Page 93 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 93
) C C; l_.L E G E President Coley & Laura Lange named two of Maryland's Top 100 Women Coley & Lange given honor renovation Individuals of being two persecuted for of is in the practicing Maryland's elite Falun Gong MATIHEW HURFf Women "Big" Baker Co-EdilOr-i,,-Chief politic. Chinese For one night, Memorial Chapel ook the center stage on the Hill HEATHER WEISSE hat is because Ling-ling Tu an is in the midst of ther followers of Falun Gong ex SwJJWriter On January 26, Joan lained their cultivation practice Develin Coley, the president receiving more ong with the persecution of its fol ~=~=T:;-==t"'h"-ep"'o-'-te-otC-i,-'-1 _~:::;:.~~~c:.;::~~ upgrades ewers that has been happening i ~:g::s~~r~~r:rr:~:e,CaO!- 19, l hina, on Tuesday, Feb. trustee, were declared two of the of the program. Sloane says that approximately 277 applications MICHAEl. VVSKOCli. cDanicl Lounge. statc'smostoutstandingwomenby Eddings took the program to the and the winners were chosen by a StaffWrirer Tu demonstrated the fundamen The Daily Record. next level, adding visibility to an panel of outside judges pulled Don t be surprised if you walk s of Falun Gong, whi&;b it base The Record, a Maryland busi- award she believes the winners from various industries and areas into "Big" Baker Memorial Chapel pon teachings of the ancient Chi ness paper, has been annually rec- should indeed be proud of because of the state. this summer and hear the low hum ese culture. ognizing women who make an im- winning is not an easy task. Both When asked about her most of an air-conditioner. It's just one It uses exercises and meditation pact on the state since !996. Ac- Coley and Lange were surprised - significarit personal accomplish- convenience that the Baker Reno- o achieve personal improvements. cording to Nancy Sloane, the and honored. ment, Coley jokingly replied "bal- vation Project has added to the 44- At the root of Falun Goog~ founder and director of the Mary- "You first look at the list of ancing eight plates on one arm." year-old building. rinciples of truth, compassion, land Top 100 Women list, the pro- women and think, wow, I don't The graduate of Albright College Two new restrooms will be con- orbearence, which improve th gram was created to give women belong on this list," said Lange. funded her education with schol- structed in the chapel's lobby. In y. mind and spirit. an opportunity to increase their vis- "And then you think, Ibetter work arships, loans and three campus addition, the basement will house Falun Gong was first taught b ibility among upper management. hard to make sure I really do be- jobs. On a more serious level, new offices for the faculty and staff i Hingzhi Li in 1992, "We had highly achieving, sue- long!" Coley is proud to be an educator of WMC's foreign language and Li traveled across China t cessful women in the state," said 550 women were nominated for and administrator in higher edu- religion departments, two seminar pread the practice, During this tour Sloane, "but we weren't reading the award by various community cation. rooms and a future computer labo- e explained that Falun Gong is no about them in the paper." 'The pro- and business organizations. Coley's intensive schedule ratory. religion but is instead a comple gram was founded by Sloane and AU nominees were mailed ap- keeps her constantly in motion. "The addition of air-condition- ystem of mindlbody cultivation. moved forward by Record pub- plications in October that asked She usually starts her day with ing was important because, next to 1\1 said Falun Gong is open t lisher Dick Groves; however, them to outline their career, pro- early meetings in Baltimore and the Gill Gym, Baker Chapel can nyone and free of cost to practice Sloane credits the paper's current fessional accomplishments, com- ends with entertaining campus seat seven hundred to eight hun- ccording to Forbearance, a pubJi publisher, Christopher Eddings, as munity leadership and mentoring guests at her home. Until she looks dred people .... It's the second larg- ation dedicated to Falun Gong, i est space on campus," said Dr. at her calendar each morning, the s practiced by over 100 millio Ethan Seidel, vice president of ad- president never knows whether ople in 40 different countries. ministration and finance. Before she will be spending her morning Continued on page 2 renovation, the only method of blindfolded with other Maryland -- ---- -- cooling the chapel during large leaders in order to experience how Inside blind children are educated, meet- public gatherings was by opening ing up with business personnel the windows. such as Allfirst Bank CEO Susan The air-conditioning in Baker Keating, or addressing student Chapel will run on the same cen- concerns on campus. tralized system installed in the Michael Wiles takes a look at his But Coley doesn't mind the Lewis Hall and Eaton science change of heart on the name hectic agenda; she likes to be busy. buildings. change issue. "When you can give back your "Restroorns in the lobby are an talents, whatever they might be, important feature of the renova- and give almost as much as you tion," Seidel said, "because they can get, that is success," Coley will now be internally accessible." photo collage, created by Feature said. "One individual can make an To accommodate the new bath- ditor Jessica Watson, shows off th enormous difference." rooms, one bench will be removed ownright good time people wer from the back section of the aving at the Soul Food Dinner. The president currently sits on chapel's main room. Prior to reno- the Board for Target Community vation, two restrooms. located in and Educational Services, Inc. and The Indoor track team sets several cramped quaners in the basement, is a member of the Board of Di- new records while pursuing indi- were the only bathrooms accessible rectors of the Carroll County vidual NCAA-III National Cham- Continues on page 2 Continued on page 2 pionships
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