Page 90 - Phoenix2001-02
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W;_4p~sdll)l,lfebruary 13, 2D02 - Page 10 SPORTS - Despite loss to F&M, Swim team has amazing season. JESSICA WATSON Features Editor need to be a member of the swim team. While the swim team suffered a loss on "Our season is six months long and it gets Wednesday, February 6, against Franklin tiring," says Fegley. "You have to be in the and Marshall (F&M), overall they have had right mind frame to finish it out," she added. quite an impressive season. On Wednesday "You have to be committed, you have to the WMC women finished with 32 points really want it," says Easterday, "it's hard and against the F&M women who had 63, and a lot of people get burned out," she explained ~~eF~e~~n~~~ed also finished with 32 poi~ts "Everyone on OUf team works towards the same goal and that is to get better,' says head "We've been practicing really hard and people are swimming their best times. " -Kalli Patentas "Just because we dldn t Win doesn t coach Easterday. "Overall the team is very mean we weren't successful," says head enthusiastic and supportive of each other." coach Liz Easterday. "The fact that we have In fact, each member of the team has quali- a small team is what makes us unique. The fied for the Centennial Conference Champi- group tends to rally together and support onships, "and that hasn't happened in about each other, win or lose." This season the 4 or 5 years," she said. team was victorious Elizabethtown, York, This is also an astounding accomplish- Marymount, Goucher, and Ursinus. ment for a small school and definitely one The women's team also beat Bryn Mawr, that sets this team apart. The championships college for women. At the end of their meet will be held at Franklin and Marshall, on Feb- against Franklin & Marshall, the women's ruary 22-24. "We've been practicing really record includes 6 wins and 5 losses, and the, hard and people are swimming their best men's includes 5 wins and 6 losses. times," said junior co-captain Kalli Patentas. Although the swim team did not win One thing the team definitely plans to do is Wednesday, several of the teammates still stick together, "when you see someone on the feel that they did a job well done. side cheering for you, it just makes you want "I swam the best I have all semester," to go faster," Patentas said. . Freshman Hillary Mauro cheers her team on to victory at a recem match. says freshman Nick Grigsby. "I was pumped Although the team is small in numbers up, we had killer practices and] thought the they are big in strength and dedication, and Phoenix Sports Trivia swimmers would be tired but we all swam their spirits soaring high. great," said junior co-captain Jon Soucy. "1 came to WMC to swim," said Grigsby "All "I think the meet went very well," says of the guys on the team get along reaJly well. sophomore Jen Fegley. "We're going to end I mean, the team isn't really that big, with at is Tiger Woods' real first name? up with probably a 500 record, which is re- only eight guys; those guys are like my best ally good for a small school," she added. friends." at event did he tum pro? "Everyone stayed strong," says sopho- With the conference soon approaching, more Mary Easterday. Some people don't Soucy assures WMC "1 think we're going to 95/a~~r:~o Main Street Deli, M ....~..•.' . am]. ~xxe~~a Bakery, and Catering ~/.Deli:~ S treet ....... 17 East Main SI. Westminster, MD .... ~i, •• ·i (~ 410-848-8996 ,.",•....... , Bring your college ID and get 1 ~..."." ..........• :.,'. ':' .... M-Sat. 8:30a.m.-5:30p.m., , .. " ... ·1 large pizza and a 6-pack of Sun. Closed FREE DELIVERY!!! domestic bottled beer for $13.50 $15.00 Minimum, Please allow one hour delivery time. (Must be 21 years of age) Largest Overstuffed Sandwiches in Maryla Located across from the CC Library or 1 large cheese pizza for $7.99. We are located next to Safeway 10% off on al/ sandwiches with student ID
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