Page 89 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 89
FEATURES Movie Review: Black Hawk Down Important but after six weeks, the troops were movies in the past. I've seen "Sav- from seeing dismembered thumbs Black History still at it. ing Private Ryan" a couple times, and hands and shredded flesh dan- Month Dates So in October of 1992, the plus "Braveheart" is one of my fa- gling from a blown up stomach troops were assigned a mission to vorite movies. every 10 minutes, but I think I'd take down the warlord's major lieu- Both of those have a good rather twiddle my thumbs whole Unity Night tenants. Though this mission was amount of bloody battle scenes; in and watch a different war movie. February 16 • Off Campus supposed to take only thirty min- fact some of them show more bod- It wasn't just the bloodiness of it, utes it ends up taking 15 hours, kill- ies parts being dismembered then but the fact that the movie didn't Speaker: Nikki JOAN FAULKNF.R ing 19 U.S. servicemen, and [,000 "Black Hawk Down." However, feel like a movie should- a movie. SlaffWriter Giovanni Somalians. So the movie is basi- those movies don't have war scenes By this I mean, that movies It might be that after Septem- cally about those horrible and con- that last the whole way through. don't feel real and this one felt like February 18, 7:00p.m. ber II, no one can really "enjoy" a fusing [5 hours. That's pretty much the idea of it was too close for comfort. It's a Baker Memorial Chapel war movie again, but I think it's Honestly, this about all the fac- "Black Hawk Down." Of this two movie that you can respect and ap- mostly because of the raw depic- tual information Igot from the film. and a half hour movie, almost two preciate because of all of the hard Movie Night: "0" tion of war in this movie. The thing I still have a lot of unanswered hours of the movie is war at its most work that went into it, and the brav- February 22 about "Black Hawk Down" was questions about the background of intense. There are no love stories ery of our military but not neces- Decker College Auditorium that it was too real to watch. the whole ordeal and the exact hap- Dr downtime between scenes of sarily like it because of gore. In case you didn't follow the penings and goings-on at the time. soldiers talking or whatever. After How can you not respect all the Co-sponsor: CAPBOARD war-related news in 1992, (like me) But the main purpose of the film the first half hour of setting the blood and death they throw at you? this film is about U.S. troops sent that J got is to depict war at its movie up, the viewer is pretty much Maybe the point of the movie was Gospel Jubilee into Somalia to seize Mohamed worst, and believe me, this is defi- thrown into the war. just to give you a real glimpse of February 23, 7p.m. Farrah Aidid, a warlord, and return nitely the worst I've ever seen war I'm not saying that I didn't like when war goes terribly wrong, but Baker Memorial Chapel order to the country. This process depicted in the movies. the movie; it just wasn't for me. I think it gave away a little too was supposed to take three weeks. I have "enjoyed" other war Maybe some people get great joy much. Mission impossible? HOROSCOPES ~~ ~ JESSICA WATSON seems far fetched for a lot of EDWARD K. SCHULTHEIS Leo (July 23· Au- r- ~~' Features Editor people, but maybe not impossible. Co-Editor ill Chief gust 22) ~ $'\ \' .... The Traveling Team has gone After hearing what the mem- Since Valentine's Day is coming You're strong .- from college to college across the bers of the team had to say, several uponusquickly,/won'lbegiving ~illed,YO~'reasser-":."Y / A;- 'II -r/. r- United States in hopes of educat- members of the audience posed allY of the Chris Rock "You're nve. you re busy, l__.I'"~ ~ ing students about the importance questions about the presentation. gonna die" horoscopes. Al- you ' r e - of ministry. In the past they vis- Further more, some students had a though, I am sure they are much s.ome-~ _ ited Salisbury and Duke and in the response as well. funnier. And, since I'm lIor a psy: tunes you re significant .... future they are looking forward to "I thought it was really cool that chic, most of the stuff I say will other thinks you can be a pain in visiting Harvard and Yale. On they are targeting college stu- not come true. However, if it does, the butt. However, you've got to -C7J-IJIJ~il6/J, Wednesday, February 6, they vis- dents," said freshman Holly it is certainly because of my en- keep being yourself, because if you "'''Y ited this campus at a Christian Fel- Armacost. She added, "and the lightened brain. aren't yourself, who are you? lowship meeting. way they challenge people as Hmmm, I have to think about that The Traveling team includes well." Aries (March 21 - April (9) one for a while. pace, you are going to be the cen- Jessica and Todd Ahrend, Joe "First it was upsetting to hear This is a good time for you to do ter of attention when you simply Gober, and Sarah Sagely, each of the statistics, and how from the things you've only dreamed about Virgo (August 23· September 22) pass out in the Quad (just not in them have been members for about map he showed, it looked like most up to now (and I don't mean the Its time for you to compromise. the way of the people playing three years. WMC is the team's of the missionaries are within our nightmare of going to school na- You are a strong willed individual, football, ouch). 