Page 94 - Phoenix2001-02
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Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - Page 2 NEWS Falun gong practice causes problems in China Liberty Week "Big" Baker gets air Continued from page I conditioner Tu demonstrated some of the fundamen- ing the extent of the brutality of the Chinese tal exercises of Falun Gong, which include government. emphasis rom Baker's Continued from page I interior. "Buddha Showing a Thousand Hands," The video contained beating, footage of "Falun Standing Stance," and "Falun Heav- Falun Gong protest, and the efforts of politi- The renovation team of Baker Chapel i enly Circuit." cians around the world to stop the violence freedom he architectural firm of MarshallCraft As The problem facing followers in China against the followers of this practice. ociates, Inc. of Towson, Maryland. Hen Lewis Contractors is government-led persecution. The perse- "I think it is terrible what the Chinese aryland are construction of Owings Mills managers of th cution began in July 1999 because it was seen government is doing to the followers of Western Maryland roject. as a threat to the communist .rule of China. Falun Gong," said sophomore Physics rna- College senior books Baker's transformation began fast yea According to Forbearance, "The suppres- jor Brian Wingert. ith the removal sion of Falun Gong has been from the outset Ralph Nader to speak rom the building. of asbestos-based materia in direct violation of China's own constitu- Corrections tion, as well as a breech of the international during event Students may have noticed signs poste rights treaties China has signed." n the doors of the chapel warning of th So far, 366 people have died because of In swim team article, AILA ABRECHT resence of asbestos. of the building by envi An inspection the government's efforts to discourage the the coach's name was StaffWriler nmental experts revealed that the basemen practice through torture and abuse, while "Liberty and justice for alL" Most stu- oor tiles contained asbestos. incorrect. Her name is Asbestos was commonly used in build thousands more are being held in prisons, dents at Western Maryland College grew up reciting those words, but how many of us coach Kim Easterday. have given much thought to what they mean? ng materials such as floor tiles and insula ion 40 years ago. These campaigns procure What are our responsibilities as far as keep- Also, Co-captain Jon ing our country a land of liberty? und money to cover the costs of the Bake enovations It also covered the renovatio Soucy is a senior. WMC senior Jeremy Keil believes that ost of Lewis Hall and Eaton Buildings. these are questions a lot more people should In the article on think about. Keil is launching Liberty Week Coley and Lange with the goal of en- Black History in Music, near the end of March to get more involved in honored as elite women students couraging the president of the political and social activism. Continued from page J LAST MINUTE SPECIALS!! Liberty Week, which begins Monday, Chamber of Commerce. She also partici- SAVE UP TO $100 PER PERSON! Black Student Union Mar. 25 and ends Saturday, Mar. 30, is a se- pates in Leadership Maryland, Inc., an or- Ol'lanize 1'_ GrMp ..... Trw" Dn... ries of nightly lectures given by prominent ganization designed to further develop com- call for Detall.1 (BSU) name is Maya political players. munity leaders. . *' Ihokwftlla..erka'. The speakers will include the CATO When (and if) Coley ever gets a free T_~ ......._. ._,.. .. II· Redfearn. Institute's Doug Bandow with the topic evening, she likes to go out to dinner and "Freedom and Virtue," Delegate Carmen see a play. She considers herselfan avid the- Do you want to learn w at u's Amedori (Rep) addressing "Politics of the ater connoisseur and loves a good drama. like to work for a newspaper? Minority," Libertarian presidential candidate "Of Mice and Men," based on the novel by Why not write for The Phoenix. Harry Browne speaking about "Freedom and John Steinbeck, is one of her favorites. ~ Virtue," County Commissioner Julia Gouge Laura Lange would rather spend her free iiJi'44~... t... ·.cL H .... ".r. MD eetings an held eyeryMonJQ (Rep) explaining "Local Politics and You," time taking a cooking class or going out to '''''''(4'10) 859"4200 @ 6p.m. For more information, and Green Party presidential candidate Ralph dinner with her husband. Along with her family and her work, the native Texan has a (800) 648-4849 call x 8600 for more Nader with the speech "Crashing the Party." information. Also on Saturday will be a benefit con- passion for Tex-Mex food and cooking. Continued on page 3 Lange. the senior vice president and di- rector at Legg Mason Wood Walker, Inc., has been a Western Maryland College trustee since 1998. As director, Lange assists people with financial ·planning and initiated a pro- gram at Legg Mason to mentor new finan- cial advisors. She said she loves her work, both at Legg Mason and at the college. and can't remember a day not waking up and saying "I get to go to work today." In fact, that's Lange's secret to success- loving what she does. "If you find something you love and throw yourself into it, what- ever it is, you'll be good at it. Success is lim- ited in something you don't love," said Lange. Lange said that the only thing she regrets about her fast-paced career is not having as much time with her family as she would like. She credits her success as a mother and busi- nesswoman to having a supportive for the last husband who has been a full-time parent ~~AD!Es-HAmCU-r] eighteen years. profiling this years Top 100 A magazine MO:'~~~~~~£~~'Ji~~~r8~~e~~pm~~:11!~~QO'1) will in Maryland of The Daily Record. in the will be available Women Mar. 30 edition Hon- at an be formally recognized orees evening Symphony Hall in Baltimore. Meyerhoff reception on Mar. the Joseph College Square es.'iff" nnlsh. Cou;;"" CSMOO' 6_ • Coley, who is being honored for the sec- The Circle of Ex- Shopping Center ~~:!.co:!~~'!.!~!.. ond time, will be awarded one of Maryland's cellence if she is named 444 WMC Drive Top 100 Women for a third time. The Presi- to receive the award dent will not be eligible Westminster again until 2004 because award recipients cannot win in consecutive years. 410·857·0520 time? What "Retire," she joked. "No, that would do if she wins a third will Coley 410·857·0898 be a fabulous honor, an incredible honor." The Maryland's Top 100 Women ~ecep- Next to Safe way tion is open to the public. Tickets are $40 and may be purchased by calling 410-752- 3849.
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