bug has bitten. through because I have no idea ors and my abilities. I did not cry communication major Quite the opposite: it's as if I other seniors. Some peers have told because I am excited to see what have had the shot or vaccination. where Iwill be livingcomeAugust. me that they will be living home near my place Willi be residing Who knows, my body may with their family until they get situ- of employment? eventually give into the illness ated in a job and have some son of Will my employment be the be- whose symptoms include laziness financial security. ginning of a journalism career I in one's school work, lack of car- have been working on since 7th Sure I could rerum home. ing about the grade, increased so- grade? The journalism industry is not cializing with one's friends, and as booming in my small town near Journalism is a hard field to making any excuse not to be one's Allentown, PA as it is in the Balti- break into, especially my new goal normal productiveself more-Washington area. of being a broadcast reporter. Sure, Rather than being bitten by the None of my close friends will senioritis bug, Iran smack dab into I may get a job. be there, for ( am sure they will But what if it's in Boise, Idaho the fist of reality. It happened on Reflections from a senior- loved four years; upcoming graduation Craig Johnson confronts the eventuality of leaving the comforts of college 59 days, 13 hours. and 52 min- McDaniel is starting 10 set in. and The real world starts where the utes. For those of you who don't I am scared. classroom ends, where learning and enjoy doing math, like myself. There are not many things in practical application coincide, that's a little less than two months. this life that strike a great deal of where one is asked to abandon the In 59 days, 13 hours and 52 fear in me (this does not include shoulder they have been leaning on minutes, I will walk across the snakes, I hate snakes), but uncer- in order to stand on their own two stage at Gill Center, a building that tainty is one of them. feet. like many others on campus has For four years of my college It's where people have to do come to symbolize home, comfon, life, everything has been promised. their grocery shopping at an actual and familiarity in my life, and re- and subsequently handed to me. supermarket. with a shopping cart. ceive my diploma (in front of ALL Every time I woke up. some- The real world can be harsh and six guests that 1 am allowed to times not until the afternoon. I unforgiving. bring). knew exactly what the day had in It can be cold and confusing. Then I willtake one last look at store for me: go to class, do a little The real world will swallow you As much as I hate to say it, I the sculpture of the fallen boxer in bit of work here and there, then the whole if you let it. am adult now, but more than that, the lobby which r have never quite rest of the time was mine to do as I And while I am-scared about I am a self-assured individual. understood. and walk through pleased. whatthe future after college holds, So before I begin suffering those squeaky gym a If Iran out of money, home was I know that my two feel will hold from seniomis so much that 1 boy- -Craig Johnson is a senior graduate. just a 40-minute ride away. I'd me steady. COli work altogether. (thought I'd communication major I know my parents will be ec- bring my mooching sack, beg to I believe it is this underlying take the opportunity to say thank static when this day finally arrives. mom and dad, and leave the house confidence that is the greatest gift you McDaniel College. It will mean several things for "I believe it is this McDaniel College has given 10 me. It's been greet. them: they can stop worrying Somewhere inside, amidst the about me partying away my future underlying confidence fear and the doubt, I know that I life has in store for me, ~anted: Opinions (although there is still time for that is the greatest gift am thoroughly prepared to face whatever that); hassling me about my grades McDaniel College has including a thinning job market. is no longer necessary; and most Being a Communications major Are you interested in writing importantly, they can stop sending given to me." (I don't know exactly what that is checks for thousands of dollars to either), this is a pretty bold state- commentary for the Phoenix? AU this institution so that I can spend with not only money, but groceries ment; but it's what I truly believe. my Saturday nights running intoxi- As cliche as it sounds, these you need is an opinion. cated down Pennsylvania Avenue as well. I ever came have been the best four years of my This is the closest like an airplane. to what most people calt "shop- life. But not because of what I have To my parents, graduation day learned in the classroom. Just drop your article, on disk, in means that 1 am no longer their re- ping." In one of his songs singer John Instead, it is the intangibles sponsibility, that I am off their Mayer states that "there's no such that I have acquired when the books text format, at the information desk hands and out of their hair. thing as the real world, it's just a and pens were put away that has Most likely they will alter the line you've gOllO rise above." made my time here so rewarding. in The Phoenix's box. room I grew up in beyond recog- With all due respect to Mayer, I I have no idea exactly how nition, change the locks, and send believe that the real world is un- much I have progressed as a stu- For more information, call Tara at me on way. like the fountain of yourh.the Eas- dent during college, bUI I know that x8033. But for as much as I can joke ter Bunny, or Santa Claus; It does I have grown leaps and bounds as about graduating right now, Im.ust exist. a person. admit that the reality of teavmg
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