157th campus visited. own country and a lot of people ked). This is your time to be en- but you have to learn that you can't "Our goal is to educate and don't go outside the United States," ergetic, so playa sport, go to a always get what you want. How- Capricorn (December 22 - Jan. equip college students to under- says junior Amy Michael. "I party and heck, maybe even do ever, there is an exception at Burger 19) . stand that they need to be in- thought it was a pretty convincing some homework for that Humani- King, where you can get it your You are dedicated, responsible, volved," said Gober. He is refer- speech. It told people to look at ties course you are taking. way. My advice-definitely hit up sensible, and a tireless worker. In ring to becoming a missionary and what God's will is for our lives as the BK. other words, you're kind of bor- spreading the word of Christianity opposed to our own will for our Taurus (April 20 - May 20) ing. Its time for you to have some globally. "U you are a believer than lives. I would love to travel over- Ah the bull. This is going to be a Libra (September 23 - October fun, but remember to keep your you should be involved," he said. seas, maybe for a summer, to do good month for you. V-day should 22) priorities in order. In addition, They have established a six-year missionary work." be a great time, but if you don't You have a little problem with you're going to have to stay men- plan that allows them to visit ev-: "1 think that the message that have anyone to spend it with, it is money. Either you are tapping your tally alert, so no more drinking ery state in the US. This semester we should go out and spread the going to be a time for you to blow significant other, or you're being your butt into a stupor on Tues- they are focusing on mid-Atlantic word of the Lord is a good one," off some stress and relax. If you tapped, but soon you are going to day nights. and New England region. said freshman William Ford, who can't take some time off on V-day, . start running a bit low in the The program started out with attended this event. "But I didn't then just wait until Spring Break. "fundage" department. This prob- Aquarius (January 20 - Feb. 18) stating a few facts. Christians like how he was implying that if ably means your idea of organiz- ''This is the dawning of the age make on average over 13 trillion we didn't go out on missionary Gemini (May 21· June 21) ing money is placing the ones in of ... " well you get the picture. It dollars annually, about 1.7 of that work we were not good Chris- Isee in your future ...a lot of work. the front of your wallet, and the is your time to get this shindig goes to preaching about the mes- tians." It is going to be a busy time for fives in the back. started. This is a great time for sage. From that 1.7, on 5.4 per- "I listened to what they had to you. However, never forget to you, and just remember to have a cent goes to foreign ministry. say and understand where they are spend time with your friends, be- Scorpio (October 23 - Nov. 21) good time this Valentine's Day. In the program Gober asked coming from, that they are sharing cause they hate it when you get Changes are on the way for you. After v-Day though, it is going to "Do you ever wonder what people the word of God with other all testy with them. Ob, and since Things are going to get you down, get busy for you, so keep your live for?" And of course, his an- people," says freshman Kennedra you are already doing work, think but you'll be ok with the help of head on straight. In fact, just keep swer was golf, and when it wasn't Tucker. "But I don't like their ap- you could hook me up with some your goofy friends. You may think your head on ...cause a mind is a golf, it was a Winnebago. Although proach, which basically was that if of mine? Just a thought. it's going to be a rough semester, terrible thing to waste. the presentation was spiced up with you weren't worshiping our God but you are going to fly right humor and down to earth lingo, then you were worshiping de- Cancer (June 22 • July 22) through it. Oh, and if you are go- Pisces (February 19 - March 20) there was a message behind it. mons." The whole crab thing just doesn't ing out to dinner on Valentine's Hey, why don't you stop being Their representation showed "I thought the messages were do you justice. I know you are Day, avoid the pasta ...just a sugges- nosey? I know you think you are that out of 2500 students inter- scripturally sound, and I was im- probably feeling a bit lonely at this tion. just adding your opinion, but let viewed, the typical Christian col- pressed with their passion for what time of the year, but don't worry, me tell ya something, nobody lege student thinks that missionar- they do," said Aria Montgomery, things will be happening that will Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) likes aknow-n-all. This means if ies stay in church 24n and don't freshman. "It was a bit pressuring, be taking your mind off of that Yo, where's the fire? You've been your roomie comes back from a really have a life. that they were really trying to sell stuff ... most likely it will be a party rushing around so much lately that bad night with their significant The Traveling Team wanted to the point. Every person has their where you drink too much that you you haven't even had a chance to other and says "what ajerk," you encourage the audience to go out, own special purpose and for a lot end up not remembering what relax. Breathe my friend. 1 know saying, "I told you so," probably become a missionary and travel of people.that purpose may not be happened. Oh well. you enjoy being the center of at- would not be ~.~!t_t.h ing to say. around the world, an idea that going across the world." tention, but if you keep up this Just a word of t!J.!~IJ~"\...t_J.h
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