Page 85 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 85
COMMENTARY Wednesday, February 13,2002 - Page 5 Academic probation raises financial issues with students At the start of the Spring semes- Financial Aid is only too quick to ter, hardly anyone is fixated on last remind us of those discouraging that our income did not qualify grow- us schedule. I am This way, I will ensure the hook because apparently their that for as much money, despite no longer well- the fall. No, we are far more concerned words: Academic Probation. ing-up in a single parent household. rounded student ·WMC praised schedules require more of their with our new overwhelming sched- Even with the unsettling knowl- In other words, perhaps I should themselves on desiring when I time. ules and new attempts at time man- edge that I have entered the purga- Don't get me wrong. I am a agement. tory stage, Istill have this sense of have been deprived of the educa- in turned in that application back in member of a sorority as well, and students tion given to wealthier 1999. Yet for some of us, our falter- shock. know how demanding this can be this private liberal arts college. I find it rather hypocritical that on a student's schedule. But I ing grade point averages loom over Having missed the required we as students have it shoved down OUf heads, as GPA to keep my academic schol- Money makes the our throats time and time again to wouldn't change a thing. I could lie and say that I came arship by a mere .13 last semester, world go round, and join organizations, become a mem- to college for the sheer enjoyment I find it hard not (Q take this per- ber of a sports team, go Greek. and of schoolwork, but I know that sonally. more importantly, it get involved in our campus com- these are the best four years of my Money makes the world go munity, then get punished for do- life and I plan to live it up every round, and more importantly, it is is the reason I am ing so. chance Iget. the reason I am here in the first here in the first How else can we interpret the At the same time, I am not so place. dreaded letter we receive in the ashamed to admit that Iam at fault I would love to pretend that I place. mail that warns us we have exactly for failing to keep my "B" average. could easily get by on the measly one semester to get our GPAs up Seems like such an easy request. amount of money offered to me by Do not be quick to label me as 10 par before our money is ripped Let's face it though. This is col- Financial Aid when Ientered WMC bitter, though. Iam more appalled away? lege. College means distractions. in faU of 2000. by the way in which scholarship Also, J do not understand how College means getting 10 know However, since r have the un- money is divided up and handed athletes and Greeks alike need only other people. fortunate experience of being an out. 'to maintain a 2.5 or in some cases, College means enjoying your- only child, somehow I am not as Sure, Ishould be ensuring that 2.0 in order to stay on their sports self before you are too old to know • qualified for the large sums of maintaining my 3.0 GPA is a top team or Greek organization. what fun is. And I wouldn't have money given to my fellow peers priority; and in essence, it is. What kind of two-faced mes- it any other way. who are putting more of a strain on Perhaps then I should elimi- sage does this send? their parents' purse strings. nate my extracurricular activities I suppose we can then deduct -Erin Romanski is a Gee, ishould have considered and part-time job from my hectic that only some people are let off sophomore English major. Of Apathy and Tetris Coaching is full-time commitment As someone who has been ac- what wiser, I see playing ''Tetris'' cused of being a journalist several as a deep and meaningful experi- Wrestling coach John It's tough not to be envious of job so far of winning in the wres- times, I am comfortable with the ence. Lowe offers his insights on my colleagues who are either full- lling room, in the classroom, and fact that no one actually cares what In fact, I have begun to use it the winter season. time coaches or at least work on the in the life that follows graduation. I think. every night as a cure for insomnia. campuses where they coach, but My hope is that we can keep that Because of this, it comes as no and so far Ihave encountered only As a Division III coach, I must there are many of us in Division III going for years to come. surprise that Western Maryland positive results. be first and foremost geared to- (about 40-45%) who are pan-tim- College's (spelling out the name And, what is more, my friend wards academics first, athletics sec- ers, so we can commiserate at -John Lowe is head coach while we still have it) administra- ond. matches and tournaments. "ofour Division III tion has paid little to no mind to That much is easy for me, as I The only remaining profes- their opposition regarding the pro- myself was a Division III athlete at sional goal I have is perhaps the posed name change. Sadly, it a tough academic school as well most challenging one of all: try- would appear that no one cares (Washington & Lee Univ. in Vir- ing to mold the characters of col- what YOU think, either. Welcome ginia). lege student-athletes and still main- Get to the club. We recruit our ~thletes with the tain the "winning edge" that we In light of the coUective disre- angle that they will receive a per- have done. spect we have been shown, I think sonal and high-level education It's very tough to gamer the re- involved! we should all turn our heads to from WMC and an intense but fun spect of athletes when you're too "Tetris." Surely, Iam not alone in experience as a member of the preachy, or too old-fashioned, or Join us at thinking this has got to be one of wrestling team. the greatest video games of all Since wrestling is probably the It's very tough to our weekly time. Now, Iam sure that most of most taxing sport - I've been in- you could offer up a few personal volved in II in my lifetime - it is a garner the respect of favorites, perhaps a game with an constant challenge for me to moti- athletes when you're Monday actual plot and maybe some hot, vate my athletes to have quality Laura Croft-ique protagonist, but Michael Wiles practices and competitions. too preachy, or too night Iown none of these games. How- Convincing them to put out ev- ever, I do own "Tetris," and think would be proud of me: Iam finally erything they have and gear them- old-fashioned, or it is a game whose time in the spot- damn good at this game. selves towards self-improvement someone who meetings@ light has come. What do I mean by all of this? every day is my #1 task, and it's Growing up, I had a good friend Truthfully, very little, other than not always easy in a climate that appears that he's 6 P.M. in who played ''Tetris'' as though it this: l think ir is important to real- includes challenging academics, trying to be too hip was all there was to life; then again, ize that, in a world where airplanes fraternity pressures, and social lives when you are seven years old, can be turned into missiles and that add demands to the athletes. or too controlling. video games are high on your list your scholastic identity can be sto- The greatest personal challenge of priorities Gust like when you are len from you, distractions exist to I have, however, is by far trying to someone who appears that he's try- a college student). At the time, I help you take a break from it all. be a part-time coach in a full-time ing to be too hip or too controlling. did not understand his obsession, Every night. as I wonder when job. Iwant very badly for my wrestlers since I have always been more of Residence Life is finally, if ever. Ihave been teaching either En- to be good people when they leave a "Super Mario Bros." man myself. going to put a locking door on my glish or Spanish at the high school Westminster. Besides, I was terrible at ''Tetris,'' building, I can disconnect from or college level steadily since 1993, Let's face it, college is a wild a fact he would often rub in my reality with colorful shapes and while trying to maintain a success- time for everyone, and convincing face with challenges that involved cheesy music. ful coaching career as well. 18-22 year-aids that a little self-dis- "game linking" our Gameboys to- College coaching is a full-time cipline or self-denial is good for gether. I must say. though, I am not job, and I must balance it with an sure if ''Tetris'' is a good name for you is a bit Quixotic at best. Looking back, I honestly feel eight hour day of teaching high Still, I think that when mea- this game. I better check with the as though my friend was on a school and trying to balance my sured with other teams both on our Board of Trustees. higher path to enlightenment than -Michael Wiles is a junior family as well (my wife, Lauren, own campus and on the many oth- myself. English major. and I have a 20-month-old son, ers against whom we compete, I Now that J am older and some- Hunter). feel that we're doing a pretty g~
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