Page 87 - Phoenix2001-02
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From spirituals to JESSICA WATSON sacred music. Several musical legends originated Features Editor Crystal Towns, Vice President from here, including Thomas A. In honor of Black History ofBSU and the masterofceremony Dorsey, the father of gospel music. month, members of the WMC com- for the evening, went on to talk One of the ways that the BSU to edu- ~i!lI~Z:$ munity joined others in a program about the times of slavery. Al- kept the audience interested was by dedicated showing movie eating the public clips to give about the devel- them a visual opment of Afri- aide of black can American history through music. From music. chain gang F 0 r songs gospel music Motown, this they Showed music with a Whitney Hous- uniqueness all its ton singing "I own has seeped Love the its way into Lord," from American cul- the movie "The ture. Preacher's "Lift every voice and sing, Wife." Music 'til earth and has always heaven ring," been some- in Harlem, as de- Maya Readfem, Crystal Towns, Vice President of BSV, educates her thing sacred picted in the film President of the audience 011 the importance of Black History in music for black cul- "Lady Sings the Black Student ture. "It shows Blues." Union (SSU) the correlation, In the movie, Billie Holiday From here she took it to Motown leads those who the struggle, was singing in a bar setting, and the attended the Black History in Mu- though some slave owners forbade the heart and the pain," said Towns. men wanted her to reveal her body R~cords, where legends such as the sic Program, which took place on singing and others were more lib- "Music is a way of communica- for the money, but instead she earns Supremes and the Temptations February 5, 2002, in the black na- eral and allowed it. There were tion," telling the story of experi- it with her voice and originality. were born, and then to the music tional anthem written by James rural meetings where sometimes up ences and feelings held deep inside Billie Holiday refused to degrade that exist today. Weldon Johnson. to 1,000 slaves would gather and the soul. herself that way. The seeds that started African "I learned that the black na- listen to a preacher and sing. Songs such as "This Little Light American music are in full bloom tional anthem was sung at every In addition to this, workers who of Mine" and "We Shall Over- The music eventually make its in today's rap, R&B, gospel, jazz, black event, so to keep with tradi- were on the road or doing construc- come" kept hope alive for African way into rock and roll, with the and rock music. Berry, the beats of style of Chuck tion, I wanted to sing it today," said tion sung chain gang songs. Americans during the civil rights Little Richard, and instrumental "It provided me with a lot of in- Readfern. "These songs helped workers to movement. harmonies of Buddy Holly. sight and information about the his- The program started off with a come together in finding a common This music then takes on sev- tory of music," .says freshman Rain" "Purple movie The recap of African American history goal. it brought them unity." Said eral changes from early gospel to shows the artist formerly known as Devin Collins, "and Iliked how ev- with spirituals. Spirituals were Towns. The program also touched the way it is today. Eventually the Prince in his prime. "When artists erything was presented. It was bor- sung around the 1890s and remain on the Harlem Renaissance, which blues took hold of the mainstream, sing, they sing to collaborate what ing, it was interesting." the basis for all African- American took place in the early 20th century. with artists like Robert Johnson and they've been through," said Towns. ...••.....••...••...•....•..••..••. Fight illiteracy in Carroll County January 2002 To all WMC students HEATHER WF.ISSE younger adult students have learn- training workshop, tutors are SraffWrirer ingdisabilities. matched by personality and loca- Greetings from Paris! Wish you could join "I've always been a reader," "We need someone who's ready tion with a student. me here to enjoy the newborn Eurozone. Come said Sandra Holman. "I can't imag- to jump right in. Someone who can Volunteers are needed at the ine living a full, complete life with- model confidence in the impor- Family Center to help tutor adults and partake of an economy shared by 302 million out ever reading a book. Why not tance of education- in life long in reading, writing, mathematics people (US: 272 million, Japan: 127 million), with help someone who can't?" learning," said Joyce Tierney, Di- and computer skills. an 18.9% share of the world exports (US: 15.2%, Ten years ago, the 57-year-old rector of the Carroll County Fam- The Center is also searching for Japan:9.1 %)1 resident of Uniontown decided to ily Support Center in Westminster. individuals to help with childcare, But for the Euro-skeptics among you, I volunteer as a tutor and staff mem- Part of the Human Services Pro- a service provided free to parents ber for the Literacy Council of gram of Carroll County, the Cen- attending classes at the Center. Po- understand that's not enough to impress you. Carroll County. The council, ter strives to help young families tentia! volunteers are screened Fine! How about... you can't see Matisse unless founded in 1979, tutors Carroll become self-sufficient. Tierney through an interview process and you have been to the French Riviera! How County adults who struggle with believes that self-sufficiency starts must be fingerprinted before work- about... coming over to Germany next door? Not reading. with education. ing. Internships are also available only is it a most important county in the Both the Literary Council and Both organizations strive to for those interested in human ser- the Carroll County Family Support provide an individualized learn, vices. Eurozone, but the teaching of its language has Center fight to reduce illiteracy in ing experience for their According to Holman, the most also been considered so "critical" by Gov. . Carroll County. They also need students. According to Kathy Ira, important quality a volunteer needs Glendening that Maryland is giving incentives, for volunteers .. Director of the Maryland Adult is patience. teachers of German. How is your According to a study conducted Literacy Resource Center, indi- "There is a reason," said Holman, Spanish? If it is good, you are on the FBI list of by the National Institute for lit- vidual attention is a necessity be- "that these students didn't learn to the 900 Most Wanted Applicants! Well, don't eracy in 1998, 10% of Carroll cause adults have varying levels of read initially. Watching the expres- County adults over the age of 16 literacy competency. sion of a person's face when they waste any time-it is projected that in 2020, 63% perform at a level one literacy level. ''They [adults] have survival open up an elementary level book of the population growth in the US will be His- This means that while they may be skins," said Ira. "They may not be and can read through it for the first panic and Asian! able to sign their name or find the able to read the sign, but shelhe time is indescribable." expiration date on their drivers li- knows it means when the store If you are interested in tutoring cense, they probably couldn't lo- opens and closes." with Literacy Council of Carroll So, come on, come on over! What are you wait- cate an intersection on a street map. Through the Literacy Council, County, please call 410-848-6506 ing for? Adults who never learned to students and tutors work one-on- or visit the Council at 95 Carroll read in school most likely were one from 1-4 hours a week using Street in Westminster. The Carroll Love, unable to keep up with the phonetic method. Volunteers County Family Support Center is Or. Hartine Hotard-Noar mainstream students. Older adults must attend 16 hours of training located at 10 Distillery Drive in may have had to drop out of school and must commit to tutor for one Westminster, and can be reached at Dept. of Foreign Languages tohelpsupporttheirfamilies.Many 'full year. After completing the 410-857-0629. x2467 .•............................•....
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