Page 95 - Phoenix2001-02
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NEWS Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - Page 3 Liberty week brings many prominent politicians and speakers to WMC Students Continued from page 2 to write a letter or an victim of cert featuring the campus bands My during the lime of the Clinton im- said. "All you have to do is just take Sister Kate, While Col/ar Crime, peachment trial. "They often view politics as a ten minutes Room 402, Morning Stat; Active He thought they handled the defensive action rather than an of- e-mail, or send off $10 to a politi- Sack and the Mishaps. All pro- trial badly, and he noted that their fensive action, and the party is calor social action group, and McDaniel ceeds from the concert will go to failure to fulfill the "Contract with therefore much less visible and less you're involved." local charity. America" was costing them their involved in reaching people than it Keil is proof that being in- Keil said he had hoped to set up base of support. should be." volved can payoff. debates rather than lectures, but During the next presidential Keil's vision of Liberty' Week He organized Liberty Week break-in most of the potential speakers he campaign in 2000, Keil heard that began as a means of spreading in- largely through his own efforts, al- contacted were unenthused by the Green Party Candidate Ralph formation about the Libertarian though he names Kate Prisby, Neal Questions arise idea. Nader was running to get5% of the Party. Page, and Doug Novielf as fellow Keil lined up the final set of vote, and decided to support a mul- He saw Lucey and himself as students who were willing to work about whether speakers by recruiting them tiparty system by voting for him. the main proponents of libertarian- hard with him. through institutes, offices, aides, When Kelt's friend Dennis ism on campus; as Lucey graduated Prisby and Page organized the strange calls and a speaker's bureau. Lucey, then a senior, heard this, he in 200 I and Keil is set to graduate benefit concert and Novielli was He is particularly proud of advised Keil to check out the Lib- this May, he hoped to inspire oth- site, and break-in are booking Ralph Nader, who ac- ertarian Party. ers to take over once he is gone. put in charge of the web cepted a drastic cut in his usual Keil took Lucey's advice. He soon decided instead to General faculty support was fa- related speaking fee in order to come to "Their philosophy really matched broaden the focus to include a va- cilitated by Dr. Franke, who served Liberty Week. up with mine," Keil said. ' riety of political viewpoints in or- as Liberty Week's advisor and as STACI GEORGE Keil himself is a member of the He became an active Libertar- der to interest more people. SlaffWriler Libertarian Party, a national politi- ian almost immediately. He said he regrets he was un- the faculty been liaison. a lot of fun doing The two residents of this sec- "It's cal party whose philosophy is that The Libertarian Party is small able to book a Democratic speaker; this," Keil said. ond floor room, who wish to re- as long as the rights of other indi- and in need of support, and Keil all those he contacted declined, and "I think a lot of students should main anonymous, are working with viduals are not violated, "each in- found a multitude of opportunities he wanted to set a definite sched- get a renewed sense of civic pride; Campus Safety to determine who dividual has the right to govern to gain experience and advance ule by the end of Jan Term. I think everyone wants that. attempted to enter the room during himself or herself in whatever man- through its ranks. Despite that minor disappoint- I hope Liberty Week will moti- the early hours of Sunday, Feb. 10. ner he or she chooses," Keil said. Keil's main goal remains get- ment, Keil is proud of the final ver- vate people to get actively involved One resident and her boyfriend The Libertarian Party generally ting the Libertarian message out, sion of Liberty Week, which offers in politics or social action groups. were in the room when they heard supports legislation that lessens something he feels is rriade more speakers from a cross-section of Ihope at least some people will the doorknob tum and saw the door government control over the lives difficult by the general nature of its political parties and retains its be inspired to go out and join some- start to open at 5:45 a.m. of the American people. members. original pro-activism focus .. thing." The resident said she only saw Keil is one of the many Liber- "Libertarians tend to be more "I wanted to show that it's not the person's silhouette and then her tarians who is a former Republican individualistic, to stay away from that hard to become involved," Keil boyfriend jumped up to attack the party member. government organizations," Keil said. unknown male, who began to run He became increasingly dissat- down the hallway. isfied with the Republican party I The boyfriend began to chase Classifieds him through the hallway, but lost track of the man and did not know which exit he left from. #1 Spring Break Vacations! ,J- ':Jhe~IJ.lale isAeĀ§"CI.!RWs,.being Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, under silt feet tall~~aring. dark clothes and headgear. & Florida! Best Parties, I Best Hotels, Best Prices! ca~::: s~~e~e:~;~:~~~;:~~ti~~ Group Discounts, Group cident. Officer Rauser came over rganizers travel free! Spac to investigate. was asked to re- The resident limited! Hurry up& Book I call any social events she may have Now! recently attended and if she talked 1-800-234-7007 to any new people, including this male who just tried to enter her room. She could not think of any AIR TECH LTD. unusual circumstances. MEXICO/CARIBBEAN There seems to be a correlation OR CENTRAL AMERICA between a series of prank calls the . two residents have been receiving $300 ROUND TRIP PLUS and this attempted burglary. TAX. EUROPE $169 ONE Both residents stated that they WAY PLUS TAX. OTHER had received a few weird phone WORLDWIDE DESTINA- I calls during the week. TIONS CHEAP. BOOK The residents described the TICKETS ONLINE calls as "weird" because they could they were not distinguish whether .AIRTECH.COM 0 on campus calls or off-campus (212) 219-7000. calls. They described it rather as a "phone bomb" sort of ringing. When one of the girls answered the phone, a male voice would say, "Hey, you know who this is." SPRING BREAK He insisted he was in the one PRICES! SOUTH PA- girl's English class, but this was a DRE, CANCUN, JA- false statement because she is not class this semes- taking an English MAICA, BAHAMAS, ter. He said nothing else before ACAPULCO, FLORIDA hanging up. & MARDI GRAS. REPS At about 5:35 a.m. on Sunday, NEEDED ...TRAVEL the "phone. bomb" ringing hap- pened again. The resident did not FREE, EARN $$$. answer the phone and pushed the GROUP DISCOUNTS DND button instead. FOR 6+. 1-800-838-8203 There are three speculations about why the incident occurred. Expires 4124/02 Continues on page 4
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